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5/6/2019 7:38:00 AM
Frustrated players generally quit and don't come back. While I agree with everything else you said, this is currently the first issue they need to address. I didn't see the content drought as an issue, went and played something else while I eagerly awaited the next part to my favourite game. But. This current system has frustrated me to the point where for the first time ever I haven't logged in after an update, I've paid for the the pass but don't intend to use it. Most likely now won't ever log in again, D3 would have to be a gift from someone even then, the damage has been done! Options Bungie people want options, we don't want to play the game exactly as you tell us we have to, you have too many customers to dictate one way to play. Prestige mode raids, lets tell them which weapons we want them to use! great plan! What can we get them to do next? Arhhh what a waste!

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  • [quote] Options Bungie people want options, we don't want to play the game exactly as you tell us we have to, you have too many customers to dictate one way to play. Prestige mode raids, lets tell them which weapons we want them to use! great plan! What can we get them to do next?[/quote] That's the problem in a nutshell....and its how companies run themselves into the ground. They become cut off from their customers...and they start to put their own organizational agendas AHEAD of the basic function of providing a satisfactory product to their customers. I agree 100% with what you've said. The biggest problem with the Destiny franchise is that Bungie simply either doesn't UNDERSTAND the game they've made....and either don't understand (or don't RESPECT) the type of gamer who plays it...and what motivates them to play it. ....and they are losing players because of it. The only thing that gives me hope at this point. Is that the two people who seem to have consistently SHOWN this understanding and respect-----Chris Barrett and Luke Smith----have been given control fo the franchise going forward..... ...and those devs and teams leads who consistently showed the least insight and the least respect....seem to be leaving the company. Chris Barrett and his Live Team did EXACTLY what you suggested in Years 2 and 3 with Destiny 1. They grew the game in ways that EMPOWERED the player to play the game in a way that was meaningful to them....and then found ways to reward them for it. They were content with you being happy to play the pockets of the game you long as you were happy and kept coming back. But the people who are leaving.... The development and management of Destiny 2 has always seemed focused on this obsessive-to-the-point-of-the-pathologic need for CONTROL. Not to empower the player to play the game they way the enjoyed.... ...but this almost HOSTILE need to control the player and FORCE them to play the entire game...and to play it the way the devs envisioned. Almost like it was a movie or a play....and not an interactive form of entertainment. But it IS an interactive form of entertainment....and when you narrow the entire game down to only ONE way to interact with remove the player and THEIR creativity and THEIR preferences from the equation. Which is why so many people are experiencing this game as a painful drugery...and a chore to play. Because we are being forced to interact with what has always been a shallow the most rudimentarly and SIMPLEMINDED way possible...and to do it EVERY WEEK...WEEK AFTER WEEK..... ....with almost no say in the matter other than to quit from exhaustion....protest....or both. And as we....and Blizzard....have been saying. Players who quit under these conditions. Usually don't come back.

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  • I wish I had your patience to spend the time to articulate the issues the way you do. I cared for the success of this game for a long time but, now, I’m just over it. I still hope in time people like yourself get through and changes for the better are made. Hopefully your feeling that the game is now in the hands of right people is correct. Sadly I don’t think I will be back to see it. Good luck Guardian! All the best!

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  • I get it....but that's why its a community effort. I'm invested in this game to the point I'm willing to come here and FIGHT for its soul with Bungie. But I've had to walk away from other games (The Division 1) because the fight with the developer just exhausted my care for the game....and burnout was taking hold. I walked away....but others who were able stayed with it....and we got The Division 2 as a result. I'm grateful that they had the stamina for a fight that I didn't. This is no different. This is a community effort as well. Go take care of yourself. [i]We've got this[/i]. ;)

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