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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
4/30/2019 4:24:01 PM

Thoughts about Destiny...

Backstory: I play this game 3-4 hours a night 5-6 days a week. I've been doing this since D1: Dark Below and haven't stopped playing the game. I get excited about any new release and I don't play any other game besides Destiny. I truly love this game. I have enjoyed playing it with my friends and even if most of them have moved off, I play and make new friends to play with. Its not only a game, it’s a fun little hobby for me just like playing sports. I try to play every little content that is give, from Raids, to Trials and even Gambit. I always set goals for myself in game if it’s to get better at crucible or learn every little bit of the raid. As much as I love Destiny, I truly believe they need to do away with the drip content and move towards more of a hybrid version of this drip content and DLC. Few things to consider, they want us to play and sustain our play time. They don't want us just to play all the content day 1 which includes 4 story missions and a couple of exotic quest that might be time gated and then start leveling up for the Endgame activity. I also get that if they want us to play every activity over and over again, they shouldn't make it a chore. Which I have felt since Forsaken. The powerful engram activities shouldn't feel again like a chore. I want to log in and do what I want, without feeling obligated to level up and do my 5 Crucible games, and 3 strikes (using the same burn as my teammates). I want to play the game freely without being penalized. Which I feel like once I knock out my (fill in the blank) activity. This season I decided to approach it differently. I told myself I’m not going to worry about power level. I’m going to focus on the pinnacle weapons. I will eventually get my power level up. I’m not going to worry about triumphs and seals. I feel like those are for the even more hard core and eventually I’ll get those if I just play the game. I don’t need to be world first at anything. I’m playing a game to have fun. Few things I would like to see changed: 1. Get rid of Powerful Engram activities. 2. Make the drops more meaningful. 3. Don’t make everything about super hardcore players. 4. Crucible needs to be reworked. 5. Make Exotics great again a. Then make the pinnacle weapons second tier Get rid of Powerful Engram activities. This is what I was saying above. I like doing older content, but it shouldn’t be the driving force of what needs to level me up in which I get burned out by the second week of the new season because I’m grinding harder for level and doing times 3 characters isn’t fun. Make the drops more meaningful. I would love a god roll fill in the blank, but the drop rates need to be there. I don’t want to spend my 3-4 hours a night doing an activity and get one drop if I’m lucky. So award me for time spent in that one activity accordingly. Don’t make everything about super hardcore players. This is easy, I play a lot but I don’t in anyway consider myself a hardcore player. I see the triumphs, and seals out there and I know I’ll get them if I just play. However, lets be honest. The hardcore people will get these seals and triumphs within a week of new content either by cheesing the system because they have a ton of people watching them or not sleeping for 3 days straight. On the lines of Not Forgotten, I will never be that good enough to obtain it. But I feel if you are, instead of a god tier weapon that they’ll take in Quick Play and wipe the floor with. Make it an emblem or cosmetic to award them with. We already know they’re “good” because you can give them a slingshot and they’ll wipe the lobby up with it. Which leads to be my next topic…. Crucible needs to be reworked In no way am I a game developer, and I wouldn’t know the first thing that would need to be done. The team at Bungie are the experts, I just play their game for fun. With that said, I think the CBMM needs to be reworked for QP. Either a hybrid CBMM/SBMM or something like that. I want to play against people that are on my level at the least. Before you say, “Go play in Comp” It’s two different things. I don’t feel like sweating every time I play crucible, but I also don’t want to take a dump on a person who just started playing the game and they leave the game with 1 kill and 30 deaths., I’ve been in that boat and it’s not fun. The mentality of “get good” doesn’t always apply. I think ideal I would like to play someone in my range, and make it a bigger range than comp. I know the top players will complain, but not to knock on them the 1%’ers are fewer than the 99% of us daily players who play for fun. Make Exotics great again, then make the pinnacle weapons second tier This is easy. I don’t want to use a “god roll” weapon and it does more damage than every exotic and pinnacle weapons. It should always be, Exotic, Pinnacle and everything else. If it isn’t, why the heck did I run 40 strikes for a scout rifle that is meh. Why would I rather have all legendary guns and none of them are pinnacle or exotic just to run strikes or a raid? Not to challenge myself, but they’re better than what’s really offered. Anyways, to end this little post (ha). I’m a nobody when it comes to this game, I’m not a big named streamer, I’m not a youtuber. I’m just a fan of Destiny and I would love to play this game for the next 20 years. Again, these are my thoughts and I’m sure they’re not right by someone. But that’s the cool thing about opinions. We all have them. Thanks for your time. LoneStar

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