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Destiny 2

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Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 1/29/2020 9:19:26 PM

How can you counter/dodge a Handheld Nova?

1. It does enough or a lot of damage to kill you in one hit (in close range). 2. Touching a bolt can still hurt you a lot for the warlock to finish you off. 3. Warlocks like to use it in close range or behind corners to get EZ kills or save themselves. 4. Was ONLY able to dodge/survive it due to a warlock being bad in the game. Amuse me on how you can possibly try to avoid it.

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  • [quote]1. It does enough or a lot of damage to kill you in one hit (in close range). 2. Touching a bolt can still hurt you a lot for the warlock to finish you off. 3. Warlocks like to use it in close range or behind corners to get EZ kills or save themselves. 4. Was ONLY able to dodge/survive it due to a warlock being bad in the game. Amuse me on how you can possibly try to avoid it.[/quote] 1. I think max range ohk is between 15 - 17m, bear this in mind. 2. Irrelevant point, you could say the same for any nade 3. A close range grenade used in close range? Whatt?? You can hear the audio of it charging, you dont have to push. And a hunter doesn't use dodge to save themselves (ever 9 secs...). A titan shield? Warlocks get a rift which locks them in place for 2 secs on a long timer. Mid void loc trades a good neutral game for a bad super. 4. Another irrelevant point, player skill varies. And "bad" is relative Handhelds biggest weakness is its charge up and release time, they're very easy to bait out. Stick close to a wall, peak and pop a shot off. The handheld will hit the wall and now you can continue to apply pressure however you were before. If you're on a hunter, same applies but shoot once then dodge into cover. Or use a throwing knife, fusion or map positioning to just shotty them. The list is endless

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