The idiots here think it's a team game, so dumb right? I mean it's not like there are 5 empty slots under your gamertag that say "add a member" in them as soon as you log in to the game.
The game design is a single player FPS, any mechanics requiring multiple players are extensively artificially scaled level requirements or terrible puzzle mechanics. ... Basically they broke Halo. Also they advertised it as Play any way you want, and Play Solo , with no exception to it.
Obviously you cant do everything solo though.
That was not obvious when I bought it, only later. And even later, they made claims they were going to gear new content to opening it up to more solo players and matchmaking, which only RECENTLY .. KINDA.. happened with Nightfall Ordeal. ... and thats it.
So I'm not quite sure I understand the complaint here. A fireteam isn't required for 99% of the content in the game..... Do you believe stuff like raids should also not require a fireteam?