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Edited by vmondude: 4/15/2019 12:46:35 PM
Remove them from infusion or probably loose even more players over your stubbornness. No one cares about your “meaningful choice” when infusing they just want to be able to use ANY of their favourite gear whenever they want. Just to play and rank it up, like a game normally is. Like D1 was!... it’s called FUN BungIe. Do you remember what that is?

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  • This

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  • [quote]Do you remember what that is?[/quote] No.

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  • Dont say "like D1 was" or infusion will cost 75 planetary materials and 50 shards.

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  • 😂 it wasn’t as bad as that. But I’d much rather the D1 system than this. It takes five minutes with a ghost to run around and grab materials.

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  • It was worse. In D1 it took 75 planet mats and some shards and glimmer (or whatever essence was needed) to level a weapon. None of it was for sale. It took hours of running around on patrol farming mats to level a single gun or armor. Then the raids. That gear also needed the essence from the particular raid. I hate cores in infusion. But, we are currently lightyears better than D1.

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  • That was vanilla D1.

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  • ...yes... annnnd??....

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  • That's not the version of Destiny 1 that people are referring to. So you're using it as a straw man.

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  • No, just refreshing folks on 2 things: 1. Bungie will force a change upon us that will not be what is requested. They very well could revert the leveling system to vanilla D1. So, people need to be specific with their references. 2. D1 was not all roses and unicorns. There were bumpy roads. The rose tinted glasses are real for many folks.

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  • Can’t save people from themselves. If Bungie is committed to dying on this Hill, nothing can stop that other than our surrender and accepting this substandard product. That is not a reason to stop asking for what we want and is a reasonable expectation for a game of this type.

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  • Exactly. So, give feedback. Just be more specific. Otherwise we will end up paying 75 planetary mats, 10,000 glimmer, 35 legendary shards, and 2 (the newest, latest, greatest economic nonsense) Motes of Glory (which can only be earned by winning matches in Competitive (drop rate is rng, at about 1% chance for each win). Battle on guardian!!

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  • Woah, woah. Dude we are NOT here because the community didn't give specific feedback. We are here becasue Bungie is obsessed with control...has spent 10 years fighting amongst themselves over what kind of game Destiny would be...and distorts any feedback you give them through their own agendas. The Agenda here is Bungie wants their game played a certain way....doesn't care if we dont' enjoy playing it that way....and will force-feed it to us if they have to. Vanilla Destiny 2 didn't happen because the community gave unclear feedback about Destny 1. It was because there was a management shake-up at Bungie in Year 2 of Destiny 1....and a faction of the company that saw Destiny as the successor to control of the game, and probably the company. So feedback about the game got INTERPRETED through a PRE-EXISTING desire to create a game that played more like a campaign shooter and less like a loot game....with a PVP-oriented end game wtih e-sport quaility PVP. EVERY change that made to the game from Destiny 1 were the changes you needed to make in order to get The Crucible considered as an e-sport. Bungie and Jon Weisznewski just CHERRY-PICKED the feedback from the community that validated what they already wanted to do....and used that to justify it. So you get an AGGRESSIVE re-branding of the game....and complete RE-DESIGN of the basic game play loop and reward system that no one in the vast majority of the community asked for or wanted. Destiny 2 got made that way because that's what its devs wanted....and what a vocal minority of hard core competitive players wanted. Everyone else got forced fed a game they didn't want ...and ultimately didn't like. Which is why it flopped hard....and Bungie had to roll back all those chagnes in humiliation. To his CREDIT though, Weisznewski was self-aware enough to be willing to admit to himself and in interviews that he had done this.....and to accept the painful life lesson that its outcome was delivering. He was humbled (in a good way) by this...and he admitted that he was no longer so **convinced** that he knew what was best or what the community would like. IOW, he became a developer who was more willing to learn from the community rather than lecture. Whatever project he move ontl post-Bungie will probabaly benefit from this hard lesson...and this talented guy will probably do even better work because of it. But the same thing is going on right now with the Investment Team. Like Destiny 2s development team, they are determined to do whatever it is they want....and the community can just go -blam!- itself. Which is why we're locked in this curent contest of wills. They are determined to shove this core economy and Milestone system down our throats....and we're just determined that we're not going to eat it. So the issue is whether the IT will back down before they blow up the franchise....or AFTER. Those are the only two ways this ends.

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  • See, that was specific! :) How will the maelstrom of wills end? How will the spring of summoning silliness surmise? Will Bungie bequeath its will of wrongs to the community of commons? Will the potato and pinnacle players partner to pummel their perceptions into purpose? Only time will tell. Only the TWAB knows for sure.

