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5/5/2019 4:13:28 PM
No. There are no shortcuts.. and Bungie needs to pay the price for their mistake with this game. Bungie is trying to hold onto players in a loot game without REWARDING the time the invest. Especially those players who leave after reaching level cap. Because they either don’t like and end game loot grind and build making.... or they don’t understand how to do it. Either way it doesn’t work. Blizzard has gone on the record saying that this was one of the biggest lessons they learned with the failure of vanilla Diablo 3. They tried to keep people playing by using randomness to slow people down and keep them playing. They said it didn’t work. People always LEAVE games like this when they achieve their goals. All the developer can do is affect whether they leave HAPPY...or they leave angry and frustrated. Reward the player generously, and they leave. But they leave HAPPY. They leave but they come back when there is new stuff to do and new things to chase. It’s why Diablo 3 still has a vibrant community after seven years. A community that got mad at Diablo Immortal because they want Diablo 4 so passionately. Try to withhold those rewards from players, and you risk snapping player patience ( the rewards aren’t worth the effort required) and people quit in frustration. When they quit in frustration and anger...they leave and they don’t come back. That is what is happening to both Destiny 2 and Anthem. BioWare stumbles into this, but they at least understand that this is a problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. Bungie did this to their game on purpose because they learned the wrong lessons from Vanilla D2s failure, and are arrogantly defending their insistence of pursuing a course that will damage the game and damage loyalty to the franchise. Hearing anyone clamoring for Destiny 3? Shit Bungie’s mismanaged this game so badly that none of us really have any idea of what a Destiny 3 would even look like at this point.

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