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Edited by Talia Sendua: 4/27/2019 7:02:53 PM

Guys, keep in mind that we, the luna and NF owners, had around 8 months the best pvp guns in our hands. It is time thaat we let others have fun too. PvP wasn't made exclusively for us hardcore sweaters.

I have my luna, I played the gun for 4 months without a break in crucible and I WANT THIS NERF! Yeah, it took time and skill to get the guns but we had already enough benefit from them. I will be happy when I can pick up my auto rifles again without worrying about lunas and NF around each corner. And it is kinda ironic that you guys, which have obviously so much skill, complain about a nerf which would you only force to have EVEN MORE SKILL with the guns or playing guns which do require actually gun skill and knowledge. I don't want to say that luna and NF are crutch cannons but I feel like all the complainers didn't touched other primary guns since they got the pinnacles. It is time that you learn to play other guns again. [b]DISCLAIMER:[/b] [quote][b]Some idiot spoiled Endgame below, so if you haven’t seen it and want to remain spoiler-free, do not scroll down. You have been warned. [/b] ~ Astro[/quote] [b]Edit:[/b] Small update from my side. Since I started this thread I got around over 1200 notification messages... You guys are insane 👌🏼😉

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  • Well I'm against it. But not for the reasons you might think. I'm very happy to change up the meta. However I think the nerf is too much, Changing the gun completely isn't the way to go IMO. I'd much rather see bloom being adjusted on other handcannons instead. And if that's not enough then maybe a slight change to the Howl perk. Not a total change to RPM and the exclusive perk. When nerfing becomes the answer to everything , the game gets really really boring. Which is how d2 was made.

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  • What if Luna's was made available through a long quest such as Redrix Broadsword? Having the gun doesn't make average players like me great. It gives me a slight advantage over players in my skill range that don't have the gun. Just about all players better than me A) have the gun and B) better skill, so they still crush me. Availability is MORE the problem than the gun itself. Having a PVP game that has RNG exotic weapons and armor, pinnacle weapons, perks and mods that create fast charging supers, and an abundance of heavy ammo, create poor balance and lopsided game play. There are too many variables to balance properly. You basically have to use every crutch and advantage you can to succeed. If you don't use the meta, the opposition definitely will.. and you will most likely lose. Why should you be able to bring a pinnacle weapon that you earned in competitive, to a regular crucible game? And I guess its just too bad that certain players couldn't get Shards of Galanor ( Lol, I still don't have them) or One-eyed mask to drop when they were OP. For the life of me I cannot understand why the creators of Halo do not implement game types / game modes that restrict certain weapons / armor. You know, like SWAT, DMR's only, BR's only, etc. You could have upper tier games modes of Not Forgotten only, lower tiers of with no pinnacle weapons allowed, make these part of weekly bounties maybe. There are more ways to level the playing field that just nerfing guns.

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  • Edited by redmosquito87: 4/28/2019 5:19:08 AM
    Sure NF and Luna’s will be weakened, but will probably still be solid guns in Crucible. However, the next season will still have a meta, and there will still be the same people crying for a nerf. I’m going to go out on a limb that a god roll Service Revolver plus Recluse will be the new meta next season on console at least. And what will get nerfed next? Probably Recluse. I will most likely not grind for another pinnacle weapon again. No point in working that hard for something barely better than anything else.

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  • Edited by TheWagn: 4/27/2019 5:01:55 PM
    Another win for the whiners. They were pretty OP though, but I sort of figured that was the point of making them so hard to get. Oh well. They will still be strong for sure. I personally never had a problem fighting luna. Owning the gun puts it in perspective. I honestly used it because 180's are the only HC that feel good to use on console, and luna was the best 180. If hand cannons didn't have the awful bloom effect on console I would have used ace more than luna. Problem is luna and NF (and other 180's) are the only consistent HC in the game. It's no wonder why people used them so much. I would love to have seen bungie remove the bloom on console first and see how the meta changed before nerfing luna.

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    5 Replies
    • Thank you for the grownup post. Bungie needs to figure out a way to get more assorted primary guns into the mix in pvp. Whatever happened to auto rifles? Hand cannons have always been preferred by those with more skill and experience and making those guns the meta makes things horribly lopsided. Some newb or casual hopping into Quickplay with their auto rifle doesn't stand a chance. I remember in D1 lots of people used auto rifles.

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    • Antman turns small runs into Thanos’s butthole (the thanus) once deep inside the Thanus he turns into giant man thus wrecking the Thanus and thats how Thanos dies.

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      2 Replies
      • well said. it will be harder to get Nf after the nerf but thats just life. But the meta does need a breath of fresh air. Everyone is running lunas or NF. I've got it, but its not even close to my favourite weapon.

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        • Edited by Waifu Cat Girl(adept): 4/28/2019 2:25:25 AM
          I want it too for I can let the lunas up and pull out my God roll nature or beast from the raid or God roll kendle again and stand a chance at 4500+ glory without having to join meta squad

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        • Yay, a positive sweat, and thanks for the disclaimer, I usually scroll comments👏👏

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        • I couldn’t agree more...

