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6/10/2020 4:34:23 AM
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  • These owo thweads :3 usuawwy *nuzzles* haz ^^; a ^^; wot *pounces* of joking *pounces* awound ^^; in *nuzzles* them *pounces* (oftentimes uwu even ^^; da :3 OP owo is a joke), but *nuzzles* aww ^^; joking owo aside, ^^; I *nuzzles* think ^^; that uwu evewy owo once :3 in :3 awhiwe ^^; it's a :3 good owo idea ^^; to owo wemind *nuzzles* fowks owo of some owo of owo da :3 facts :3 behind :3 aww *pounces* da uwu fiction, uwu if *pounces* fOwO owo nu uwu othew *nuzzles* weason than owo to *nuzzles* infOwOm *pounces* some :3 of ^^; da newbies *nuzzles* about uwu da owo way owo things *nuzzles* wOwOk. So *pounces* wook, ^^; this *nuzzles* is :3 a ^^; website uwu fOwO *pounces* gamews. :3 :3 Obviouswy, owo most *pounces* fowks owo hewe *pounces* haz a owo gamew ^^; mentawity, which ^^; means *nuzzles* that owo nu uwu mattew owo what :3 we say, some ^^; usews hewe inevitabwy owo awe ^^; going :3 to ^^; see owo these uwu fOwOums :3 as *nuzzles* a *pounces* game uwu and "Ninja" ^^; as *nuzzles* a uwu wank uwu to *nuzzles* be obtained ^^; in owo that *pounces* game. *nuzzles* Even ^^; da way :3 uu've *nuzzles* phwased *pounces* uuw owo OP owo -- :3 "hOwO :3 wouwd *nuzzles* uu :3 gain owo expewience uwu to owo become owo a ^^; Ninja?" *pounces* -- :3 sounds owo wike ^^; something :3 that *pounces* is *nuzzles* mOwOe ^^; appwicabwe ^^; to *pounces* an ^^; WPG *pounces* than *pounces* to a onwine uwu fOwOum. We've owo said *nuzzles* befOwOe *pounces* that uwu this uwu is :3 nut owo da *pounces* case, owo yet uwu these :3 myths *nuzzles* pewsist. :3 ^^; Sometimes, *nuzzles* community owo membews uwu haz *nuzzles* posted sets *nuzzles* of *nuzzles* "tasks" ^^; OwO *pounces* expewiences owo that uwu they ^^; think owo -- :3 in *pounces* aww *pounces* sewiousness *pounces* and ^^; without :3 joking owo -- awe *pounces* pawt uwu of owo some owo kind of *pounces* checkwist owo to owo become ^^; a *nuzzles* FOwOum *pounces* Ninja. *pounces* *nuzzles* You *pounces* knuw *pounces* da *nuzzles* kinds *nuzzles* of ^^; things :3 I'm :3 tawking :3 about; so-cawwed uwu guidewines ^^; to owo become uwu a owo FOwOum :3 Ninja: *pounces* (1) ^^; "FowwOwO owo da uwu wuwes owo and uwu don't ^^; get *pounces* banned *pounces* fOwO *nuzzles* a :3 cewtain numbew *nuzzles* of *pounces* yeaws"; uwu (2) "nevew uwu ask *pounces* about owo becoming owo a *nuzzles* FOwOum uwu Ninja"; *nuzzles* (3) *nuzzles* "attend *pounces* PAX :3 and owo meet :3 othew uwu FOwOum Ninjas owo in *nuzzles* pewson"; uwu (4) owo "buiwd owo up *nuzzles* a *pounces* cewtain :3 numbew of owo fowwOwOews"; ^^; (5) :3 "pway uwu a *nuzzles* cewtain *pounces* numbew ^^; of uwu games uwu with uwu cuwwent FOwOum ^^; Ninjas owo and/OwO DeeJ *nuzzles* and/OwO owo Achwonus." ^^; owo As *pounces* if ^^; becoming uwu a *pounces* FOwOum :3 Ninja ^^; is uwu as :3 fOwOmuwaic ^^; and wigOwOous ^^; as uwu gaining *pounces* a uwu cewtain *nuzzles* wank *nuzzles* in :3 Hawo uwu OwO :3 WoW ^^; OwO uwu Ewdew ^^; Scwowws. :3 uwu And *pounces* some owo usews ^^; haz owo actuawwy *pounces* taken owo da ^^; time :3 to *pounces* compwete :3 whatevew ^^; they *nuzzles* think *pounces* da :3 "checkwist" *nuzzles* is ^^; supposed :3 to owo be, uwu onwy :3 to become owo jaded uwu and uwu cynicaw uwu when uwu they :3 awe :3 nut uwu asked owo to ^^; become uwu a *pounces* FOwOum *nuzzles* Ninja. *nuzzles* *nuzzles* You've *pounces* pwobabwy ^^; seen owo these uwu "jaded/cynicaw *pounces* fOwOum ^^; vetewans" owo awound *nuzzles* if uu've uwu spent *nuzzles* much time :3 on *nuzzles* da site. *pounces* uwu Despite owo this :3 being :3 a *pounces* gamew uwu website, :3 I ^^; pwomise *nuzzles* that this ^^; is *pounces* da *nuzzles* wwong *pounces* way to owo wook :3 at uwu it. *pounces* ^^; It's ^^; okay :3 to ^^; want uwu to uwu be uwu a ^^; FOwOum *nuzzles* Ninja, ^^; but ^^; thewe *pounces* is :3 nu ^^; bettew *pounces* way uwu to ensuwe ^^; that :3 uu *pounces* wiww owo NOT :3 be uwu chosen :3 to owo become ^^; a *pounces* FOwOum :3 Ninja :3 than :3 by :3 viewing *pounces* "FOwOum *nuzzles* Ninja" :3 as *pounces* da *pounces* end-goaw of owo a game, some high-wevew :3 wank owo OwO twophy *nuzzles* that uwu can be ^^; obtained uwu just ^^; by :3 fowwOwOing owo a *nuzzles* specific *nuzzles* set :3 of ^^; guidewines ^^; and *nuzzles* compweting ^^; pawticuwaw :3 tasks. owo owo This *nuzzles* isn't uwu an *pounces* WPG *pounces* video *nuzzles* game :3 and uwu that's nut hOwO ^^; it owo wOwOks. *nuzzles* ^^; And *pounces* fOwO peopwe who owo view uwu it ^^; in that ^^; way, ^^; they ^^; might find *nuzzles* themsewves uwu feewing :3 wike :3 they *nuzzles* haz suffewed *pounces* some ^^; kind owo of *pounces* injustice/unfaiwness owo because *pounces* they wewe *nuzzles* nut uwu asked owo to ^^; be *nuzzles* a *nuzzles* FOwOum owo Ninja. *pounces* *nuzzles* Which :3 of *pounces* couwse owo sounds uwu widicuwous when ^^; uu :3 see it ^^; wwitten uwu dOwOn :3 and *nuzzles* yet *pounces* is uwu a uwu pewsistent :3 pwobwem *nuzzles* we *pounces* haz :3 in *nuzzles* this *nuzzles* community. As owo uu ^^; knuw, *pounces* FOwOum Ninjas *nuzzles* awe *nuzzles* just uwu community *pounces* membews who uwu haz :3 taken ^^; on uwu some *pounces* additionaw *nuzzles* vowunteew *nuzzles* duties *nuzzles* in :3 enfOwOcing *nuzzles* fOwOum :3 wuwes. owo :3 And owo when *pounces* we need *pounces* to ^^; add ^^; mOwOe owo peopwe :3 to :3 that *pounces* wowe, :3 we :3 wook :3 fOwO community :3 membews owo with :3 da ^^; pewsonawity *pounces* twaits uwu and *pounces* habits *nuzzles* that owo we've *nuzzles* nuticed tend *nuzzles* to *pounces* cweate *pounces* good *nuzzles* FOwOum ^^; Ninjas: *nuzzles* diehawd :3 Bungie owo fans :3 with demonstwated *nuzzles* good ^^; judgment, ^^; intewwigence, ^^; discwetion, *pounces* and *nuzzles* teamwOwOk. *pounces* :3 It's :3 witewawwy owo that owo simpwe owo -- :3 thewe owo is owo nu *pounces* fOwOmuwa, ^^; nu ^^; set uwu of tasks *nuzzles* to owo be :3 compweted. uwu To ^^; be owo suwe, ^^; uu :3 haz uwu to uwu be ^^; active ^^; in :3 da owo community *nuzzles* in *nuzzles* OwOdew :3 to owo be ^^; nuticed at *nuzzles* aww, uwu but owo beyond uwu that ^^; thewe's :3 nuthing owo uu ^^; can do. :3 Youw uwu pewsonawity uwu twaits :3 and fOwOum *pounces* habits ^^; do :3 aww :3 da ^^; tawking, owo and *nuzzles* if :3 uuw *nuzzles* pewsonawity :3 twaits and owo fOwOum *pounces* habits *nuzzles* don't *nuzzles* fit da FOwOum uwu Ninja uwu wowe, it *nuzzles* doesn't uwu mean ^^; uu've *pounces* "wost," *pounces* it *nuzzles* doesn't :3 mean owo uu'we *nuzzles* a uwu bad ^^; pewson, owo and it *nuzzles* doesn't uwu make *pounces* uu ^^; a :3 wess uwu vawuabwe :3 voice *pounces* in *nuzzles* ouw *nuzzles* community. ^^; owo In ^^; fact, *pounces* I'd go so :3 faw *nuzzles* as *nuzzles* to ^^; say *pounces* that uwu many :3 of da most ^^; vawuabwe Bungie community uwu membews uwu awe :3 nut *nuzzles* and :3 wiww :3 nevew be :3 FOwOum Ninjas. *pounces* :3 So ^^; uu uwu might owo as uwu weww owo just uwu hang *nuzzles* out owo and owo enjoy owo uuwsewf hewe. :3 *nuzzles* Just pwease ^^; don't ^^; think that *pounces* thewe is *pounces* some uwu fOwOmuwa uwu uu owo can owo fowwOwO ^^; that *nuzzles* wesuwts in becoming ^^; a FOwOum Ninja. owo That's *pounces* gamew-stywe uwu thinking, *pounces* which *nuzzles* is *pounces* gweat *pounces* in owo gaming ^^; situations, *pounces* but *pounces* inappwicabwe ^^; hewe.

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