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Edited by TheArtist: 4/26/2019 3:55:24 PM
Unfortunately, I can. Massive stubbornly clung to the their original vision of The Dark Zone....and having it be the centerpiece of The Divison 1s end-game in Year 1. Despite months of community outcry, they just REFUSED to accept the fact that the vast majority of RPG gamers HATE open-world PVP with a passion.....and the fact that the Dark Zone's PVP was a particularly nasty form of it only made matters worse. Like Bungie, they just kept trying to apply more and more pressure in order to force PVE players into the Dark Zone....and the more pressure they applied the more people left the game. When the sales of their first paid DLC were horrible, they finally came to their senses and backed down. Clearly many of those same people still work at Massive....because last week they made the SAME G-D mistake and tried touching that SAME "third-rail" again, trying to prop up the Dark Zone. Once again they were going to try to wall off the game's most powerful loot behind the walls of the DZ...and open-world PVP.... ...and the community outcry was so swift and so negative, that they IMMEDIATELY backed away from it. In this weeks "State of The Game" their lead CM made a point of saying, "We never want PVE players feeling like they're forced to play in the DZ". Making it VERY clear that they had (finally) gotten the message. (To Hamish's credit he's saavy enough to not have broken into a lecture about Massive's "design goals" with the DZ.) But never underestimate how invested people can become in a bad idea. Because Massive was about to risk the success of The Division 2...and repeat one of the biggest design mistakes that they made with the first game.

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