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Edited by DarkEraser: 7/18/2020 7:19:25 AM

The Story of Saitonia 3rd Arc: Episode 32 (104): Into the Hollows

(The [b]Whitefang[/b] ship sets down and the elites exit. They then enter the portal to the [b]Descendant Hollow[/b].) _______________________________________ (The squad has descended further into the hollows, and it's way more massive than where they've entered. It has a dark green, rocky interior, with streams of lavender energy alongside. There's also a good 20 feet of length and width within.) *The squad stops at 2 pathways, both leading to different locations within the [b]Descendant Hollow[/b].* [b]Kavita:[/b] Heyy, this may seem like a bad idea, but what if [b]Terranova's[/b] servants could be in here as well, and they could be luring us into a trap? They probably have split up so that they could take us from behind if we all manage to find [b]Terranova[/b]. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Soooo? [b]Kavita:[/b] Maybe we could split up too so that he has less numbers protecting his [b]a[/b]ss? [b]Saitonia:[/b] I don't know...but if you can make it work, then... [b]Kasaro:[/b] I think it'll work! Let's go destroy his servants, Kav! [b]Himeki:[/b] I'll help with some mitigation. [b]Junos[/b]? [b]Junos:[/b] Sure. Strength in numbers, friends. [b]Kavita:[/b] Alriiight! Let's go! *The 4 take the left path and proceed downwards.* [b]Cathera:[/b] *activates her sensing* I feel opposing presences within the hollows. *Cat runs over to the left path and yells out "Kav!" which gets her attention. Kav turns back and looks up at her.* [b]Kavita:[/b] Yeah?! [b]Cathera:[/b] I sensed enemy presence in here, so wherever you're led to, you just might find his servants. [b]Kavita:[/b] Thanks. I must be on the right track. *continues down with the other 3 as Cat rejoins the other group* _______________________________________ *Sai's group travels further and further until they are met with a huge black door.* [b]Ainotias:[/b] *sighs* Let me guess, we need some sort of exotic item to open this door. [b]Avionia:[/b] Or we can take it down by force. Seems like too much, but I think it'll do. _______________________________________ (Back outside, in [b]Paladuras[/b]. An S.S. ship flies down to the battle between [b]Terranova's[/b] army, and the noblemen hunters.) *As some S.S. from the ship fires their rifles at the army, making them scatter, the General emerges and signals some noblemen hunters to come with.* [b]General:[/b] Alright, noblemen, we've both have located [b]Terranova's[/b] lair! Let's infiltrate it now! *Unit 32 looks up at the ship.* [b]Tarano:[/b] Well, let's go, team! *Unit 32 jumps a good 14 feet up to the ship. Some other noblemen hunters join them while the rest fight off [b]Terranova's[/b] army. The ship then takes off north.* *A few minutes later, the ship arrives at the lair. A black pyramid with red lines, half of it is beneath the ocean. Some of [b]Terranova's[/b] minions head outside and start firing at the ship with their bayonet rifles. The S.S. inside the ship fire back while the ship lands on the runway. As the ship lands and everyone exits, the General shoots his shotgun at a minion, blowing their head off. He then kills 3 more minions before reloading, but 3 noblemen hunters take out the remaining 3 minions.* *Everyone approaches the entrance. [b]Izalles[/b] peeks at the see-through red glass to see a horde ready to attack, and moves away from the glass.* [b]Izalles:[/b] Okay, I peeked in there, and there's a bunch of em' ready for us. [b]Irenade[/b]? [b]Irenade:[/b] I'm gonna do it. *[b]Irenade[/b] holds her grenade launcher steadily, but then 2 S.S. members see a red, holographic field guarding the door. They run to it and attach 2 hockey puck-shaped devices to the field, letting it disintegrate for 4 seconds. As the 2 S.S. move out of the way, [b]Irenade[/b] then fires at the door, blowing it up. Everyone all together infiltrates and fights the horde of [b]Terranova's[/b] minions.* _______________________________________ (Inside an boutique store in the plaza in [b]Sakrisen[/b]) *Rose peeks from a dresser and then stands up while everyone else stays hidden. She walks to the door to see 2 of her paparazzi running in with cameras.