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5/8/2019 4:09:51 PM
I believe your solution is not a valid one for bettering the game. And though I value input and responses I believe ad hominem is not a valid way to argue. Thank you though for offering some sort of input, however much value it may have had.

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  • Edited by Necrogen: 5/8/2019 4:12:10 PM
    Oh spare me. Your [i]solution[/i] is for Bungie to back down from their [i]own[/i] game and do what you want. That's [i]not a solution.[/i] at least with my suggestion cores are out of sight out of mind. The lot of you won't need advice on how to overcome your light level issue / masterworking so what is anyone to say or do?

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  • I am not asking them to back down from their own game, I am asking them to revert back to a previous system they them selves had implemented and was working without issue. The current system is preventing new and returning players from playing freely, from playing how they want, and use the gear they want. This isnt how the game used to work. In comparison to how much freedom we had in choosing the gear and guns we wanted to take with us before versus now and how much punishment we receive for it, in the form of being locked away from using useful gear with perks and rolls that benefit us just because its too low light, it is clear this system is inferior to the previous in creating a better gaming experience. They themselves had a working system, Master Working used cores and a lot people did it for their gear, while infusion didnt break the bank and people could have fun trying out different load outs in all higher light activities. This new system doesnt let you do both if you are a new/returning player, and even if you dont find an issue with it doesnt mean others dont and that the issue isnt real. One system they created worked better than the other and the problem is they wont fix the one that isnt working best.

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  • If I don't find it an issue, prove what needs to be done and advise how to maintain cores, it would [i]still be a problem.[/i] The answer is not in dealing with it and showing the solution. It's the ego. It's removing them. This path is ignorant. You all need to back down. [i][u]if and when[/u][/i] the devs open up for suggestions that's when these posts should come back. They said over 10x no plans in removing cores. There are more pressing issues in the game that need attention.

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  • How the hell can you claim in one breath it’s not an issue because it doesn’t impact you and in the next decry the egos of those calling for change in this, the second 4000+ comment thread explaining the problem and why removal is the best solution. Get off your high horse and read some effing explanations. You are the only one here demonstrating an over-inflated ego. If you aren’t prepared to check your bias and think critically then go back under your bridge and stay out of the way of this conversation.

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  • Yea you can back the hell down because if you actually [i]follow[/i] this thread, you'd see I had many suggestions, discussions and arguments since this thread started. Yes those that are [i]still[/i] arguing have an ego and need to stop. They said [i]no.[/i] no one here wants to adhere to suggestions and accept or respect bungies decision. There is no meaningful discussion as now it's just people repeating over and over their misplaced discontent. [i]enough already.[/i] get off [i][b][u]your[/u][/b][/i] high horse and kick rocks.

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  • I will restate my and many other peoples desire on this. Cores should be removed only from infusion. If cores return to only be used for Masterworking then no changes need to be made into how often and how many cores we are receiving currently from activities. In my opinion, the Core flow is Sufficient as it is now for one of the two, Masterworking OR Infusion. Not both. Adding more sources to grind for one core at a time is not a solution to keeping Cores for both systems. Removing cores from infusion will make masterwking relevant again, and possible for many more. That is my hill, and I so have chosen to die on it.

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  • And you'll "die" for nothing. They closed the "issue".

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  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve head worse reasons to die for.

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  • You must have a very bleak life

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  • When life is going well enough that I can balance going to work, going to school, and finding time to relax with games, finding a few seconds or minutes to respond here or put my opinion into the issue with Cores is almost effortless. I lose no sleep from half baked responses or insults mascaraded as arguments I have received before. Constructing an argument for my opinion and adding it to the discussion is all I wish to do. I care for this games, the players I have met, and mostly what great potential the game has if Bungie would understand our position in all of this. So far the only Bleak Life here is the one Destiny currently has.

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