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5/13/2019 4:46:06 PM
More isn't better. The guns in both Borderlands games are not very good, and for me---frankly---not very fun to play with. Borderlands 3 hasn't been released. So---unless you've had hands-on time with the game----you're not in position to say very much about that the game is like. Warframe is a game that is 7 years old. I can assure you that the Warframe of 2019 is NOTHING like the Warframe of 2014. I played that game...and it was such a disorganized mess of a game....that I put it down after an hour, and didn't pick it up again for another 3 years. YES, but Summer 2017, Warframe was a great game. But only after 5 YEARS of constant refining and improvement. Which Warframe was able to do in relative obscurity. Digital Extremes deserves credit for this...but we're not going to pretend that Warframe dropped on the world in that condition...because it didn't. World of Warcraft is a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD game, Warframe...has undergone constant refinement. In no small part because the game is a billion-dollar a year CASH COW for Blizzard that no only pays for itself, but funds the development of other games as well. Never mind you've broken genre and are now trying to compare MMOs to loot games. Destiny 1 or 2 having better loot? ROFLMAO. Destiny games have spent most of the franchise's life being TERRIBLE loot games. Bad drop rates. Shallow perk pools. Constant nerfs due to PvP. A toxic cycle of the developers giving us power with each new content drop....adn then taking that power away as complaints form PVP roll in. Monster Hunter World I can't comment on because I haven't played it enough. But once again you are talking about a VERY old franchise that has had YEARS to refine its formula in relative obscurity. As for the rest, you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall hoping something will stick. The only other loot game in that mix is Diablo....which is a franchise...that has had over 20 years to refine itself. The rest is a hodge-podge of MMOs and RPGs that arent' even loot games. So...once again...thanks for making my point. When you do manage to come up with some apples-to-apples know where to find me.

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