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10/20/2019 5:58:53 AM

Regarding Cabbage and Lettuce Errors, Could They Be Caused by a Loading Error? Here Are My Findings

You know, this week with Iron Banner has been rough as far as error codes go. Players experiencing Cabbage and Lettuce errors before are getting these errors a lot once again. When Shadowkeep launched, error code Cabbage experienced a slight difference in behavior for me. Normally for both Cabbage and Lettuce, these errors happen after you load into a different area via load zone or from Orbit and if you managed to load into an area, you'd see that objects/entities haven't loaded in the area if someone is about to get one of these error codes, kinda like if someone were joining your session in progress and you had to wait on them to load in before everything else loaded. Basically the same thing, except the reason and the end result are different. And if you ended up with Lettuce, you usually wouldn't be able to rejoin that one session. You could rejoin the players after the session ends though. Now however, Cabbage can happen in the Tower even after everything has been loaded for a while. I've seen these errors a lot in the past and I've only ever witnessed Cabbage doing this after Shadowkeep launched. Now I've been thinking about these two errors for a while and, to me, they are really hard to write off as a connection issue. While a lot of cases involved players using a modem provided by Spectrum based on reports, not everyone experiencing these errors have Spectrum as a provider. Regardless, anyone experiencing these errors seem to be reporting the same effects before they get booted to Orbit, and they ALWAYS get booted to Orbit from them, not to the Title and not out of the entire game. If the game tells a player they received error code Cabbage or Lettuce, then after that, they're always left in Orbit. It also never says they're 'contacting Destiny 2 servers' before those errors in particular happen, so they definitely don't seem to be disconnecting from the servers. Some parts of the Destiny 2 community experiencing these errors are also experiencing these errors exclusively in certain activities at specific times almost, if not always, consistently while others are just experiencing it everywhere at random. They're errors that can happen in the same activities for a lot of players, but their consistency between players varies massively. Some players, really good connection or really bad connection, don't experience these two errors at all but occasionally get the other more-common errors, like Anteater, Weasel or Bee, which are connection-based errors. Now yes, I can see these errors happening due to players desynchronizing with the game session. But that doesn't necessarily mean that its because their connection is bad or their modem is acting up. If you are connected in a game or program with other people and you were to encounter a loading error only on your end, you WILL most-likely desynchronize with the others and experience an error. If Destiny 2 tries to load something at the same time for multiple players and it doesn't load for one player, it appears to wait and tries to continue loading for everyone while keeping the players synchronized with each other and the server. To me, it sounds like if you're about to get one of these errors from the game, its because the game kept trying to load all of the objects for you but it keeps failing and it doesn't want to time out, so it kicks the player with the loading problem and resumes the activity for the others. I am one of the players who experiences these errors seemingly at random in activities. When Shadowkeep first launched, for a time, these two errors' occurrences were reduced by a lot for me. It was such a massive difference compared to how it was before, it left me shocked. Now here comes Iron Banner and all the game issues it came with, including bounties and matches not granting progress or rewards at times, but even so, I'm not experiencing any connection issues as far as contacting servers go or the common error codes (Anteater, Bee, Weasel, etc), even sitting in Orbit. But, now I'm experiencing Cabbage and Lettuce a lot again, rarely Currant. Haven't seen any other errors in a long while. On my end, I play on a regular Xbox One, no Cross-Save. But speaking of Cross-Save, these errors started becoming a problem right after that was introduced into the game and others have noticed. ---------- With all of these factors in mind and the fact that the game has a lot of mechanics running at once all the time, I've came to the conclusion that Cabbage and Lettuce errors are caused by loading errors likely due to the game/servers not being able to keep up and the fact that the game just takes up so much space that it's hard to read on some platforms in some instances. If it turns out that I'm right, then the only thing I can see helping players getting past these errors in the long run is optimizing the loading mechanics some more or managing the current content differently. I'm not a genius at this though. I have knowledge on these types of things, but in no way am I a professional. So, yeah. That's my findings. Don't know how this will be addressed, if it can be, but I really hope something can be done about this.

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