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  • Yes...but I can be that way because I've been a daily player of this game going back to Day One of the first game.....and a daily consumer of information going back to the spring PRIOR to the launch of Destiny. Not many people can put their feedback into that kind of broad context....and they shouldn't HAVE to. The problem is Bungie's organizational character flaws...and unwillingness to honor community expectations. Dmg04 was a relatively new CM when he posted here back in fall of 2017 when it was just starting to become clear that Destiny 2 had no end-game....and it was not going to be accepted by the community. He said ---paraphrased----that Bungie had violated the community's trust...and that they would have to win it back. I replied to him that I agreed with him, and thanked him for his candor. Bungie had made an implicit agreement with this commuity that in exchange for putting up with Destiny 1s flaws, that Bungie would apply what they had learned to make Destiny 2 a better game and realize the potential of the franchise. Bungie turned their BACK on that implied agreement....and made an ENTIRELY different game....because that's teh game that those in power at Bungie at the time wanted to make. Then tried to leverage that loyalty and expectation that had stopped become inconvenient to their design efforts. The same thing is going on right now. Bungie is once again violating community expectations because they don't sit with the game that whomever is running the Investment Team right now wants to make. At some point this community is going to get TIRED of this shit from Bungie...and are going to close their wallets. ...and I think that time is coming soon.

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  • For many, the come has come and gone. When Greedivision and Bungie split I posted a few topics about how this time was so crucial. Players were watching. They should have given out a bunch of free shit and created a free event or something similar. They should have engaged the players. Instead, they botched the game up and have pursued this insanity. So, people have left. I still play, but not like I used to.

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  • What they have shown is that many of the things that have been frustrating the community about how the game is being managed didn't come from Activision. They were coming from Bungie all along. Which is sad.

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  • On top of motes which are basically cores lol

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  • Edited by vmondude: 4/15/2019 1:15:27 PM
    Motes dropped from literally everything

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  • So do cores lol

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  • D1 started out where the only way to hit max light was to partake in raids.. if you didn't you'd be stuck at level 26 I believe it was. People lost their minds. Infusion was introduced. People complained. Infusion was continued in D2. People complained. The game now showers you in cores.. I mean.. you can get 21 from Hawthorne alone each week in 3 hours or less while putting in 0 effort...... people still complain 🤷‍♂️

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  • There was nothing wrong with infusion through out Destiny. The problem was bottlenecking progression and birthing the moronic elitist mentality. You couldn’t get raid gear if you were solo unles you were lucky to find a LFG team that didn’t require lvl 30s with raid gear and weapons or ghorn. [b]THAT[/b] was the problem and Bungie rectified it. After that people complained about farming materials. I didn’t have a problem with it other than it being a shared world and that if you didn’t follow people around you couldn’t get mats or if you didn’t follow them you were harassed by morons who would message you talking crap. Bungie’s fault. Why couldn’t the materials disappear for those who picked it up and not for those who didn’t . Laziness. So what does Bungie do to fix that? They sell mats which severely undercut the turn in value to factions upsetting those who had 0 issues farming other than people who wanted you to play the way they were, the elitist still believe you should play how they do. The game showers you in cores? Didn’t I read one core per bounty? Is that a “shower”? Did you think two blues and a coin were “so much loot” too? Perhaps you are still not understanding the complaint about cores, it’s ok, there are a lot of people who are behind the learning curve. One item should not pull double duty, especially if said item is supposed to be “meaningful” to the game. [b]THAT[/b] is what people are annoyed with, why one item is being forced for multiple applications. You can get stuff from hawthorn, cool. So what about the solos that aren’t members of a clan? Does hawthorn give out cores to people who aren’t in clans? I haven’t played since Feb, does she now do more than just provide clan bounties and clan rewards?? If not, are you saying that in order to get those 21 cores a week in 3 hrs you must first join a clan??? Smh. I get it that you like systems that lack common sense. A lot of people aren’t blind followers and would like a more common sense approach of the game. Which is probably why the game only has close to 300k more people in it than it did during CoO. And don’t say there’s a “content drought” there have been those many players for a long time now and the numbers decrease every week. What happens when the AP content runs out? Bungie hasn’t sold anything since 2018 and they’ve already collected off it. You think anyone other than the devout fans are going to buy any new content coming out after the AP??? Lol. Devout fan of idiotic developer decisions, you do not have the numbers to carry this game or a future title. You wouldn’t even help Bungie break even on a new title. You need the wallets of the 14.1+ million(and still growing) that are not playing the game or investing money. You and Bungie are not convincing new money to come into the game, you’re convincing them to spend it elsewhere. We don’t need Bungie, their idiotic decisions or the blind fans who’d follow them off a cliff. You need our wallets more than we need you. The game might be Bungie’s but it lives or dies by the consumer. And with that I shall play thee a dirge because that is what is happening.

