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9/3/2019 5:26:12 PM

The Nowhere: Dead of Winter

[b][u]Phase 1: The Storm[/b][/u] It was hard to tell how long the city and its inhabitants had been in this cold realm of perpetual night. Time seemed to have little meaning here. There were no cycles to record, clocks had all stopped, and sleep never came. Survival in the Nowhere was more than a simple test of strength and skill, it seemed to test the minds of its guests as well. Though there were many survivors still within the city, the efforts of Virus and the Speaker of the Deep had thinned their numbers greatly. A temporary alliance had been formed between the law enforcement, the Brotherhood of Steel, Mandalorian mercenaries, and Emperor Gue’s stranded Stormtroopers to secure the city and protect its people from the things that crept in from the forest beyond the wall. Groups of scouts and hunters were sent to investigate the forest, but many hadn’t returned. The few that did came alone and confused with many strange tales. Those tales always ended the same: with a storm. They suddenly find themselves wandering an open field in an intense blizzard. They see blue eyes faintly glowing in the darkness as a legion of undead soldiers silently march forward. Ahead of them, upon a pale horse, rode the Witch Queen Nil. Her eyes meet theirs, she smiles, and they lose consciousness. The next thing they remember is stumbling out of the forest, cold and exhausted. That storm has come. The winds begin to howl and the snow falls hard as the storm washes across the city. The bells of the Temple of Bernthal ring to gather everyone within its strong walls and magical wards. [spoiler]Hi! I’m doing an RP thing! For story purposes, you are somewhere within the City and your goal is to reach the Temple! My notifications are still borked so please be nice to me I’m doing my best! [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Unseelie Nil: 9/3/2019 10:57:30 PM
    [b][u]End of Phase 1[/u][/b] The undead legion emerged from the storm surrounding the Temple as the last survivors arrive. The legion parts to allow the Witch Queens mount to trot forward. It pauses at the base of the stairs and she looks up to where the Prophet Xronad the Xombie stands, battle axe gripped tightly in his skeletal hand. With a roar, he lifts his axe and slams the pummel into the steps. From the roof, green flames pour from the mouths of gargoyles and wash over the witch and her forces before rising to form a towering wall of fire around the building. When the smoke clears, the undead have been incinerated, but the Witch Queen remains. She rises unscathed, a warscythe of red ice in hand, and smiles sadly. The prophet sighs and turns to the temple doors. He looks over the gathered survivors, the terrified civilians, and the weary heroes, then smiles reassuringly. [i]“Fear not, friends. Bernthal shall protect you within these walls. Please help yourselves to as many molasses cookies as you please while Mister Holmes casts his spell to send you home! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go shove Nils face in the snow!”[/i] With that, the Prophet slams the large doors shut. [url=]Link To Boss Fight[/url]

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    • Edited by The Trinity Ghoul [Lee]: 9/3/2019 9:14:13 PM
      Don't mind me...

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      • Edited by CoolHandLuke04: 9/5/2019 1:45:11 AM
        Being that time seemed to hold no sway over this accursed land, I knew not how long the snow blindness had taken my sight. I felt the sudden blizzard that had washed over the encompassing wilderness to the eerie city at its center. Then blackness sucked me into its embrace..... ....I awoke after what seemed an eternity. I could tell that the storm had subsided through senses other than my deluged eyes. I could hear that the wind had died down and felt the temperature slowly rise back to tolerable levels. Before my sight had completely returned I began to hear something I didn’t think was possible. I didn’t want to believe anything capable of threatening the most holy resting place, but the low slow repeating gooooong.....gooooong......gooooong were unmistakable. As my eyes focused, my knees grew weak as I looked back toward the ringing of the huge bell atop the Temple of Bernthal, where my friend and the High Prophet of Bernthal, God of the Supreme Molasses Cookie. Haste quickened my actions as I looked around the surrounding area for my hammer and Molasses Cookie emblazoned shield. My Holy Cookie scapular was still around my neck, part of its enchantment that it wouldn’t come off unless I willed it, conscious or otherwise. As the Dwarf hurriedly gathers his gear, his wrists begin throbbing. Mysterious wounds he’d acquired many years ago when on a mission to raise his friend from the dead had begun to bleed again after he believed they’d scarred over. He wasn’t sure how he’d reopened those wounds, but he didn’t have time to investigate or properly bind his wrists because from his vantage point he saw green magical flames spout from all sides of the Temple! He still had a long run back to the Temple and seemingly no time left to get there. He began his run back to the Temple paying no heed to the drip....drip....drip of blood coming from two holes and a crescent slit in both wrists.... [spoiler]Sorry I’m late to this, if something doesn’t mesh well let me know[/spoiler]

