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Edited by Grays_KS27: 6/18/2024 4:52:17 PM

D.F.A. 1st Annual Writing Contest

[quote]The winner is: [b]ChickenPopTarts[/b] Congratulations! This contest is now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated! You all did an excellent job and I look forward to seeing more of your writing! If you haven’t already, I recommend reading all the entries. The writers have written wonderful entries that all deserve a read. It was great seeing the fruits of this event and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves! With any luck we can pull this off again next year![/quote] Today, May 30th, we once again celebrate the anniversary of the [url=]Destiny Fiction Archive[/url]. The Archive is a collection of hundreds of stories written by hundreds of writers within the Bnet community. Because the Archive represents so much of the Bnet writing community, today is a day to celebrate all you wonderful writers out there, new and old! Thank you for sharing your stories with this community and giving us so many amazing things to read! Previously we haven’t done anything to celebrate, but this year I will be hosting a writing contest. Makes sense, right? Celebrating writing by getting writers to write? [b]The winner will be permanently featured on the Main Page of the Archive with their username and links to their work.[/b] [quote]Below you will find the rules and info for the contest. A writing prompt is provided below, and your entry must follow it. Entries do not need to contain any Destiny content because this contest is for all Bnet writers, including OffTopic. You are encouraged to write a Destiny-themed story, in spirit of this being the Destiny community, but it will not affect your chance of winning. Note that the prompt for this contest is designed to work for Destiny stories but with room to be used for non-Destiny content.[/quote] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler]•[b]The contest ends June 13th at 12:00am EST.[/b] Meaning all entries need to be submitted before the 13th. •Contest entries must clearly contain elements from the prompt provided in this post. •One entry per person. You can edit your entry up until the end of the contest, so make the most of any feedback you get. •Entries must be submitted to this post. You can either directly put the story in the comments on this post, or make your story elsewhere (like Google Docs, Wattpad, a Bnet post, or any other site for writing) and share a link in the comments of this post. You can also submit by using #dfa on your Bnet post. •There is no size limit for entries. Quality is much more important than quantity. •No NSFW. Slight inappropriateness will be tolerated, but use discretion. •No stealing other people’s work. Your submission must be your original work. •No submitting preexisting work. You must write a new short story following the prompts for the contest. If you wish to make an entry that somehow breaks this rule, discuss it with me and perhaps we can negotiate, but at the cost of you being unlikely to win this contest.[/spoiler] [b]ADDITIONAL INFO; RULE DETAILS[/b] [spoiler]•The winner will most likely be announced on June 13th, though there is a possibility that it will be announced on a later day. The announcement will be made on this post, and I will send messages to all participants to announce when the results are in. •If you wish to have easy access to this post to find later, you can follow #dfa or any of my other hashtags such as #fictionarchive and #KS27. Or you can ask for me to PM you a link to this post. •I encourage you to write an entry even if you don’t think you can win! Everyone has a chance of winning, and even if you don’t win at least your story will be out for people to read. Everyone will be able to give you feedback on your writing, and you may pick up a few readers who will be interesting in reading any other stories you make. •If you make a post on Bnet you can use #dfa to connect your work to the Archive. Any stories using #dfa will be seen and judged. Of course, any preexisting stories that already use the hashtag will not be judged because they aren’t part of the contest. •I, along with foxburton99, will be judging the entries. We might participate in this event and submit our own entries for fun, but these [b]will not[/b] be considered for the judging. We will have no chance of winning. Big thanks to foxburton99 for helping in the judging and giving up his chance to get on the Archive’s main page. •There is no size limit for entries. You can make them as short or long as you like. Quality is much more important than quantity. Extremely short stories may lack enough content to win and overly long stories will not give you a higher chance of winning. Try to keep your entries at less than 30,000 characters (the capacity of 3 Bnet posts) because any more than that isn’t necessary and might be ignored. Don’t overdue it, this is for short stories, not novels. If you wish to extend or continue your story, you can always do so outside the contest. For example, you can write 3 chapters of a story and submit 1 of them. •I highly recommend that you don’t type up your entry in one shot and immediately submit it. Take your time writing, look over it to see how it turned out, improve it and make corrections, then submit it. You have 2 whole weeks! Take the time to make sure your story turns out the best it can be. I don’t want to get all the entries in the first three days then watch as everyone constantly edits and re-edits their stories to correct errors that could have been avoided. A good practice is to not type your story directly into a comment/post. Start somewhere else, like in a Notes/Notepad app or Google Docs or Microsoft Word, where you don’t have to write everything all in one go. There’s no need to write everything all in one shot. Take your time, step away then come back later and look over or continue your work, and when it’s ready copy and paste it as your submission.[/spoiler] [b]PROMPT[/b] [spoiler]Entries must clearly follow this prompt. You are free to interpret the prompt in any way as long as it’s influence and presence is clear in your story. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the primary focus of your story, but must be a highly influential factor. [quote][b]PROMPT:[/b] Conflict between factions of the same species.[/quote] This can be a conflict with or without violence. For some examples within Destiny: Conflict between City Factions (violent or simply political tension), rivalry between Fallen Houses, Cabal factions at war, etc. Yes, you can use these examples, and there are plenty of specific examples in Destiny lore that you can use. Or you can come up with your own ideas. [b]Edit:[/b] To clarify, the prompt asks for a “group vs group” theme. It’s perfectly fine to have a story that’s even 1 vs 1 as long as they represent different groups or affiliations. Having a story focused on lone characters with no affiliations at all will hurt your chances of winning the contest. [/spoiler] The D.F.A. 1st Annual Writing Contest has begun, get writing and have fun! Thanks again to all the writers in this community!

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  • Edited by Delta of a Thousand Faces: 6/13/2020 1:39:40 AM
    NOT LATE! I hope.... Anyway, here’s what I managed to come up with. [spoiler]It ain’t my best work, but it’s something.[/spoiler] [url=]Lunar Research[/url]

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