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7/9/2019 1:15:34 AM

The Singularity: To Link The Fire (P14 End)

(Continuing with Pyrus and Pyre from Part 13. Pyre has chosen not to accept Enigma's offer for salvation while Pyrus has chosen to go with Enigma.) Pyrus: *turns around away from Enigma, looking back to Pyre*. "Are you sure you want to stay here?" Pyre: *approaches Pyrus and grabs both of his hands*. "You're an idiot a good way..." Pyrus: "Pyre.....Orion told me that, we're singlings." Pyre: *chuckles*. "Yeah dude, it's pretty obvious." Pyrus: "Sigh...... I'm not staying behind Pyre, I.....I can't.." Pyre: *let's go of Pyrus's hands*. "I know, don't worry about it. Bop was something different to me and, I can't let him die alone." Enigma: "Time is short you two, best hurry along." Pyrus: *places his hand on Pyre's head and pulls her close for a hug*. "Goodbye Pyre...." Pyre: *closes her eyes and takes a deep breath*. "......yeah...." (After their final goodbyes have been said, Pyre departs away from Pyrus to find Bop and group back up with him for the final battle. As for Pyrus, he has joined Enigma in the heaven of moonlight, safe from Mudoon's wrath.) ----------------------------------------------------------- (Level 12 of the singularity, graveyard level with Worm, Jay, Rex, and Acro.) Worm: *lying on the ground with his forehead bleeding*. "Ugh.....what the hell just hit us...." (Lifting his head to look around the area, Worm's vision clears and the entire floor has been scorched into nothing but fire and ash with thousands of weapons planted upright into the ground.) Worm: *spots Mudoon in the distance*. "Woah......what is that..." Mudoon: *grabs Acro and lifts him up by the neck*. "Your soul is weak human, but a soul nonetheless." Acro: "Heh, has anyone ever told you just how ugly you are?" Mudoon: *quietly growls as he stares into Acro's eyes*. "...." (Snapping Acro's neck with little effort, Mudoon consumes all of the blood in Acro's body and watches as he turns to ash.) Worm: *crawls over to Jay and shakes him*. "Dude, you need to wake up!" Mudoon: *turns to Worm*. "...." Jay: *holds his head as he wakes up*. "Ugh.....what happened?" Worm: "It's not important man! We need to get out of here!" (As jay turns around to look back to where the enemy was, Mudoon is standing right before him, staring down at him.) Worm: *looks up at Mudoon*. "Uh.....oh shit...." Mudoon: *manifests a sword of blood in his hand*. "There is no escape, no place to hide. You will all become food for my unlimited power..." (Drawing his sword back, Mudoon attempts to kill Worm and Jay both with one swing. But, before Mudoon can connect, a large swing from a katana like weapon hits Mudoon and sends him sliding away.) Bop: *drops down in front of Worm and Jay, guarding them both*. "You face Bopsheezi, void walker of the singularity." Mudoon: *looks back at Bop*. "...." Worm: *lifts Jay up, letting him lean on his shoulder*. "Bop who? Who're you?" Bop: *ignoring Jay and Worm*. "..." Pyre: *runs out into the open, practically out of breath*. "Bop!" Bop: *looks to Pyre*. "Pyre?! How did you get here?" Pyre: "It's a long story......some green dude..." Bop: *stares towards Pyre*. " truly are-!" Mudoon: *stabs Bop in the back and lifts him off his feet*. "You all have underestimated me......" (As Mudoon's sword is through his chest, Bop's blood and soul slowly drains from his body in severe pain. Attempting to grab the sword in his chest, Bop's hands turn to ash instantly upon touching the blade.) Pyre: *runs towards Bop, accepting the fact that she will die*. "Bop...." Worm: *yells to Pyre*. "Hey, stop!" Mudoon: *throws Bop aside and sets his eyes for Pyre*. "Hm." (Opening his mouth, Mudoon charges up a red hollow bomb in between his teeth, aiming right for Pyre. Jumping into the battle after recovering, Rex draws his great sword and swings for Mudoon's neck. Dealing zero damage and bouncing back like he swung right into a wall, Mudoon turns towards Rex and shoots off his hollow bomb, roaring like a demonic beast as the bomb incinerates Rex to ash and all the land for miles ahead.) Pyre: *runs over to Bop and lifts him up slightly as he lies on the ground*. "...Bop..." Bop: *looks to Pyre*. "You shouldn't have come should have lived..." Pyre: *closes her eyes, trying not to cry*. "I'm sorry...." Mudoon: *grabs Pyre and tosses her aside, away from Bop*. "I hope you people know I'm going easy on you all. The story doesn't allow me to end you all