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Edited by Nalla: 2/2/2020 9:03:26 PM

A friendly fanfic competition for new writers

Hello! I would like to make a quick disclaimer here. [spoiler]While I said new writers, the competition is open to anyone. Please simply tell if you're a new or experienced writer next to the name of the story you write.[/spoiler] [spoiler]One more thing, this isn't a competition for any prize or anything like that. If I could afford it I'd send a G.C. code but I'm poor. What you will earn is new friends, an audience, help however small it may be, and a crossover into one of my stories. All of these are optional and you don't have to accept any of them.[/spoiler] Okay, with that out of the way, here are the rules. 1. Stay respectful and civil to the other writers 2. Do not copy and or mimic others entry 3. Have fun! [quote]To symbolize this being the first contest I've held, the theme will be that of a new Guardian's first rez. This can take place anytime and anywhere, the only thing I ask is that, if you have a character who already has a "first rez" story please start a new character.[/quote] You must comment the story here or make a post and link it in the comments. If you like, use the tag nicsfanficcomp. Have fun! I will pick the winner next Saturday.

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    Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist
    Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist

    Studying Prismatic - old

    Cutting kinda close, eh? Well, finished my little side project, so it’s time to get this written up. Here goes nothing... [spoiler] __Memory fragment detected__ __Restoring...__ __Fragment condition: Playable__ __Replaying fragment: Revival...__ UNKNOWN VOICE: Finally, it worked! Look, you’re have to get up, now! Those scavengers are going to be here any minute! SAHVOZ-86: Scanning for Vex Vex signatures detected, continuing search for Vex units. UNKNOWN VOICE: Vex? Aren’t all these dead ones good enough? You haven’t even got a weapon and you want to go find Vex? SAHVOZ-86: Primary objective.......Primary objective......error, unable to state primary objective. Beginning emergency objective........error, unable to state emergency objective. UNKNOWN VOICE: Yeah, you were dead for a while, not too long, but chances are you won’t remember a lot. Do you know your name? SAHVOZ-86: Designated ID, Sahvoz. Registered reboots, twenty plus. Authorisation Code, three three five seven. Identify yourself. UNKNOWN VOICE: My name is Vetra, I’m your Ghost. You’re a Guardian now, but if we don’t get out of here soon then a group of angry Fallen are going to come through that door and they have some really powerful guns! __Registering new ally: Vetra...__ SAHVOZ-86: Describe the hostile weaponry. VETRA: Two Wire Rifles, three Arc Blades and a Scorch Cannon, have you got a plan? Hey! Where are you going!? SAHVOZ-86: New primary objective, acquire weaponry. __Error: corrupted or missing data__ __memory fragment condition: unstable__ [/spoiler]

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    • Hi everyone! The winners of the competition will be announced tomorrow!

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      • Edited by BioCats: 2/6/2020 10:51:56 PM
        "The Astronaut" Experienced category. Link: [i]Thank you for your time.[/i]

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        • Edited by Squatchin: 2/7/2020 12:15:26 AM
          Somewhat experienced, I guess? Honestly I'm not sure at this point, I've been feeling pretty burned out writing-wise. The link to the second part is at the bottom.

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          • :)

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            • Edited by Silas Mori: 2/2/2020 1:24:17 PM
              Thunderstruck: I woke up, dazed, a thing floated right in front of me. “Hello, I am Ghost, well now I’m your ghost.” It said “Hello, who am I, and where am I.” Maelstrom asked. “We are in Phoenix Arizona, in one of the most static areas, it always has thunderstorms here.” The ghost said. Maelstrom got to his feet, and as he did, he felt a spark of static electricity beneath him. “This ground is very static.” Maelstrom told the ghost. “Actually, that’s not the case, your a Warlock, a Stormcaller. You can harness the power of electricity.” The ghost replied. “That’s neat, now what should I name you?” Maelstrom replied. “How about Franklin.” The ghost replied. “Yeah, Franklin it is then.” Maelstrom replied. ———————————————————————————————————— They said this while they were walking back towards a City Hawk. When they got close they stopped. “Ikora, we found another guardian.” Franklin told the woman. “Good, good, now let’s see him.” The woman replied. Maelstrom walked towards the woman, his coat was covered with sparks of electricity. “Maelstrom Reed, my lady.” Maelstrom said, before Ikora even had any chance to speak. “Ikora Rey” Ikora said this as she and Maelstrom boarded the City Hawk and headed off towards the City.

