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7/6/2020 10:41:59 PM

The Story of Saitonia 3rd Arc: Episode 30 (102): We're Ready for You, Tyrannical Despot

(Next morning, at the twins' safehouse.) [b]Saitonia:[/b] *wakes up on the couch and looks to see Aino walking to the windows and looking out at it* [b]Ainotias:[/b] Sai, look at this. *As Sai gets up, yelling is heard outside. They look to find a mob of people all walking towards some specific location.* [b]Saitonia:[/b] An angry mob, what for? *They see 1 specific person, holding up a sign that says "If the government can't take down [b]Terranova[/b], then we will!".* [b]Ainotias:[/b] I mean, S.S. and noblemen hunters are also focused on that. [b]Saitonia:[/b] The people of [b]Saitranovia[/b] are angry, likely because innocent [b]erasers[/b] and many others are dying at the hands of [b]Terranova[/b], and no one is strong enough, or so, have the will, to face him. Pff, well here we are. [b]Ainotias:[/b] Let's go to Sage and [b]Saffyre[/b]. Ask if they have seen anything abnormal. _______________________________________ [b][u]*Cliche-ass opening theme plays*[/u][/b] _______________________________________ (Later, the twins arrive at the [b]annihilator[/b] twins' safehouse in [b]Paladuras[/b]. Aino knocks on the door, and Saff answers.) [b]Saffyre:[/b] Ohh, Sai, Aino... [b]Saitonia:[/b] Heya Saff, have you 2 seen an assemblage of angry people throughout the districts? *The twins enter the safehouse.* [b]Saffyre:[/b] Well, yeah. People were screaming, yelling, even fighting each other. [b]Ainotias:[/b] I guess we have a riot commencing as well. [b]Sage:[/b] *walks in on the 3* Ohh, what's up, twins? [b]Ainotias:[/b] Ironic...or coincidental. [b]Sage:[/b] What? [b]Ainotias:[/b] A twin referring to another twin as twin. [b]Sage:[/b] *nearly laughs* [b]Saitonia:[/b] The whole mainland is pissed, Sage. A riot just might break out over the governments' irresponsibility. [b]Saffyre:[/b] I mean, when has a riot not broke out due to the government being irresponsible? [b]Saitonia:[/b] Yeah, but this time, it's [b]Terranova[/b]. Soooooo, mass genocide is possible, which correlates with the killing of [b]erasers[/b] and more specifically, anyone sided with me. *The sound of glass shattering alerts the 4. They look to see that it came from outside, following the sound of something being set on fire and some yelling.* [b]Ainotias:[/b] Dunno what kind of glass they broke, but damn that's loud. Especially from up here. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Let's head to the citadel. Nobility's gotta step in on this outburst. _______________________________________ (The 4 head inside the citadel and are met by [b]The Monarch[/b], who standing in the middle, arms folded, watching around him.) [b]The Monarch:[/b] *notices the 4* Ahhh, you're the twins Unit 32 knows. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Hello, Monarch. [b]The Monarch:[/b] Their Chinese-[b]Terranovian[/b] ally [b]Xiora[/b] should be with them as well. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Thanks- [b]The Monarch:[/b] Oh, and by the way, we've tracked down [b]Terranova[/b]. He's in a lair very far from [b]Saitranovia[/b]. I'll be making an announcement soon, so if you want to see them, best do it now. [b]Saitonia:[/b] We are, actually. [b]The Monarch:[/b] Oh, well nevermind. _______________________________________ (The 2 twins arrive at the door of Unit 32's preparation room. It opens up automatically and reveals [b]Triapika[/b].) [b]Triapika:[/b] *leans forward, hands gripped on the dividers* What the hell do you want? [b]Ainotias:[/b] *whispers to Sai* Entitled [b]Sakiro[/b]. *snickers* [b]Saitonia:[/b] *to [b]Triapika[/b]* Your monarch tracked