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9/2/2020 4:41:21 PM

Through Dreams, Darkly (pt. 1)

In the waning days of the Apocalypse, the Witch Queen performed a ritual and great beam of light shattered the tallest mountain peak. The beam pierced a hole through reality and steadily grew as a massive horror watched and waited on the other side. It also sent occasional pulses of negative energy throughout the land that interfered with magic and technology, and siphoned energy from the living. Deep within the mountain, the Dwarven Paladin Benaiah shattered the Witch's Orb, putting an end to the ritual. The portal closed and the mountain collapsed around him, but his sacrifice gave the heroes of Offtopic the opportunity to defeat the Witch Queen. However, pockets of negative energy still linger in the areas surrounding the mountains, making travel difficult and having strange effects on flora, fauna, and the local inhabitants. This area is known as the Witchscar, and at it's edge, along an abandoned road deep within the woods, is where our journey begins... [spoiler]Oh, you thought this would begin at my mansion? You fool! Also the Witchscar has totally existed since last Christmas... It's an adventure, just go with it! Anyway, I'm gonna do stuffs differently this time around. Firstly, I'm not setting aside a few hours to run things and shutting it all down after the fact. I'm gonna do that "respond as I can" thing and try to get everyone to the end. So feel free to ping me if I don't respond after awhile, but also don't ping me every 5 minutes. Bear with me, I'm juggling cats here! Secondly, I use dice and 5e D&D stuffs so if you use them too, neat! If not, don't worry about it, I got little templates built for determining things like if you hit or get hit and a list of damage types, all based on descriptions of your things! Also hey, please describe your things. Thirdly! I mostly planned for lone adventurers, but if you wanna run with a few others that's cool too. I'm adaptable. I think that's all...I put far too much effort into this, hope everyone has fun![/spoiler]
#Offtopic #Nil