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              • Here's my entry. Experienced bracket. New Light:

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                • Edited by trevise: 2/3/2020 1:16:30 AM
                  Eyes Up Guardian……. I’ll never forget those words, the strange little flying box said to me on my ‘rebirth’, as my senses returned I noticed that the world was different, very different, not that I can remember anything from before the awakening, but it just seemed strange, “ I’m a Ghost, Well your Ghost actually” it said next, answering my unspoken question of what are you?, so I asked “What happened?”. The Ghost answered, “you’ve been dead for some time, a long time, but the traveller has chosen you to be a Guardian of humanity, A lot has changed, I’ll explain as we go”. “Go where?” I asked, feeling so confused, “and what is a guardian?”. “we are going to The City, The Last City to be exact, the home of the remains of humanity, built in the shadow of the traveller,” it replied, “and a guardian is a defender of the City and all Humanity, anyway we better move a Cabal patrol will be along soon”. “oh Hold still for a sec” said the Ghost and then it vanished, “ don’t worry I’m still with you, in fact I’ll never leave you” said the Ghosts Voice, now inside my head, “head to the north east, there’s somewhere there we can get a ship to the city”, so I started to jog that way, as we moved I began to realise there was some form of energy flowing through me, “ what did you do to me” I asked, The Ghost replied “ you were infused with The Light, it brought you back, and it made you a Titan,” the Ghost paused, “ Hang on, do you have a name?, that’s the only thing most remember”, I replied “trent-12, and what in all of creation is a titan?” “a titan is a heavy warrior, you can fight, and use the light to aid you, but we better get undercover, that’s a Cabal Shuttle heading this way” said my Ghost, we ducked into a old heavy concrete building, as the hum of the ships engines passed overhead, then the Ghost Reappeared, “hang on, this looks military, let me scan” there was a flash of light and a hum, “ yes, in that room to the left an armoury, get some body armour and whatever weapons you can find”, I entered the room, there was some armour, I put it on, then I looked around, a rifle of some sort was in a box, with ammo, and there was a shotgun with a few shells in a cupboard, “ good, lets go,“ said the ghost, we left the building and headed towards a ruined looking town, when a strange orc like creature jumped out, without hesitation I opened fire, killed it “ what the heck was that,” I asked, “ that’s was a Cabal Legionary, Red legion by the markings” the Ghost answered, “ let’s look down here,” I could see something that the ghost described as a Sparrow, “ get on it and ride it to the town, there’s someone there who can help us” said the ghost, we travelled up into the town, to a old ruined church, where the Ghost told me to speak to Devram, he could get us a shuttle to the city………… new writer

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                  • Edited by CoolUsername321: 2/3/2020 7:31:16 AM
                    Threw this outa my butt on short time [b]wormspore[/b][spoiler]ajax “multiple life signs detected” Jackson “why do I keep getting put with these bots. What’s our time?” Ajax “ 3 till breach “ (it ready a charge on the door) Jackson “ that’s enough” (he checks his equipment) [b]Bang[/b] >the two enter the apartment< Ajax “ surrender any resistance will be met with brute force” Jackson “holy -blam!- this is quite the load, smells horrible” (checking the crates of spore putting devices on them) Ajax “strange, I am picking up one more life sign “ Jackson (out of a closet a shotgun round blows off his leg, he begins firing but no shots hit) “that -blam!- blew my leg off!” Ajax (grabs Jackson throws him on his shoulder and unleashed a barrage of bullets into the closet. A body falls out) Jackson (bleeding like crazy) “you crazy -blam!- you could’ve killed someone” Ajax (getting him to medical) “the odds of success were in that direction” Jackson “just another day on the job eh? “ (In a painful tone) Ajax “i do not find the humor in that” Jackson “figures...” [/spoiler]like I said I was literally on the toilet writing this so eh? To be clear ajax was a tower guard and I kinda wanted to do a story on what happens behind the scenes [spoiler]twirls stache [/spoiler] -edit ima save this might make it a story

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                    • Here is the link to my story, [url=]The Rousing[/url]. I guess I'd be in the experienced bracket.