instantly like Reign-Beaux..." Bop: *tries to get up*. "My duty insists that I stop all hollow that enter this realm.....I must follow through..." Mudoon: *stares down at Bop*. "Your duty? Sigh..... We're done here." (Grabbing Bop's neck, Mudoon squeezes his throat and digs his claws into him, forcing his eyes to burst out from his sockets and blood to rush out his mouth until death. After Bop's death, Mudoon consumes his body just like he did with Acro.) Jay: *grabs both of Worm's hands*. "We need to activate our passive ability, fùck everyone else, we need to exit now!" Worm: *nods*. "Where then?" Jay: "Antares. We'll figure something out with more time." (Activating their passive mystical art ability, Worm and Jay warp out of the singularity and appear outside the city of Altair within Antares. Now all that's left on level 12 of the singularity are Mudoon and Pyre.) Mudoon: *walks over to Pyre*. "You remind me somewhat of Ruby, fearless, true to yourself. It's a shame she decided to go against me." Pyre: *spits at Mudoon's boots*. "Don't try and compare me to anyone, I'm my own person.....and you..... you're just a child that likes to destroy shit because you aren't intelligent enough to see the beauty of life...." Mudoon: *kneels down to Pyre and grabs her chin*. " know what I see? I see an endless cycle, a wheel that doesn't know when to stop. You people live your lives and then you die, someone is always going to be there to take your place afterwords. Existence is flawed and pointless, I will cleanse this reality into the nothingness that it once was." Pyre: *pulls away from Mudoon's grip*. "Seems to me like you have your mind made up. So let me ask you, why am I still alive?" Mudoon: "Because I was talking to you......dumbass.." Pyre: *shrugs her shoulders*. "If there was tension, you completly removed it." Mudoon: "Yeah, alright, I'm gonna brutally kill you now." (Increasing the size of his teeth, Mudoon chomps down on Pyre's head and consumes her the old much more gruesome and painful hollow way until there is nothing left of her remains.) ----------------------------------------------------------- (Level 15 of the singularity. BatPug has chosen to accept the darkness and join Death and Saitonia.) StoneFlare: *notices someone missing*. "Hey, where did Bat go?" Ronin: *looks around*. "Uh, he was just next to you wasn't he?" Artemis: "Ugh, guess we gotta go look for him now." Ronin: "I guess so." StoneFlare: *thinking to himself*. "Something isn't right here...." Ronin: *grabs Artemis's shoulder*. "Wait, do you hear that noise? It sounds like something's coming towards us." Artemis: *concerningly looks at Ronin*. "Where from? I don't sense any divine nearby." StoneFlare: *sits down on the ground and leans against a wall*. "So....what do we do?" Ronin: *thinking to himself*. "I've felt a fragment of this power before in Lee........Oh no!!" (As Ronin realizes what has happened, Mudoon activates his ultimate power and the entire singularity shatters into ash and blood, killing everything inside and absorbing all the souls but one into his body to increase his own strength further.) ---------------------------------------------------------- Ronin: *opens his eyes as he's lying in a pool of water, staring at a black stone ceiling*. "Ugh..... Artemis?" (Sitting up, Ronin looks around the dark stone hallway he is in. All his weapons and abilities gone, no one with him. Behind him is a door made of steel that does not open from that side, all he is able to do is walk down the dark hallway.) Ronin: *gets up and notices his clothes are not wet from the water*. "Am I dreaming?" (Walking down the hallway, a faint light at the end of the tunnel shows itself. Approaching the light, Ronin walks into a small room with a bonfire in the center and a sword sticking out of the middle of the bonfire.) Ronin: *touches the sword and the flames from the bonfire link into his body as the bonfire light grows brighter*. "I feel.....strange..." (Sitting down in front of the fire, Ronin closes his eyes and breathes deeply.) Ronin: *opens his eyes and looks at the flames in his hands*. "Yes, indeed.....the flame will not die out today. The first flame.....must linked..." (End of the singularity.)

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  • Rex has died. The time has come. Next season, we will witness the glorious coming of the great CamelLord! The Vasto Lorde cannot compare to the Camel Lorde!

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