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      • [i]As I leave Bunker Theta (My base and personal Mech Depot) inside a Warmonger-class Titan (Warhammer 40k) I head towards the Temple.[/i] “Attention MIC. Our current objective is to protect the civilians taking refuge inside the temple. Reaper squads(Also Warhammer 40k) A-C drop around the church and take up defensive positions. Battalion A Artillery and Anti-Air/Vehicle drop around the temple and begin moving towards it. Establish a defensive perimeter, and shoot anything that looks non-human. [spoiler]Sorry Partner, but You’ve Yeed your last Haw [/spoiler]

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      • *I draw Excalibur (I know, a surprising move, right?) to shed a dim aura of light, and make my way to the temple.* I should go there and meet up with people, then go out and find something. We won’t get any information by sitting around here.

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        • A flash of light, and Cronos stands there, adjusting his tie and holding his brief case. "I request an audience with the Witch Queen."

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          • Edited by ACROCANTHUS: 9/3/2019 6:51:23 PM
            This is gonna be my first fight post resurrection. Let's do this. *I reach down and pat Ember* Let's go old friend.

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            • Warlock Holmes begins to walk through the ice and the cold towards the temple his coat waving rapidly and dramatically in the chilling wind. In one hand he held a book and a pen and the other he used to block his face with. Although he wants to hurry he keeps his senses and perception alert at all time for any detail although that being hard in the strong storm. “This storm is almost as worse as those battle seagulls. At least it is kind of cool where they live” [spoiler]can I use dice for this?[/spoiler]

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              • [i]A man in a white fur cloak grins as he approaches the storm, together with a raptor and a relaxed woman. Underneath the cloak, he flashes a grin.[/i] [quote][b]A storm. How... quaint.[/b][/quote] [i]The young, sprightly woman chuckles softly at his words.[/i] [quote]A grand entrance, showman?[/quote] [i]The smile widens.[/i] [quote][b]You know it.[/b][/quote]

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                • The doctor shuddered for a moment at the cold before the archon took the form of a jacket. False checked for the pistol he kept on his person and then his pockets for extra rounds he might have had. If he was lucky, he might even still have his pocket knife, and link of chain just in case. "Silent blight, holy blight... All is wrong, all is night" He sung somewhat jokingly. A gurgling groan came from [url=]his jacket[/url]. "And I thought the tomatoes were harsh critics..."

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                  • Beautiful death! Let me feed on it!!!

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                    • Oh boy, time to wrap up in a blanket and drink got chocolate! [spoiler]Just kidding, I have no concept of cold.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Still guzzling five gallons of got chocolate though.[/spoiler]

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                    • Bump [spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Ace Night Owl: 9/3/2019 5:55:06 PM
                      *i head into the wild and attempt to contact the few scientists that survived.* “Testing communication systems. Can you hear me?”

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                      • *still walking around* Where is everyone? [i]idk[/i] Fair enough... hey let’s go to that temple I saw [i]where’d you see a temple?[/i] On the city map back there [i]wait, what?! And you didn’t tell me?[/i] I thought you saw. [i]no I did not! Go back[/i] Can’t. [i]why?[/i] Forgot where it is. [i]yet you remember where that temple is?[/i] Yep! [i]... let’s just go.[/i] Okay *I walk towards the general direction of the temple*

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                        • *Hides in bucket

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                          • Inside the bar I check my weapons: a crate full of Molotovs, my trusty Zippo and one screwdriver still oozing goo from the deep’s roots. Go for the temple or stay hidden at the bar? Indecision can be a real killer I step outside and hugging the walls began to crawl toward the bells

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                            • Edited by Liam_the_Censor: 9/3/2019 6:20:22 PM
                              The Emperor orders half of his remaining Stormtroopers to get to the Temple so they can fortify. The others he orders to split up and help find the other users so they can get to the Temple, he takes a group of 150 with him to find Ringleader.

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                              • *[i]I[/i] start to move towards the temple. When nobody is looking, I glance back at the storm with a ever so slight smile*

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                                • (Finaly, somethings happening, and I dont think ill be around to take part in any of the fun. Oh well.)

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                                  • The Sixth House shall sit this one out...

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                                    • Rose walks into the storm wearing her bandana. She smiles under it after putting on the mask named Scorpio.

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                                      • Bump for later after work

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                                      • Ohh nerd stuff. Can i play? *takes a dump in the middle of Nowhere. [spoiler]sorry its the only thing im good at.[/spoiler]

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                                      • This looks fun. Hope it goes well.

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