[quote]It’s a system that shows little respect for player time investment.
Mainly due to RNG. But the Milestones system makes it 10 times worse.
The RNG was tolerable during the last years of Destiny 1 because “Smart Loot” meant that virtually ever drop was progressing you:
But in the current system most drops do nothing for you, and the Milestones system limits the numbers of drops that can progress you. Without Prime Engrams this system would be completely broken.
I once quit in frustration trying to level up a fourth character on pc (pre-cross save). I did it because I got stuck at the same power level for three weeks because I got nothing but boots and kinetic weapons as powerful drops. And I’d only managed to progress 30 levels in six weeks, and was looking at another 50 just to get to the point where I could play the current seasonal content.
I don’t condone the AFK farming but I understand the frustration and fatigue people are feeling as the look up and see the massive progression hurdle between them and playing anything but the new pub event.
I dropped back down to 990 after loss of the Seasonal Artifact.
So I was looking at 30 levels just to get to the point where I could do the lowest level NF that actually give currency.
I was looking at 50 levels to get to 1040 and completing the dungeon becomes a realistic possibility.
And Bungie has structured things—-again—-so that the path is really unrewarding. I’ve been getting the same three weapons over and over and over again: the AR, the Bow, and the FR.
The game is a grind with no meaningful loot.[/quote]
It sure is. I miss the old way of leveling back in D1. None of this pinnacle nonsense.
I hear you. I’ve been complaint about The Milestone System since the Warmind days. But Bungie just keeps slapping bandaids on this broken system, and then kicks the can down the road. While the player base is slowly being exhausted and burned out by the unrewarding grind.
[quote]I hear you. I’ve been complaint about The Milestone System since the Warmind days. But Bungie just keeps slapping bandaids on this broken system, and then kicks the can down the road. While the player base is slowly being exhausted and burned out by the unrewarding grind.[/quote] I have no idea why they decided to make the game bigger with meaningless loot..
Because Destiny 2 was designed to be a campaign shooter with a pvp end game, and an e-sport. That faction is gone from Bungie, and Smith and Crew inherited a flawed game that they are going into their third year of trying to [i]fix.[/i]