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  • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 9/20/2020 8:30:12 AM
    [spoiler][quote]You are a tomboyish knight in the matriarchy of Octavia. You live to seek adventure, tell amazing stories, and maybe find love. You exit out your house searching for new kingdoms and places to discover. You enter a tavern to get some breakfast. They've got some sort of lizard creature on the menu today, it looks a bit strange but you're hungry you order it anyway. You order your lizard and some mead. > Edged wait for Edged's mead. When it arrives it tastes a bit funny, but you're pretty hungry and thirsty so you drink it anyway. It's not long before you start feeling weird though. "These waiters, where do they find these idiots? I told him mead!" > Edged finds a waiter. You find a waiter and call him over, it's the same one that brought you the drink, oddly enough. "Hey! I asked for mead." You say angrily. "You got mead madam." He responds. > Edged says "What kind of mead?" "What kind of mead?" "Yes, what kind of mead did I order." "Oh, uhm..." He ponders for a second. "Troll mead." This answer is confusing. Troll mead? > Edged says "Like it's made of trolls? Gross!" "Like it's made of trolls?" The waiter looks shocked. "We don't serve trolls here!" "So what, you just put random words together and hope for the best? Troll mead, pfft. > Edged says "You serve the trolls?" "Yeah." The waiter nods. "We have a whole secret basement dedicated to them." > Edged says "Nextime, how about normal mead?" "Yeah, next time, how about normal mead?" He nods. "Yes, normal mead." That should work. You return to your seat and wait for the drink. It's not long before it arrives. > Edged ponder about Edged's life. You've had a pretty interesting life so far. You were born as the only daughter to the king and queen of the kingdom of Atmora, the largest kingdom in the world. > Edged think about Atmora. Amoria is pretty diverse, and at the same time, very segregated. The people of the desert are kept in their own part of the kingdom and usually only deal with trading. > Edged edged think about the matriarchy of Octavia. It's very easy to tell whether you're in a matriarchy or not in the city. You only see men in their military garb, and they all have a more serious look on their faces. > Edged think about the royal family of Atmora. You're the princess of Atmora, but you've always found it kind of a chore. You never wanted to become a princess. You wanted to go on adventures, meet interesting people, get into danger, and explore the world! > Edged exit the kingdom. You exit the kingdom and find yourself outside Atmora. You wonder where you should go. Go to Vosnia? > Edged go to Vosnia. You head over to Vosnia, a city in the middle of a desert. It's odd that there's a city here, but it does seem to get along with everyone. Go to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords? Go to Galenas? > Edged think about Vosnia. Vosnia is a quaint city, but it's overrun by goblins. The goblins haven't attacked anything outside their territory yet, but who knows how long that will last. Go to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords? Go to Galenas? > Edged go to the inn in vosnia You head to the inn in Vosnia. It's bustling, and you can see a few bards on stage. "Hello," you say to a nearby barmaid. "I'd like a drink." "Sure thing. What would you like?" > Edged says "Water? Ha ha! No! Just mead, please." "Me too," your friends chime in. "Coming right up!" The barmaid says. She soon comes back with five mugs of mead. You all quickly down them, and motion for more. Soon, you're all feeling pretty good. > Edged feel attracted to one of the bards playing. You start dancing a little closer to one of the bards. He smiles at you and starts playing a new song, one that he wrote just for you. He comes over to talk to you personally and is instantly wooed by your stunning good looks. > Edged continue to dance with the bard. The bard takes you over to his music buddies and says, "This woman is the muse to my music. I simply cannot play without her by my side." The other bards laugh good naturedly and you all have a good time. > Edged in the morning, Edged leave the inn. You say goodbye to the bard and his music buddies. The barmaid finds you and hands you your bill. You pay the bill and leave. > Edged find a companion. You head to the edge of town and find a nice, cheap inn to stay in. You're not there for more than a few minutes when a man tries to talk to you. You brush him off. He offers to buy you dinner. > Edged says "What's the shakedown?" "I just want to talk." "How did you know I was new in town?" "Everyone's new in town. We don't get too many new people here. This place is perfect for someone like you looking to settle down." > Edged says "Talk about what exactly?" The man looks around and gets closer to you. > Edged says "Back off" You walk away, but he follows. The man seems to ignore your attempts to get him to leave you alone. He finally says, "So, what are you looking for in a husband?" You ignore him and head home. > Edged find a horse, and pack for another town. You head to the stables where you find a strong, sturdy horse. You pay the stables and begin your journey. > Edged travel the desert looking for adventure. The desert is vast. You have no idea where you'll go or what you'll do. You just know that you need to get away from the city. After many days of travel, you find a strange oasis. > Edged get out Edged's empty jugs. You get out your empty jugs. An old woman approaches you and says, "You look thirsty, my dear." "I am," you say, lowering your jugs. She smiles at you. > Edged says "What can an old woman possibly be doing here?" "Here," the old lady says, handing you a jug of water. You take a swig of water. "Thank you," you say, handing her back the jug. She looks at you closely, "What brings you out this far? > Edged says "Just passing by." She takes a look at your sword and seems impressed. "I didn't know there were any babarian raiders this far north." You take a seat next to her by the fire. > Edged says "Barbarian raiders?" The old woman looks at you suspiciously. "You're not one of those barbarians are you?" "Of course not," you say, offended. She remains silent. You sigh, "Look, I'm not a barbarian raider." > Edged says "What makes you think that, by my armour?" She shrugs, "Most people who come out here are barbarians or want to become one." "What's wrong with barbarians?" you say. She looks at you seriously and says, "Nothing. > Edged says "Really? Are you sure?" She breaks into a deep belly laugh. She tries to stifle it, but she continues to laugh for at least a minute more. > Edged says "I guess I will take my leave." "You didn't even stay to see if I had gold." "To be quite honest, I don't really care. Sorry if that offended you, but as I said before I'm not here to judge you." You stand up and get on your horse. > Edged edged head farther across the desert. The next day you find yourself surrounded by darkness. You must have fallen asleep on the horse. You open your eyes and see a faint light up ahead, a campfire. > Edged start to be very cautious and weary. You tiptoe closer to the campfire and hide behind a rock. You see a campfire and three men, well they aren't men, they are goblins. "I'm telling you Holgart it was a bad idea letting the human in." > Edged try to overhear their conversation. You lean forward and pay extreme attention to their conversation. "I don't understand why you are complaining so much, the human has brought us a lot of success." "You really think she is one of us? > Edged wonder what these goblins are talking about. "Yes, I believe so. She has brought us great fortune." "So what if she has? Why should we trust a human?" One of the goblins stands up and begins to walk around restlessly. > Edged hide and stay quiet. You duck for cover, but the goblins have spotted you. "What is that?" "A human." "Let's kill it." You unsheathe your blade as the goblins get closer to you. > Edged says "Then die goblin" You swing but miss the first goblin and it hits you in the gut with it's blade. You gasp for air and try to stand up, but another goblin has struck you in the head. > Edged deflect their blows and try to slay the goblins. You roll out of the way of the goblins and slice open one of their legs. The goblin falls to the ground and you finish it off with a stab to the neck. You then run your sword through the third goblin. > Edged disarm the third goblin. You strike the blade out of his hand and kick him to the ground. You then finish him off with a chop to the neck. "Why did you kill our brothers?" "Because they were idiots." You twirl your blade around and face the leader.[/quote][/spoiler]

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