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Edited by IceApfel: 7/13/2019 12:33:48 PM

Analysis of “Fragment” and Shadowkeep theory (Part 2)

[Part 2] Part 1 link: _________________________________________________________ [b][u]What we know about Shadowkeep:[/u][/b] Despite all the obvious facts like Eris returning and the red fortress and all that stuff, what do we know about Shadowkeep that gives us clues towards its story? Here’s a small list: - “The Darkness is closer than you think” - the moon has major geographical changes -it’s not only about the Hive - it will push elements of psychological horror - it’s about the worst fears of Guardians - old enemies are coming back as “Nightmares” - ”Nightmares are manifestations of our guardians past” - Eris unleashed the Nightmares, seemingly on accident - the Fallen have a new settlement on the moon - a secret golden age expedition to the moon will also play into the story - Black Garden is the new Raid - Vex invasions will be happening throughout the system For the intents and purposes of this post, I will leave out all the stuff about Fallen and Vex, because that’s a discussion for another time. But do know that it’s probably important. ____________________________________________________ [b][u]Theory time:[/u][/b] First up: I don’t think that the Nightmares are actually [i]resurrected[/i] enemies. Think about it. They are called [b]Nightmares[/b] and are described as “manifestations”. If you look closely at them, you’ll see that all of them seem a little bit translucent. Moreover, the gameplay of the fight against Nightmare Crota labels him as “Crota Phantasma”. They probably are something along the lines of an apparition or phantom. Now comes the theory part. I’m not extremely sure about this, but it’s definitely worth a thought. I think that the fragments are linked to the Nightmares, if not causing them in the first place. Remember what we learned about the fragments? That they cause hallucinations and visions in [b]Guardians[/b]? The developers literally said that Shadowkeep would be about the worst fears of [b]Guardians[/b] and psychological horror. What a coincidence that all the Nightmares are enemies [i]our[/i] Guardian has killed before. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. Our Guardians worst fear is probably failure. And failing to kill the most dangerous foes to humanity (or some of them) over and over, as it is described in the ViDoc, would be devastating for our Guardian. I’m not yet ready to go further with this theory, because I can’t fit Eris or Savathûn in this yet, so that’s all for now. All I’m going to say now is that the Nightmares [b]may[/b] be the product of the Hive experimenting with the fragments. No matter if the fragments do or don’t cause the Nightmares, they have to come from somewhere. We know they come from at least one crashed ship of unknown origin. I personally think a link could be made to the secret golden age expedition, which seems to be related to the first Chinese colonists of the moon. Especially since the fragments are described to be similar to a solar panel in appearance. Even though they do give off some [i]heavy[/i] Darkness vibes, they are described to sound not so alien. So either they are somehow man-made and from the golden age [b]or[/b] they do have a dark origin and somehow came into possession of humanity before the collapse, which also seems weird. I do admit that the link starts to get hazy at this point, but it’s still worth a thought, especially since golden age tech is still very mysterious and sometimes seems close to magic in how ridiculous it can be. I still want to stress that it’s extremely likely that we will get some [b]major[/b] Darkness teasers, or probably even Darkness involvement in Shadowkeep. That’s a given. So I’m basically still leaning towards a dark origin of the fragments, even though the coincidence of a crashed unknown ship and a failed expedition is...tempting. ____________________________________________________ That’s it for now. There will probably be a follow-up/correction to this post once we have more information. Feel free to add your own thoughts. [spoiler]I’m posting this while most of you are probably asleep, so I’m going bump this later.[/spoiler]

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  • <I don't think we'll get DIRECT Darkness involvement, but it's entirely possible that the armada's technology will be introduced. Clearly Bungie's trying to keep identity and motives a secret, but technology and (human-crossed) history is fair game. We'll be getting a -blam!--ton of hints to be sure. As for the Hive and Vex, I'm thinking their war will reignite. Whatever the Hive are doing brought back Zydron, and there is now a Vex Gate on the Moon, presumably our path into the Black Garden, which has been flung into space. The Black Garden wasn't made by the Vex, and it's possible that its original creator has moved it as bait. The Vex get stronger by being in the Garden, so it'd make sense if they made a resurgence. The Vex will spread to all they can and push back the Hive, only to be met by the Taken. If we cripple the Taken and kill Savathun, the Vex will win the war. They will be unstoppable (except to us) until the Darkness arrives and pushes them back harder than the Taken ever could.>

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    • Edited by Haknir: 7/15/2019 1:28:16 AM
      Eris says “патетическая” which is a feminine form of the adjective “pathetic”. That being said, she could be describing a myriad of things, but I looked for a couple of common words. Nothing really worked. She could be describing savathun, xivu arath, or Quria though because they are all either female or have a name ending with the letter a (which is typically feminine in Russian). OR I’m making it too complicated she’s just describing her injury cuz the word “рана” meaning wound/injury is feminine. But that’s boring, so why settle with that, right?

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      • “A guardian’s worst fears.” Now, hear me army of self rezzing Cursed Thrall. The very thought gives me chills.

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        • You seam to forget the lore about the portal on the moon that’s giving life from nothing

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          • Bump

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          • Well if you think about it the vex have time travel capabilities and going off of others interpretation of when time travel goes wrong apparitions/manifestations show up. So because Vex will be invading everywhere maybe it not an invasion but them scrambling to search and fix something that went wrong with the Moon's timeline and our guardian is the focus of what's wrong since it deals with our old enemies.

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            • But more importantly when will we address how OP blade barrage is in mayhem?

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              • Guardians worst fear? *thinks back to D1 Y1 openings of purple engrams* I think I know who the raid boss is

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              • I thought kinda the same thing. I think Savathun created these nightmares. They are trickery schemes she has set. Maybe Nokris is involved somehow, but unlikely. I think she is tricking us into believing the Darkness is closer than we think, while she herself doesn't actually know its closing in. So basically she's tricking us about the Darkness, but fails to realize that she doesnt know the facts of her own trick

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                • Nice theory but one thing has got me thinking are they really our nightmares taking form or are we their nightmares, cause im gonna hang crotas sword on my wall XD

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                  • Bump

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                  • It would be very cool to play through all of the “what-if” pathways as nightmares. I.e. what if we failed to stop Crota from destroying Earth? What if we failed to break Ta’arch’s grip on freehold? etc. etc. Interesting concept and an even more excellent excuse to recycle content.

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                  • Bump! Great read! Don’t forget that they said something in the ViDoc about how we can’t kill them and make them go away like usual. Hinting that we have to keep killing them and find the source

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                    • Some points I’d like to add. In the Court of Oryx, there was a tier 3 Wizard boss. She was a daughter of Savathun or something. She had Scarlett colored armor. Looks just like a Wizard in the Shadowkeep trailer. Perhaps these are Savathun’s actual Hive we’re fighting. Additionally, there was a Crucible map in D1. The Anomaly. It was on the Moon and it’s grimoire card is quite interesting. Anomaly Card: Balwur Card:

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                      • My theory is the only thing returning is the moon itself, the patrol zone, crota strike and that one strike where you could play it forward or backward in the same area. They'll call this new content, and it will be the only thing in shadow keep.

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                        • Savathun will most likely not be involved directly. I feel that Quira will instead be the character along side Eris that will get character development.

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                          • - it will push elements of psychological horror Means the raid will be jumping puzzle only.

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                            • At some point during the vidoc I believe, you can see one of the nightmares being created. They appear to be created by a “gas” to me, it looks exactly like the light that the cabal has d captured in the first mission on Io, [b][i]but[/i][/b] this substance is black instead of white

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                              • Bump

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