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        • Edited by jasterx17: 4/27/2019 10:46:11 PM
          Honestly i play with last word, Ace, and Thorn more, I just enjoy those guns more. LH, and NF are kinda boring guns, there like easy mode. Guns that you learn to use them, like the last word are fun, because when you get good with it, means you are that level up on use it. Am not insulting anyone that like LH. I am just saying gun is kinda boring compared to the other hand cannons, and lets be real, they wouldm't much of an issue if the bloom effect on hand cannons above 140-110 weren't so bad. Right now the gambit prime hand cannon feels like a d1 hand cannon.

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        • Edited by mJORG77: 4/27/2019 9:53:50 PM
          well i stopped playing d2 when the first dlc hit, i came back at the begining of season 6 , about a week ago i got my lunas howl, i didnt have nearly as long as you say to use it lol all those 3v4s i had to win were for nothing

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        • A reasonable post in, wow!

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        • Edited by Racebum: 4/27/2019 9:31:42 PM
          I think it goes Way Beyond this. They have succeeded in making The Crucible a place where only a handful of weapons work and only a couple of play strategies work. They are literally repeating the same mistake they had in Destiny 1 that led to all of the constant changes. The big problem I see is the game was actually really balanced when it first launched it was just a little too slow. Speeding it up a touch would have made sense but what they did do is cater to the try-hard players and it drove off everyone else. Now you have a handful of weapons that a person has to use if they even want to not be constantly outshot. Auto rifles were only in play for the first part of Destiny 2 and Scout rifles never have been. Spam weapons like jotunn have led to one hit kill spawn camping. I really haven't played that much Crucible since the game first came out and it kind of blows my mind they managed to make it so much worse. The only big Improvement is the fact it has been sped up Nerfing the two worst offenders is a good first step but they should have never been created in the first place. People hate nerfs. It's really not that hard to make a balanced game in the first place and let people adapt to it. Stop catering to streamers and try-hards who only want a hand Cannon + one-hit-kill meta

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        • Well I switched to pc 5 months ago and just got the NF 3 weeks ago. -blam!- me I guess

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        • Damn an endgame spoiler. Folks are really just out there to spoil

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          1 Reply
          • Why does anyone care? This game is so unbelievably repetitive, unimaginative and boring...... This game has declined each and every week. Bungie continues to make horrible decisions, releases garbage content, and adds absolutely nothing of substance worth even doing anymore. Game is dead. I saw 350k players on the other day! I mean just wow! 350 world wide is pathetic.

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          • Fat yeet These people are complaining even tho they haven’t even played it yet and bc they don’t feel like learning and adapting bc they have used the same 3 weapons since forsaken

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          • I’ve had Not Forgotten since it came out, Gone unbroken, etc. I can unequivocally state I’m ecstatic the weapon is being dealt with. Personally I don’t think they nerfed it enough. It’s so boring using the same weapons for months in end. Bungie should’ve done this 1-2 seasons ago.

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          • Edited by Endless: 4/26/2019 9:23:06 PM
            Yes it really is ALWAYS one step forward, two steps behind with bungie. They have the right intention 100% of the time but are successful maybe 50% of the time with the outcome of their changes in the game. The answer to countering great weapons is to create new great weapons that are equal to or can counter those weapons. Nerfing good weapons that do take skill is never the answer. Bungie should just make next seasons pve pinnacle weapon good for once so maybe it has a chance against the dominant pvp pinnacle weapons. That is a much more realistic solution, to a problem that barely exists...for some people.... in one portion of the entire game... smh. After 4.5 years bungie has still not learned that nerfing weapons almost ALWAYS does not go well. Also it goes without saying that these two weapons are difficult to get especially for solo players. Recluse is an absolute joke to obtain, and an absolute joke how easy it use to use. Nerf that no-skill, easy to get gun instead of a precision hand cannon that takes more effort to get. Just a thought from someone with common sense. Something that seems not so common anymore. Ffs. The forum crybabies have won, as usual. What a absolute shame. Will bungie ever grow some balls and think for themselves? Or will they always just bend to the crybaby badkids on this forum. Every change to this game has been a direct result of bungie listening to the wrong people. People who are good at this game and actually play it for real rarely visit this forum. This is a big fact that gets completely overlooked. Bungie you need to start looking at stats for changes to your game, not the forum crybabies. What an absolute joke. Ill be back here in 3-6 months when they do something drastically stupid again. Peace.

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            • The hardcore will still dominate

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              • As long as the denizens of these forums don’t go and try to get Duke need I couldn’t care less what happens to my Luna. Good players will continue to poop on bad players and bad players will continue to whine.

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              • I like ace better anyway, Im fine with this

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              • While I see the OP's point, I don't agree with it for one simple reason. This game shouldn't be constantly changing and nerfing weapons people spent time working for. Exotics are meant to feel broken. Luna was meant to be ridiculously powerful in PvP. I don't even have the gun and it usually tears me up in PvP, but I think the people that worked for it should be rewarded for that work and the power of the gun shouldn't be changed because some people complain about getting shot with it. These sorts of changes make that time spent working for the weapon feel wasted, and that is the bottom line.

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              • Thank you

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              • I mean you didn’t HAVE to use Luna. I only used it for like a week or 2 after I got it. I never understood the buzz about it honestly. There’s Sooooo many better weapons(ok maybe not that much). But there’s bygones, TLW, Thorn, Recluse. I’m sure there’s more but I can’t think of them.

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