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originally posted in: Why people are afk farming
6/14/2020 7:20:59 PM
It’s Loot Cave 2.0. Bungie has never been able to supply the game with enough loot to keep people playing. So they used playing hide-and-seek with progression to artificially extend playtime. People are tired of this RNG-based progression system. We’ve complained about it for years...and now the community is pushing back.

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  • Spot on.

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  • I mean afk farming isn't exactly pushing back. In even the best loot games, exploits are always found and used

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  • Yes. But not to this degree, unless there is a larger problem in the game.

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  • This was pretty much my response on another thread, which was later locked/closed by mods. I just can’t understand the outrage over AFK farming, especially when this game has so many other issues going on. The sprint-cancel glitch, for example, is a much larger problem as it makes the game unplayable for the majority of controller players. And guess what? Bungie couldn’t push a fix for this until today (or so we’ve been told) which is absolutely unacceptable. This is not a minor bug. A good chunk of people legit can’t even move around, and this is in the first week of a brand new season. In addition to that, an endgame activity (Trials) has to be disabled due to more glitches. Last season people got screwed out of rewards, and this season people can’t access the social space (Lighthouse) to pick up their flawless reward - which is a pinnacle btw along with an ascendant shard. Good thing they didn’t bring the game mode back half-baked, right? My point is - I’m not going to feel bad for a second about AFK farming. I’ve been screwed, like many of you, out of rewards and countless hours due to glitches in this game. If Bungie didn’t release “content” that was so glitchy, I think most people would be less inclined to take advantage of these exploits - I know I would be.

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  • People don’t exploit things like that if they feel adequately rewarded for their efforts. Something this game has always had problems with. Loot games run on generosity, and Bungie’s default is always stinginess. Then you add the unaddressed problem created by this RNG-ladened, gear-based progression system....

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  • [quote]People don’t exploit things like that if they feel adequately rewarded for their efforts. Something this game has always had problems with....[/quote] That was exactly my point, so we’re both on the same page 👍

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  • [quote]Then you add the unaddressed problem created by this RNG-ladened, gear-based progression system....[/quote] I'm on the fence with this one. On the one hand, I don't mind RNG - I think back to the excitement I felt in D1 when I [i]finally[/i] got the drop/roll I wanted. But on the other, there are only a handful of activities I can do to make any serious progress, and the risk of unneeded duplicates is always there. But that's always been the case, so is it a net zero deal? It would rock the entire game system and change the way a lot of mods worked, but I'd actually like to see stat boosts removed from armor entirely and make them character-based rather than gear-based, and have gear only affect total Power. Hunters could have higher base mobility, Warlocks higher base recovery, Titans higher base resilience, and go on from there. That way people would still be investing time to progress, but not only for the sake of Power; and armor would not be the limiting factor in people's builds beyond whether or not it was the Power you needed.

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  • RNG is okay for loot. Its not-okay for progression. Which is why tying progression to loot-drops has been an endless source of headaches for this game....and every other game that followed Bungie down this road.

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  • [quote]It’s Loot Cave 2.0. Bungie has never been able to supply the game with enough loot to keep people playing. So they used playing hide-and-seek with progression to artificially extend playtime. People are tired of this RNG-based progression system. We’ve complained about it for years...and now the community is pushing back.[/quote] Yep. Exactly right. If leveling wasn’t so tedious and boring it would be a different story.

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  • It’s a system that shows little respect for player time investment. Mainly due to RNG. But the Milestones system makes it 10 times worse. The RNG was tolerable during the last years of Destiny 1 because “Smart Loot” meant that virtually ever drop was progressing you: But in the current system most drops do nothing for you, and the Milestones system limits the numbers of drops that can progress you. Without Prime Engrams this system would be completely broken. I once quit in frustration trying to level up a fourth character on pc (pre-cross save). I did it because I got stuck at the same power level for three weeks because I got nothing but boots and kinetic weapons as powerful drops. And I’d only managed to progress 30 levels in six weeks, and was looking at another 50 just to get to the point where I could play the current seasonal content. I don’t condone the AFK farming but I understand the frustration and fatigue people are feeling as the look up and see the massive progression hurdle between them and playing anything but the new pub event. I dropped back down to 990 after loss of the Seasonal Artifact. So I was looking at 30 levels just to get to the point where I could do the lowest level NF that actually give currency. I was looking at 50 levels to get to 1040 and completing the dungeon becomes a realistic possibility. And Bungie has structured things—-again—-so that the path is really unrewarding. I’ve been getting the same three weapons over and over and over again: the AR, the Bow, and the FR. The game is a grind with no meaningful loot.

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  • Talk to me about it, 2 days ago I was regularly chasing, and grinding, loot to lvl up. After my sixth helmet in a row, all at the same pwr lvl of course (no more pinnacle engrams to get), I thought eff this shit, I'm going to the farm like everyone else, and actually play new content finally. This is why everyone is farming forges, the progression model, with this kind of rng, just doesn't work !