down [b]Terranova[/b]'s little hidden lair, and a riot is about to break out in all of [b]Saitranovia[/b]. [b]Triapika:[/b] What does [b]Terranova[/b] have to do with you? [b]Saitonia:[/b] Pretty much the reason why we're in this timeline. Caused mass genocide then, and perhaps he'll cause another soon. [b]Tarano:[/b] *approaches [b]Triapika[/b]* Tria, be nice. *[b]Triapika[/b] moves away* Great to see you again. Come in. *The 4 walk in. They spot [b]Kuroda[/b], [b]Izalles[/b], and [b]Irenade[/b] crouched, picking weaponry out of a bag, [b]Lancis[/b] holding a holographic yellow map, and [b]Xiora[/b] lying on a bed.* [b]Kuroda:[/b] *hands [b]Izalles[/b]' AR to her* Here's your assault rifle. [b]Izalles:[/b] In exquisite condition too. Nice. [b]Irenade:[/b] *pulls out her grenade launcher from the bag* This is going to be one brutally tiring war. [b]Triapika:[/b] Yeah. Millions will die, billions and gazillions in [b]zepiks[/b] for reparations. [b]Izalles:[/b] *stands up* It's so typical. Millions of people have to die for one problem to end, especially if it's at the fault of a despot; they'd want to see innocents go down with them. [b]Sage:[/b] We can hope all the death and destruction can open a door of utopia for decades, at least, mostly a utopia. [b]Izalles:[/b] *turns to Sage and chuckles while smiling* Yeah. [b]Tarano:[/b] *sighs* We must already be old, fighting in all these wars. [b]Lancis:[/b] You're exaggerating, [b]Tarano[/b]. We're still fairly young. [b]Irenade:[/b] Haha, yeah! [b]Triapika[/b] isn't even 25 yet and [b]Izalles[/b] has yet to hit 30. [b]Tarano[/b], you're the oldest, but you're not as old as you think. [b]Sage/Saffyre:[/b] *both giggle* [b]Xiora:[/b] *sits up* [b]Terranova[/b] and his army is our central priority. If majority of [b]Saitranovia[/b]'s forces; such as you noblemen hunters, the S.S., the army, even the standard hunters. If most focused on him while the rest stay back and control everyone else, the chances of [b]Terranova[/b] falling will be higher. [b]Tarano:[/b] Giving you the benefit of a doubt there, [b]Xiora[/b]. Who knows how easy it is to control 600 million people, with about 150 million per district? But more numbers on the primary problem might be a good idea. [b]Triapika:[/b] Twins! *Sai and Aino turn to her, she then looks at the [b]annihilator[/b] twins* Even you too, [b]annihilators[/b]. [b]Ainotias:[/b] Yeah? [b]Triapika:[/b] *takes off her mask, revealing to be Asian/Caucasian mix, purple hair nearly covering her right eye* I'll be honest, I think I've been quite an [b]a[/b]sshole to you. It was only to test you because, well, shouldn't take most things for granted. Maybe bigger threats await us, but I'm trusting you to take out that damn tyrant and save the planet, maybe even the universe. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Why thanks, [b]Triapika[/b]. [b]Izalles:[/b] Wow. That's actually nice of you, Tria. *An alarm goes off, signaling all of the noblemen hunters.* [b]Saitonia:[/b] It's time. We're off to the S.S. headquarters. *The 2 twins exit the citadel.* _______________________________________ (The 2 twins arrive at the S.S. headquarters and look to see the Delta Trio at the entrance.) [b]Tony:[/b] *notices the 4* Ayyyy, it's the troublemakers! Haha i'm kidding! Good to see that you've also been noticin' the city. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Yeah. It seems like Judgement Day is now, unless we put a stop to it. [b]Yaoni:[/b] Surely, [b]Saitonia[/b]. Everyone else is inside and we're waiting for the General. *The 7 hear roars from 5 S.S. ships flying in the sky. They look up and see the ships zoom past them.* [b][i]*Continuing Below*[/i][/b]

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