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Edited by Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist: 6/7/2020 2:36:32 AM

(Fanfic) AUDIO LOG #13 “Impact”

// PREVIOUS LOGS DETECTED // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 5[/url] // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 10[/url] // TIMESTAMP RECORDED: ‘JUNE, 6’ // RECORDING BEGINS... SAHVOZ-88: “Alright, I think I’m in the clear now; I circled the system then hid back on Earth after I was attacked. I’m next to a mountain by the Last City, they won’t expect me to be back here.” // SECOND USER DETECTED: ‘VETRA’ VETRA: “Uhhh.....Voz?” SAHVOZ-88: “I mean, how did they even find me? I didn’t think I was leaving [i]that[/i] much of a ya think I have a tracker on me?” VETRA: “Voz, your gonna want t-“ SAHVOZ-88: “Nah, my sensors would’ve picked it up.....maybe there’s a snitch?” VETRA: “VOZ!” SAHVOZ-88: “Hey, easy there, V. Say, is everyone acting strange or is it just me? All the Guardys I’ve seen keep looking in the same direction....” VETRA: “Sahvoz....look up....” SAHVOZ-88: “Look up? Why, is the sky the Void.....” VETRA: “Voz, we need to get out of here, I’m calling your ship.....Voz?” SAHVOZ-88: *static* “Those Cabal sons of Orgres......I’m going to RIP EVERY LAST ONE FROM ITS OVERSIZED NECK!!!” VETRA: “Sahvoz, we need to leave, now!” SAHVOZ-88: “’re going to fly me up there.....I will CATCH THAT DAMNED THING OUT OF THE SKY IF I HAVE TO! YOU HEAR ME CABAL?! COME AT ME!!! *explosion* What the?! Woah....was that Rasputin? Heh, didn’t think the guy had it in him.” VETRA: “ least the Traveler is’s course has changed...” SAHVOZ-88: “Changed? Great....where’s it heading now?” VETRA: “IT’S COMING STRAIGHT FOR US!!” SAHVOZ-88: “Oh you son of a Dreg.....what’s the closest direction out of its blast zone?!” VETRA: “West! Get a move on!!” SAHVOZ-88: “Got it! Call our ship for pickup!” VETRA: “It won’t get here in time, just run!!” SAHVOZ-88: *panting* “C’mon Voz, you’re a combat frame, you were built to run..*panting*...wait...can I even get exhausted?” VETRA: “Less talking, more sprinting! Thirty seconds to impact!!” SAHVOZ-88: “Thirty?! I won’t make it.....maybe if I...*grunting*” VETRA: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” SAHVOZ-88: “Trying to summon my Arc Staff, okay?! I ain’t used Arc energy in a while, I’m a little rusty, especially since I started using Solar again.” VETRA: “THERE IS TWENTY SECONDS TILL YOU’RE A PILE OF RUBBLE AND THAT [i]THING[/i] GETS OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND YOU’RE TRYING TO SUMMON A DANCING POLE?!?!” SAHVOZ-88: “QUIET! If I manage to pull this off then I should be able to deflect any rubble about to hit me.” VETRA: “.....we’re doomed....” SAHVOZ-88: “Look, I’ve almost got it.....[i]aaand[/i] AHA! Wait.....” VETRA: “Voz....that’s a knife, not a staff...” SAHVOZ-88: “Hey, I said I’m rusty! Gimme a minute, I swear I’ve almost got it...” VETRA: “Ten seconds!” SAHVOZ-88: “C’mon, c’mon.....DAMMIT! Ok Voz, concentrate....” VETRA: “Five seconds!!” SAHVOZ-88: “Almost....there....” VETRA: “Well, we had a good run...” // THIRD USER DETECTED // UNABLE TO IDENTIFY USER ???: *sigh* “Are you always in trouble, friend?” // RECORDING ENDS

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