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  • I know what you’re feeling. I’ve been there.

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  • [quote]It’s a system that shows little respect for player time investment. Mainly due to RNG. But the Milestones system makes it 10 times worse. The RNG was tolerable during the last years of Destiny 1 because “Smart Loot” meant that virtually ever drop was progressing you: But in the current system most drops do nothing for you, and the Milestones system limits the numbers of drops that can progress you. Without Prime Engrams this system would be completely broken. I once quit in frustration trying to level up a fourth character on pc (pre-cross save). I did it because I got stuck at the same power level for three weeks because I got nothing but boots and kinetic weapons as powerful drops. And I’d only managed to progress 30 levels in six weeks, and was looking at another 50 just to get to the point where I could play the current seasonal content. I don’t condone the AFK farming but I understand the frustration and fatigue people are feeling as the look up and see the massive progression hurdle between them and playing anything but the new pub event. I dropped back down to 990 after loss of the Seasonal Artifact. So I was looking at 30 levels just to get to the point where I could do the lowest level NF that actually give currency. I was looking at 50 levels to get to 1040 and completing the dungeon becomes a realistic possibility. And Bungie has structured things—-again—-so that the path is really unrewarding. I’ve been getting the same three weapons over and over and over again: the AR, the Bow, and the FR. The game is a grind with no meaningful loot.[/quote] then quit.

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  • Didn't say they hate Destiny, just that the grind is (and it is) too much and unrewarding, especially with RNG. Why should they quit? What a childish response.

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  • Hey man I looked up your stats because I saw you play on xbox and you don’t look to be doing so well. I could hit you up anytime and work on improving in PvP if thats anything you ever want to work on. No pay, XBX : Xivology

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  • [quote]Didn't say they hate Destiny, just that the grind is (and it is) too much and unrewarding, especially with RNG. Why should they quit? What a childish response.[/quote] how is that childish? if you don’t like whats going on in the game, any normal gamer takes a break until things get better. you don’t hang around and complain when you could be playing better and more rewarding games.

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  • It’s not a dealbreaker for me. But it’s reaching dealbreaker proportions for some, and Bungie can’t continue to ignore this.

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  • [quote]It’s a system that shows little respect for player time investment. Mainly due to RNG. But the Milestones system makes it 10 times worse. The RNG was tolerable during the last years of Destiny 1 because “Smart Loot” meant that virtually ever drop was progressing you: But in the current system most drops do nothing for you, and the Milestones system limits the numbers of drops that can progress you. Without Prime Engrams this system would be completely broken. I once quit in frustration trying to level up a fourth character on pc (pre-cross save). I did it because I got stuck at the same power level for three weeks because I got nothing but boots and kinetic weapons as powerful drops. And I’d only managed to progress 30 levels in six weeks, and was looking at another 50 just to get to the point where I could play the current seasonal content. I don’t condone the AFK farming but I understand the frustration and fatigue people are feeling as the look up and see the massive progression hurdle between them and playing anything but the new pub event. I dropped back down to 990 after loss of the Seasonal Artifact. So I was looking at 30 levels just to get to the point where I could do the lowest level NF that actually give currency. I was looking at 50 levels to get to 1040 and completing the dungeon becomes a realistic possibility. And Bungie has structured things—-again—-so that the path is really unrewarding. I’ve been getting the same three weapons over and over and over again: the AR, the Bow, and the FR. The game is a grind with no meaningful loot.[/quote] It sure is. I miss the old way of leveling back in D1. None of this pinnacle nonsense.

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  • I hear you. I’ve been complaint about The Milestone System since the Warmind days. But Bungie just keeps slapping bandaids on this broken system, and then kicks the can down the road. While the player base is slowly being exhausted and burned out by the unrewarding grind.

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  • [quote]I hear you. I’ve been complaint about The Milestone System since the Warmind days. But Bungie just keeps slapping bandaids on this broken system, and then kicks the can down the road. While the player base is slowly being exhausted and burned out by the unrewarding grind.[/quote] I have no idea why they decided to make the game bigger with meaningless loot..

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  • Because Destiny 2 was designed to be a campaign shooter with a pvp end game, and an e-sport. That faction is gone from Bungie, and Smith and Crew inherited a flawed game that they are going into their third year of trying to [i]fix.[/i]

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  • Seems youve stopped riding bungie so far lets see what future posts you make

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  • And maybe you should try actually reading them. Because I’ve been a critic of the games loot and progression systems for years....and I’ve been a critic because they don’t work and they don’t follow the rules of good game design. Which is why stuff like this keeps happening...

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  • Good form, Mr.Green, good form.

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  • You sound like lost souls, flip flopping when it suits you. Sorry but stop telling people Bungie is getting on track . Even when the fall expansion will be better, it should always be at a certain standard . If they can’t , say so and don’t trick your consumer . Bungie knows what they are doing, period. They have to make money, but come on ,shipping out subpar content isn’t something to be proud off.

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