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10/8/2020 4:14:16 PM

RPC Stories #20: The Grand Finale (Part 1)

[i]The [b]Omninavus[/b] hovered over the land, filling the sky and eclipsing the sun. The blue lights it emitted dimmed over time due to its loss of power caused by [b]Alignment’s[/b] students. It slowly floated further above [b]OffTopic[/b] until it eventually came to a halt. Below the giant ship was [b]Alignment[/b] and [b]Unity[/b]. With the assistance of the students, they had managed to subdue [b]Emphasis[/b] and [b]Proximity[/b], who lied in the dirt unconscious next to [b]Balance[/b] and a refuge of the [b]Grand Colony’s[/b] prisoners. Their crystals had been shattered, and with them, the [b]Grand Colony’s[/b] grip on their minds. [b]Unity[/b] stared at [b]Proximity[/b] as she began stirring.[/i] [b]Unity[/b]: “...I can’t speak to her. Not yet.” [b]Alignment[/b]: “Why not? It’s been two years since you last spoke, right. If you’re really going back into the ship with me to fight Contrast, this might be the last chance you get.” [b]Unity[/b]: “I’m just not ready. I don’t think she is either. She’s been thinking that I’m dead for so long, and in that amount of time, she’s changed so much. And now with so much going on, I doubt that this is the appropriate time for her to see me.” [b]Alignment[/b]: “But she’s your sister. She should know what happened to you. She doesn’t even know that you’re the Eighth Principle.” [b]Unity[/b]: “I don’t want her to know that I’ve been alive only so she could watch me die immediately after.” [i][b]Unity[/b] creates another portal in front of her[/i] [b]Unity[/b]: “I’ll be waiting for you on the ship. Please don’t tell her about me.” [i]As [b]Unity[/b] disappears into the portal, [b]Proximity[/b] awakens. [/i] [b]Proximity[/b]: “...Alignment!” [i][b]Proximity[/b] tries to quickly get to her feet, only to stumble back to the ground.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Take it easy, bud. You’re in no condition to stand, let alone fight.” [b]Proximity[/b]: “I don’t understand. What happened?” [b]Alignment[/b]: “Contrast played you for a fool, just as I said he would. He tricked you into helping him rebuild the same empire that destroyed Paradisum. This area here is his next target. With a bit of help, I managed to free you, Emphasis, Balance and survivors of Paradisum.” [b]Proximity[/b]: “I... I can’t believe it. I thought that with Contrast’s help, we could make a better future, but...” [b]Alignment[/b]: “Contrast only took advantage of your grief over the loss of your sister to get what he wanted. I’m not angry at you for letting him twist your mind, but I am angry that you didn’t stop and listen to my warnings.” [b]Proximity[/b]: “Then why are you here?” [b]Alignment[/b]: “To tell you two things. One is that I need you to take care of the rest of the prisoners for me. If I don’t come back, they’ll need someone to help them, and we both know that Emphasis is not the best person for the job. Balance doesn’t seem to be in any shape to lead either.” [b]Proximity[/b]: “What do you mean if you don’t come ba—“ [b]Alignment[/b]: “Secondly, if you ever cross me again, I won’t hesitate to leave you behind. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Unity and I are going to have a brief chat with Contrast.” [b]Proximity[/b]: “Unity? You found the Eighth Principle? Who is it?” [b]Alignment[/b]: “If I told you, you’d end up getting in the way again.” [i][b]Alignment[/b] disappeared through the portal and left [b]Proximity[/b] with the other prisoners.[/i] ——— [i][b]Unity[/b] and [b]Alignment[/b] ran through the hallways of the [b]Omninavus[/b] in search of [b]Contrast[/b]. Metal plates and scraps of once dangerous machines littered the floor. The interior of the ship was barely lit up and the only source of light came from the windows that revealed the outside world.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Any idea where he might be?” [b]Unity[/b]: “The control room is at the center of the ship. He’s most likely waiting for us there.” [i]The duo neared the entrance of the room. They stopped dead in their tracks as a man exited the door to the room. It was not [b]Contrast[/b]. It was [b]Dominance[/b]. A blue crystal on his forehead was the first thing [b]Alignment[/b] and Unity noticed.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “...I can’t believe I let him get to you, too.” [i][b]Dominance[/b] drew his great-sword and took a combative stance.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Unity, change of plans. You need to face Contrast alone.” [b]Unity[/b]: “No! We have to go together!” [b]Alignment[/b]: “There’s no time for that. I have to deal with Dominance alone. You are unified with me and Proximity, so you have our abilities in addition to yours. In a way, we are already together.” [b]Unity[/b]: “But—“ [b]Alignment[/b]: “I have full faith in you, Una. Now go!” [i][b]Unity[/b] paused for a moment, then created a portal behind [b]Dominance[/b] and entered the control room. [b]Dominance[/b] did nothing to stop her and began approaching [b]Alignment[/b]. [/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Why? Why did you leave me to help him?” [i][b]Dominance[/b] remained silent.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Answer me, Domund! Why did you betray me? Why did you abandon me like everyone else?” [i][b]Dominance[/b] still did not answer. The light from his crystal highlighted the blank expression on his face as he slowly walked towards his former teacher and quickly swung his blade. [b]Alignment[/b] barely dodged in time and looked at his former student with an expression of sorrow.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Fine. Have it your way” [i][b]Alignment[/b] took out his ball, split it into four and created a laser in between the fourth ball and the group of three, forming a sword of his own.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “If I must defeat you to get an answer, so be it.” [spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]
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