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                      • Here's mine. I'm kinda new

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                        • [u]New Dredgen’s Eyes[/u] Lying on the ground, wounded he looked upon the image of a man. A man with a good and a cape attached to his figure. A Guardian. A hunter. And even when the planet was plunged into night, his gun still shined like a beacon of hope. The gun’s barrel was now on his forehead, almost gently placed there. The Dredgen closed his eyes behind his helm, awaiting the death that he knew he deserved. There was a 12 second silence. The Dredgen spoke impatient, “Just pull the trigger for the Traveller’s sake.” The man spoke, “I’m not doing a damn thing for the Traveller.” He cocked the gun. “I’m doing this so some innocents can rest.” “My ghost seemed pretty innocent.”, the Dredgen retorted. The man took a moment to look at the ghost’s fragmented shell, smoke arose from it’s lifeless husk. The man looked back down, “He knew his guardian.”, he replied. “I’m not telling you nothin’ about Yor,” the Dredgen said, “You can go to hell if you think you’re gettin’ a word outa me.” “Like I’m gonna ask you for anything,” said the man. “I quite like the thrill of the hunt.” The Dredgen cringed, he chuckled. He mumbled under his breath “Lunatic.”. The man then asked in a curious tone: “Have you ever had amnesia?” The Dredgen tilted his head, confused. “No.” “Alright,” the man replied. “Cause it’s gonna feel like one after you wake up.” The man pulled the trigger, as a gunshot echoed through the night. “Guardian? Eyes up, wake up Guardian!” The man who was Dredgen no longer stood. “What-,” he stuttered “where am I? What the hell are you?” “I’m your ghost. Not your soul, by the way. I would love to explain, but there are Scorn everywhere.” The ghost’s blue eye looked down upon a pulse rifle. “Can you fight?” “I’m not sure.” He replied. “Okay.” the ghost said rolling it’s glowing blue eye, “Your a Hunter, so you can hide.” The man stood up with the weapon. The ghost then asked his name. “I’ve never known a title.”, he replied.