* [b]Paparazzo:[/b] Oh, Ms. Rose, we've found you. [b]Rose:[/b] *annoyed expression* Ugh, this isn't the time! Go hide somewhere, damnit! *The paparazzi choose to hide under tables, camera equipment still attached to them.* *Rose takes a quick look outside and finds a minion about to attack her. She quickly unsheathes her custom fencing sword and slits it's neck, dropping to the floor dead. Rose then walks back into the boutique store.* _______________________________________ (Back in the [b]Descendant Hollow[/b]) *Everyone has used portions of their power to break down the door as it has lots of cracks and dents in it. Sai turns into his [b]Engyma[/b], charges up the claw in his left hand, this time, a surge of light blue and purple energy fills the claw. He lunges and swings his claw at the door, breaking it apart and making good enough space to walk through.* [b]Tenerus:[/b] You could have teleported. [b]Saitonia:[/b] *turns back to normal* But then I'd have to break it on the other side, which would take more time. *Cat's cator beeps. She answers it and Kav is revealed calling her.* [b]Kavita:[/b] *on cator* Holy sh[b]i[/b]t, I heard a loud crash echo from here. What happened?! [b]Cathera:[/b] We had to destroy a very pretty strong door. [b]Vandren:[/b] And I'd say that [b]Terranova[/b] or one of his goons could be behind the door. [b]Kavita:[/b] Ugh, I wasn't asking you, [b]Vandren[/b]. [b]Vandren:[/b] Chiilll, Kavy. [b]Cathera:[/b] *lowly, to Van* You think she said that out of spite? [b]Vandren:[/b] Most likely. Insecure women always want to put fellow ones down to make themselves feel superior. [b]Cathera:[/b] Kav, anything to retaliate with? [b]Kavita:[/b] Nope. No no nonono, he's right. Sorry, sooorry. *hangs up* [b]Cathera:[/b] *turns off her cator* _______________________________________ (At [b]Terranova's[/b] lair) *Some random S.S. members die in the attack on the horde, but there's more of the horde of [b]Terranova's[/b] minions dying. [b]Shizaki[/b] walks in on the carnage and sends a huge wave of energy that knocks everyone away. Most S.S. and noblemen hunters scatter.* *[b]Xiora[/b] sends attacks towards [b]Shizaki[/b], who easily dodges them all. [b]Xiora[/b] then sends electricity from her baton to [b]Shizaki[/b], and it hits her, but she's barely affected by it. She cancels out the electricity by blocking her chest, where the electricity was touching her, and creates dark red energy from her hand. [b]Shizaki[/b]'s energy takes over [b]Xiora[/b]'s energy and it gets fired at [b]Xiora[/b] and blows her away.* *As [b]Shizaki[/b] walks to the downed [b]Xiora[/b], an S.S. member jumps in and swings at her, only to get sent flying with an energy beam. As [b]Shizaki[/b] stands over [b]Xiora[/b], she grabs [b]Xiora[/b]'s shirt, making her regain consciousness. She then sends 2 brutal punches to [b]Xiora[/b]'s face, causing herself to lose her grip after the 2nd punch. [b]Shizaki[/b] grabs onto [b]Xiora[/b]'s shirt again, her bloodied face looking at [b]Shizaki[/b], right before she sends 1 final punch that puts her to sleep.* [b][i]*Continuing Below*[/i][/b]

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  • [b][i]*Continued Below*[/i][/b] *As [b]Shizaki[/b] stands up, she gets sprayed by bullets from [b]Izalles[/b]' AR. Somehow able to withstand the shots, she retaliates by teleporting to [b]Izalles[/b] and kneeing her in the gut, making her squirm. [b]Shizaki[/b] then fires down another energy wave that [b]Izalles[/b] luckily jumps out of the way of, but unfortunately hits some random S.S. and noblemen hunters, and also causing a small explosion as clouds of smoke form within the lobby.* *[b]Kuroda[/b] and [b]Lancis[/b] run into another room. [b]Kuroda[/b] uses his strength to close the huge door and lock it.* *As the smoke clears, [b]Izalles[/b] lowers her arm from covering her eyes. She takes a look to find no opposing threat in her view. As she starts to stand up, she gets smacked in the face by [b]Shizaki[/b] with an S.S. rifle, knocking her out.* [b]Shizaki:[/b].....