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3/11/2020 6:48:50 PM

A Game of War VII: Only Loyalty (Fanfiction)

The room was dark, nothing moved when they entered. Darek was first, his sidearm held ready in front of him.   "I need some light buddy." His ghost danced around his shoulder for a moment before turning on his flashlight.   The room was a mess, the walls were blackened by fire, a portion of the floor had burned through. Hanging through that hole was a body.   Kana looked at it and grimaced, "nothing like a dead body to make a point."   Darek looked at the body a couple more seconds, "I guess you're right."   "You know, there was a time when you would have disagreed simply to disagree."   Darek almost laughed at his own stupidity, "I know. That almost got me killed."   "Bet that taught you to be more willing to give people a second chance."  "It did", the second time Darek said it under his breath. "It did."   Kana poked her head in the other room and shook her head negative. "This place is as devoid of clues as the other one, guess she thinks of this as art."   Darek shuddered, he was beginning to like the idea of finding Mala less and less. Not that he had wanted to before, but less so now.   "Why'd you agree to come after Mala with me Kana?"   Kana looked surprised at his asking, "because she's a lunatic. I'm beginning to think I'm one for trying to find clues in scenes like this. I preferred being called a shield in Crucible, or getting yelled at by Shaxx for not throwing enough grenades."   "I know the feeling, this isn't exactly my favorite job, I almost puke every other day. The other days I just can't stop myself from puking."   "Why do you think Larsnic left?"   "He said something about difficulties and a couple names I couldn't make out."   "Well, we're on our own now I guess."   They continued to search the room, when they had just about given up Kana found something.   "It's a piece of paper, do you think Mala left it?"   "I can't tell you until we read it."   Kana unfolded the dirty paper. The moment she started reading Darek knew Mala had written it.   "Don't you think it's beautiful in here? The burn marks, the bodies, all the hallmarks of a good time. If you continue after me, I'll kill more like these people. They were nice you know, they helped the homeless, fed the starving. Just made it all the more fun to end their lives."   Darek made a face, "she's definitely a psychopath, but I wonder what else is going on in her brain. If we can figure out more about her brain processes maybe we can anticipate her next move."   Kana snorted, "it's not much of a chance but hey, I'm all for trying anything other than this."   "Me too." ---------------------------------------------------------------   The Tower was full of people, both guardians and not. Some packed tightly in crowded areas, others just going about their business.   It was the perfect place to make a statement, and Mala was going to make sure it was an explosive one. Assuming she wasn't detected of course.   Even if she was she decided it would be fun to take on the entire Tower. How many she would kill either way! She was elated, she hoped it didn't show though. That could be a dead give away, she laughed to herself.   A dead give away, she would have to use that sometime. She found the door she was looking for and entered, right there in the center of it was one of the Towers most crowded workspaces. This was going to be quite the show, she decided.   There was a relatively empty corner in the room. She walked over and slipped her "package" underneath a stack of boxes. Now it was time to deliver the threat. She had prepared this for months, it was planned out to perfection.   Nobody had noticed the package so she walked straight back out, drawing no more than the usual attention a guardian got. ---------------------------------------------------------------   Darek received the message en route to the Tower. It was from Dredgen Mala, and it was a threat. It was only audio, Darek silently cursed Mala's carefulness.   "I know you think I'm a monster, and let me tell you, you're right! I am! That's why the Tower is going to receive an explosive surprise soon, good luck! You'll need it."   With that the audio recording ended. Kana looked as if she were stunned, "she's even more of a lunatic than I thought. A bomb in the Tower?"   Darek thought for a moment, "she'll go for maximum casualties, we need to evacuate the Tower until we find the bomb… or it detonates.   "I'll call Zavala, you get us to the Tower Darek. We've got one shot at finding that bomb, and we can't fail." ---------------------------------------------------------------   Akûn had studied the nests defenses for hours. He knew it's weaknesses and strengths, he knew where the guardians would try to infiltrate. Most importantly, he knew when Therás would betray him.   She would try to take his tribute, starting by cutting her tithes to him. Then she would assault him with wave after wave of Hive, until he lay dead on the ground. He would not allow this to happen, hence his current objective.   He would relieve Therás of the burden of life, stop her in her tracks. She thought she could rise to his position, he would show he was not to be trifled with. Attempts on his power would end in death for the perpetrator, and more power for him.   He entered the center of the nest, where Therás resided, "Therás, you would betray me."   Therás feigned surprise, "why would you ever think that! I have been ever loyal to you."   Akûn raised his hand to silence her. "I am no fool Therás, here is your chance. Strike me down! Take my power!"   Therás leapt at him, she was surprisingly fast, but not fast enough. Akûn leapt sideways and avoided her attack. As Therás passed he used his long, sharp claws to cut a gash in her side.   Therás staggered at the end of her leap but looked otherwise unharmed. She came back for another attack at Akûn, this time he grabbed her arm and twisted. Therás shrieked and sprang backwards, her left arm was disabled.   The next time Therás leapt Akûns claws ended her life. She fell to the ground in front of him. The Hive that had been watching bowed to Akûn, there would be no more betrayal here.   Only loyalty.

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