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                          • Edited by silencersix: 2/4/2020 3:37:27 AM
                            This one is kinda long. I’m not experienced when it comes to fan-fics (Having wrote only one story before). But I don’t know if I’m new either, since I’ve done a fair amount of writing in offtopic. I don’t know what I want my guardian’s resurrection story to be, but this isn’t it. [spoiler][quote]Hawaii, 12 years before the events of our resurrection[/quote] Fallen vandals fired their wire rifles at the three from atop an apartment building. The hunter fired 3 rounds blindly into the rain in the direction of the vandals, and soon after, they could hear the thud of it’s body hitting the ground. The three had taken cover in an abandoned car. The two ghosts hid under decayed the passenger seat, while the hunter sat cramped in the driver’s seat, returning fire, though they could only see a few feet ahead of them. An arc bolt barely missed the hunter’s head, causing him to duck back into cover. “Are you sure this is the place?!” One of the ghosts replied, “Yeah, I’m sure. The body is in the ruins of that building down the street.” The body lay in the ruins of a small building on the next block over. Half of the building was nothing but a pile of rubble. He had tried to resurrect the soon-to-be guardian the day before, but was caught by a team of dregs and was forced to retreat back to the city. He returned with the backup of a hunter and his ghost. He figured that the night, along with the heavy rain and the hunter’s stealth skills, would allow them to sneak into the town unnoticed, get the resurrection, and get back out of there, but apparently security here has tightened since his last visit. The hunter climbed into the passenger’s seat and exited the vehicle. The vandals continued to fire at the drivers seat, not noticing him. He traced the a arc bolts to their source, and fired 7 rounds from his scout rifle. The firing stopped, and the only sound was the rain fall. They stayed motionless for half a minute, before the hunter stood up. “You’ve been here before, ghost. Lead the way.” The two ghosts exited the vehicle, but still stayed low to the ground. They were different in appearance. One had blue flames painted on it’s shell, the other had a plain white shell. The one with the blue flames spoke, she was still shaken up by the encounter, “They’ve probably alerted the others. This entire island is about to be on our doorstep.” The other ghost activated his flashlight, lighting up the road ahead, “Then we better hurry. Follow me.” The entire town was a fallen stronghold. Most of the buildings were reinforced with rusted metal, and had banners displaying the house of kings symbol. They stayed against the outer walls of the buildings, as the hunter used his body to shield the ghosts before they got to their destination. The body was buried under a collapsed ceiling. Luckily it was just wood, so the hunter lifted most of it off the corpse. It’s legs and lower torso had been crushed under the weight of the ceiling. It was clutching a decayed piece of paper. The hunter picked it up, and looked at it. It was a picture of a woman holding an infant. The woman looked to be in her early 20’s. She had long, blonde hair, and the child was a male. In the background was the ocean, and people filled with joy. That was a long time ago. Now, people live in fear, needing something to believe in. He placed the picture back in the skeleton’s hand, and moved out of the way for the ghost. The ghost slowly approached the body. “After all these years.” He scanned the body, and flesh wrapped itself over the bones. The body seemingly healed itself. Clothes stitched itself back together. The man woke with a shock, taking short, deep breaths. The world became silent for the ghost. He could hear only the man and himself. “Hello.” The man sat silent for a moment. “Where am I? What are you?” “I am a ghost. Your ghost, to be precise. You’ve been dead for hundreds of years. You’ll have no memory of who you were before.” “I-“ He noticed the crumpled picture in the palm of his hand. He looked at it. “A family.” He noticed that the town was in ruins. “What happened here?” “I don’t know.... I don’t think anybody does.” The hunter interrupted the silence. “Hey! Glad to see that you’ve found your guardian, but we’ve got skiffs incoming!” The ghost turned back to the newly resurrected guardian, “We need to go, now.” The hunter spoke to his ghost, “Bring the ship around. We’ll meet it at the docks.” “Done.” His ghost replied. The hunter approached the man, and handed him a hand cannon. “Fit to fight?” “Yeah, I think so.” He took the hand cannon. It was light. “Lets go!” The hunter motions for them to leave, and they follow him. Two skiffs broke through the clouds, and made their way to the rooftops to drop vandals off. The group rushed through the rain, following the light of a city-hawk that had landed next to the beach. They had forty seconds before the vandals began firing at the group. They took cover in a nearby store, behind the counter. The ghost turned to the man, “You’re a titan. A master of the fists of havoc, hammer of sol, and ward of dawn. We need you right now.” “What am I supposed to do?” “Focus. Channel the light, let it flow through you.” The man took a deep breath, and calmed himself. The world around him became peaceful. He ignited into flames, and darted out into the street with a burning hammer in his hand. He threw the hammer at the two groups of vandals on the rooftops. A fallen captain burst out of a nearby building, challenging the titan, with nothing but four arc staffs. The captain ran up to the titan, swinging all four staffs at him. The titan used his lift to perform a somersault over the captain, and swing the hammer at their leg from behind, lowering them to his level. He followed up with a hammer swing to the captain’s head, crushing their skull in. The captain fell to the ground. The hunter jumped out of cover. “Not bad, for your first time.” “What can I say, I guess I’m a fast learner.” The group continued to rush to the ship. The other ghost lowered the ramp for them to enter. A new group of vandals, dregs and shanks comes out of hiding, and opens fire. “Keep going. We can make it!” The hunter said. There was no cover for them to use this time. They were only a few meters away from the ship when an arc bolt from a wire rifle hit the titan’s ghost. It fell to the ground, it’s blue eye now powering down. “No!” The titan grabbed the ghost out of the mud, and continued towards the ship. The remaining ghost raised the ramp once everybody was on the ship, and the hunter entered the c[i]o[/i]ckpit and took off. He set the ship on autopilot and approached the titan. “I’m... sorry about your ghost.” “I only knew him for fifteen minutes, but I’m going to miss him.” He held the dead, mud covered ghost in his hands. It was a quiet ride to the city. He didn’t understand the importance of what had happened that day, but he will.[/spoiler]

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                            7 Replies
                            • Hey just a quick question. I was actually thinking about writing a few short lore tabs for New Dredgen’s Eyes. What do you think?

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                                Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist
                                Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist

                                Studying Prismatic - old

                                Another story for me to write, eh? Guess I’ve got my work cut out for me... [quote]While I said new writers, the competition is open to anyone. Please simply tell if you're a new or experienced writer[/quote] Pretty new to this whole writing thing myself. Sure, we all wrote those short stories in school....I think, but my logs are the first real story I’ve written....along with a side thing I’m workin’ on. [quote]Have fun! I will pick the winner next Saturday.[/quote] Better work on this thing fast, huh?