*sighs* Another down, just a few more left. *[b]Shizaki[/b] drops the rifle and runs to the door that's locked. She starts elbowing the heavy black door, which causes it to shake a small bit. She elbows the door 7 more times, and then charges energy up and blasts the door down with another energy wave. As she steps in, she's "greeted" by Unit 32 noblemen hunters, with [b]Izalles[/b] somehow back up and actually making it to the exact room another way.* [b]Tarano:[/b] Watcher. *smirks* [b]Izalles:[/b] *aiming her AR at [b]Shizaki[/b]* Come know this place. Why didn't you just get in here the other way? *pants* [b]Shizaki:[/b] *lowly* Son of a- *[b]Xiora[/b] lunges from behind and hits [b]Shizaki[/b] in her back with her baton, electrifying her. [b]Shizaki[/b] swings energy at [b]Xiora[/b], but she jumps back and sends clones of herself rushing [b]Shizaki[/b], who then sends an explosion around her body to ward off the clones. [b]Shizaki[/b] then gets hit by a toxic grenade as the toxic blue smoke fills the spot she's standing in.* [b]Shizaki:[/b] *covers her mouth while coughing and jumps away from that spot* [b]Yaoni:[/b] *gets out of cover and gets closer to the action* I'm guessing the watcher isn't so resilient against toxic. *Unit 32 all start to rush [b]Shizaki[/b].* _______________________________________ (In the [b]Descendant Hollow[/b]) *Kav's group goes down further and further. They are then met by crystallized purple pillars surrounding a rocky, dark green circle.* [b]Junos:[/b] Is this some sort of summoning circle? [b]Himeki:[/b] Looks like it. *Kav walks outside to see that the interior is just a dark purple abyss. She also spots a long, slim walkway leading to a cathedral. She looks down to see more walkways, along with watch towers, stretched out within the hollows.* [b]Kavita:[/b] *walks back in* You think they could be all the way over there? [b]Kasaro:[/b] I'd guess so. I won't be surprised if we do. *Red energy flashes over them and they're suddenly hit by a wave that knockes them out.* _______________________________________ (Minutes later, Kav and [b]Himeki[/b] wake up to find themselves inside the cathedral.) [b]Kavita:[/b] *groans and stands up* [b]Himeki:[/b] [b]Kavita[/b]? [b]Kavita:[/b] Yeah...I'm here. [b]Himeki:[/b] I see [b]Kasaro[/b] and [b]Junos[/b] tied to that totem. *As the 2 run towards [b]Kasaro[/b] and [b]Junos[/b], [b]Deminova[/b] emerges from the right side, making the 2 stop and take out their weapons.* [b]Deminova:[/b] Well, the chains could fully wrap around 2 of you, soooo, yeah. *Without thought, [b]Himeki[/b] lunges at [b]Deminova[/b], her fan ready to strike. She swings twice, only for him to dodge both attacks. He then summons a blunt weapon in his right hand and butts [b]Himeki[/b] in the head, staggering her. He strikes her 1 more time with the blunt weapon that knocks her out, while not looking, turns the blunt weapon into a blade and slices an oncoming [b]Razor Edge[/b] shuriken.* [b]Deminova:[/b] *hears the chains rattling, the 2 trying to free themselves* It'll take much more to break those chains. By the time you do, you'll be drained. [b]Kavita:[/b] *lowly* Motherfff... *She hears footsteps coming from behind her. [b]Ikinaki[/b] and the [b]Whitefang[/b] elites enter the cathedral.* [b]Vyzin:[/b] Well, she's not [b]Clockshot[/b]. [b]Kaspri:[/b] Let's kill her before she has any chances of taking our prey! [b]Deminova:[/b] Well, looks like a double-edged sword for you. [b]Kavita:[/b] *thinks to herself* (Come on, [b]Razor Edge Bladelight[/b], channel something to me!) [b]Deminova:[/b] Soooo, it's me vs. you vs. a squad of [b]Whitefang[/b]. With some audience, and 1 has fell asleep. I guess I get a red card for knocking someone out in the audience. *[b]Kaspri[/b] summons her floating bike. [b]Karunaze[/b] readies his explosives and [b]Aiichi[/b] reloads her sniper.* [b]Ikinaki:[/b] I guess we'll have to get through you. *Kav turns back to [b]Deminova[/b] and the [b]Whitefang[/b] elites continuously, then comes to a stop.* [b]Kavita:[/b] What a crucial standoff. [b]Deminova:[/b] Indeed it is. I'll make the first move. *He transforms his left hand into a cannon and fires at Kav.* [b][i][To be continued....][/i][/b] _______________________________________ [b][u]END:[/u][/b] [spoiler][b]Erased....[/b][/spoiler]

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