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                                • Edited by Brosef Stalin: 2/11/2020 5:32:05 AM
                                  Experienced Well, here goes nothing. I’m not a new writer, since I posted one page of fanfic months ago, but I consider it part of the next page. ————————————————————— The wind was howling across a barren snowscape, whipping between jagged rocks and sheer cliffs dropping hundreds of feet. This was the place where a lone ghost thought would be it’s bitter grave. It was small, only having the most basic of shells, with several burn marks along each part, and a few sections were missing entirely. It zipped past a large snowdrift, small sparks trailing behind, before getting caught in the wind and whipped into the snow. The brutal cold kept the surface snow hard as ice, to the ghost’s dismay, as it bounces off of the top layer, leaving a web-like crack in its place, and yet another piece of shell wedged at the point of impact. It tumbled down the drift into a small crevasse, large icicles looming threateningly above, like the maw of some great beast, oppressively looming over its tiny, broken prey. The ghost slowly rises from the tuft of snow it landed in, lightly jolting side to side with each spark shooting out of it. Its eye was cracked and flickering, evidence of it’s ebbing light. Then, the echo; the roar of some unseen creature, followed by the chittering of several more, barely audible over the whipping wind. They were close. They’d been on the chase for weeks, only the desperate few who had little else to lose. It wouldn’t be long until they found the crevasse. The flickering light of the ghost turns to hide, flitting into an enclosed portion of the gap where the muddled light of the sun didn’t reach. The chittering was getting closer by the second. It had to continue, or risk getting ripped apart. The ghost rocketed off father down the cave, sensing the bones of centuries-old humans, preserved under the ice below, as well as one farther down. This is their only chance. They frantically jolted down a small tunnel, before coming to an opening into a larger room, a sheer drop below them. The cave looked wholly untouched by man, with icicles hanging tens of feet from the ceiling, and a monolithic ice spike jutting up from the center of the cavern floor. And impaled on that spike was a mummified, shriveled man, a tattered parka hanging from the frail corpse, the metal buckles and leather straps all but corroded away from hundreds of years in the cold. The ghost zips down to them, and with the little light they had left, scanned the body. They had light. They had a guardian. The ghost would scream if they could. The little light spared no time resurrecting the man, making use of the clothes still on him to mix with matterweave, making a functional, albeit basic, winter survival set, a fresh shade of white accented with blues and blacks to make a large jacket, the ends of which ending just below his knees. The man, freshly remade, sits against what was once his final resting place. Dazed and confused, he looks at the tiny machine in front of him, his heavy breathing fogging his helmet’s visor. “.....what just happened?” The man asked, almost demanded. His voice was sharp, and gritty, like a knife forced against a chalkboard. He was stunned, confused, and clearly defensive. The ghost, his ghost, began to hover closer to him, not saying a word. “Hey! Get the hell back! I don’t know what you are!” He yells out, now standing straight. His slim body was tensed, a primal instinct of danger sending him to action. Upon seeing the hostility, the ghost slightly lowered itself, backing away, before fading out in a small fizzle of light. Somehow he felt that it was still with him, just out of sight. It comforted him, for what reason, he didn’t know. The sound of skittering and rocks being overturned soon echoed into the chamber from the entrance above. “.....The hell was that?” He would soon learn the meaning of this comfort.

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                                  • Thanks for making them known to me. Muting all for degenerate and cringy fanfiction/roleplay.

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                                    • I might have an idea. I’ll probably have it up tomorrow.

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                                      • Bump for later.

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                                        • .....I think it’s time I finally write Page 1. Let’s get to work.

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                                          • Do I count as new or experienced. I've only been around for about a year.

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                                            • Why hello there.

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                                                [quote]and a crossover into one of my stories.[/quote] WOW! What an achievement! That’s better than being featured on a Kanye album!

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                                                7 Replies
                                                • I’ll probably make one too, but I’ve got a lot going on, so this may take a while too.

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                                                  2 Replies
                                                  • Ima make one it might take awhile tho

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                                                    • Bump

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