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  • Edited by CaptainW1nky: 4/15/2019 1:45:31 PM
    Who is telling you how to play? No one. Atm you get 7 per character from Hawthorne per week for doing really nothing but playing so that's 21 right there, crucible is 10 and with how many double/triple valor xp weekend there are you can get quite the stock with little effort, duplicate pinnacle weapons are a great source for cores you can get 98 just from that, curated weapons are +7 when you delete them, the game throws gear at you and you can get cores from deleting them, deleting gear gives you scrapper bounties which turns into cores, deleting gear turned into matter weaves that turn into cores, spider bounties grant cores, you can buy cores.. I could go on and on.... and they are adding even more ways.. so yes the game showers you in cores. I suggested one easy method that takes relatively 0 effort to get cores and you freak out.... you are the problem with this game. If cores really bother someone they will join a clan for those easy cores seeing you can get those 21 cores solo. I lack common sense? You are sitting here spouting off about solo players blah blah blah because you think you have to play with someone since that's how clan XP used to work.... they kinda changed that chief try to keep up with your superior "common sense". 😉 Blind follower? You are sitting here spouting off about solo players not even knowing how the system works anymore 😂🤣 this guy.. what a joke. 600k players is pretty good for a content drought 😊 we've been in forsaken for how many months now? I haven't seen any of this new content you speak of besides a few minor tac ons brought to the end game by the annual pass... which is all it was ever advertised as... not an expansion nor massive content update. I don't have the numbers to carry the franchise to a future title? I'd hope I don't 🤔 i'm not a bungie employee or a dev sooooo not sure what you are talking about.... I don't think you even know what you are talking about.

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  • 🤦‍♂️ I can’t even deal with this level of ignorance this early in the day. Who’s telling who how to play? Every devout fan is telling everyone how they should play and they’ve been doing so since Cores became a topic of discussion even since Forsaken dropped. You take things too literal. When I say “you” I don’t specifically mean your individual rump( calm down Sally) , but “you” as in those who blindly follow like good little devouts. I’m sorry if you’re incapable of understanding that. Sarcasm is also hard for people to follow when it’s written, don’t get bent out of shape if someone uses it in written form on you in the future. So yeah, back to that whole clan thing. That’s cool. So join a clan and play 3 characters for 21 cores. Cool. What if folks don’t want to join clans? -blam!- em? And you called ☝️ a “freak out”. 🤦‍♂️Lol. Did I say anything Bout being solo and in a clan? I know you don’t need to be with people, it’s been like that for a long time. Nor did I say anything about that, you pulled that little reed right out of your brain on your own. All I said was, so if they want it they have to be in a clan. I was already in a clan, I know how it worked prior to Valentine’s Day of 2019. Matterwaaves. Do they guarantee a drop when you dismantle something or is it still RNG? I never got a guaranteed one when I dismantled things prior to Feb when I last played. I didn’t get guaranteed cores when I broke down gear either, it was rng, same for the scrapper bounties. Did that change? As I said, I stopped playing in Feb. 600k is cool. I mean it’s a long drop from the 15 million that were present in Vanilla and it’s only 100k more since CoO. So yeah, big huge numbers there. And content is content pal. Last I checked we’ve had content dropped not too long ago and there’s another shot of content coming soon. I don’t know how you measure content but content is content regardless of how much it is. It it’s wasn’t part of Forsaken it’s new content. If cores really bother someone will they continue to jump through hoops to find them or will they just give up and close their wallet?? From what I’m seeing more people have decided to close their wallets than be good little circus animals. What you’re failing to understand, little devout, is that cores are merely the newest item to throw on the pile of problems that the game already has had. They’re the “straw that’s breaking the camels back” And no crap you personally don’t have the ability to save the game, once again “you” doesn’t always mean “you” specifically. Didn’t realize I needed to spell it out for someone who’s so much more intellectually superior to me. Do Try to keep up chief, this ain’t rocket science.

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  • Edited by CaptainW1nky: 4/15/2019 4:46:18 PM
    Ignorance would be you.... trying to talk about a subject that you have no knowledge of. I.E. Thinking solo players can't finish clan XP to get 21 cores since they aren't playing with people. 🤷‍♂️ That's definitely not how clan XP works. Who is telling you specifically how to play? You still haven't given me an example. All you gave me is a blanket statement. No you referenced me numerous times that I won't be able to sell copies of the game.. didn't know I was PSN, xbox, pc, gamestop and worked for bungie. I mean... clearly the one bent out of shape here is the one freaking out over a game they don't play.... and that's certainly not me soooooo 🤔. Again... that was one example of an easy route to get cores... I gave numerous others... I could give you more if you'd like 😊 You went on a short tyrant about solo players in clans being screwed over.... so ummmmm good try. I never said matter weaves were guranteed. But you do get them from dismantling gear and they result in a core... that is what I said. I don't see guranteed anywhere in there. I never said you got guranteed cores when you dismantled gear. I said the game throws trash gear at you and you can get a core when you dismantle them.. no where in there is the word guranteed. I never said you got a guranteed scrapper bounty when you dismantle gear. I said you get scrapper bounties from dismantling gear. No where in there is the word guranteed. Can you read? Apparently not. But good try 😁 👀👀 where were these 15 million players? There was never 15 million players logged into destiny at once. D1 had what 25 million regestered accounts? There was never 25 million active players. 🤔 Yeah we have had end game updates but we are still in forsaken... the same DLC we've been in for ages. People get bored and move on. It happens. I mean....for example by your logic a weapon skin is a content drop. We are still in forsaken. The annual pass is just tac ons to the end game of forsaken. The majority of the destiny player base doesn't participate in the end game.. a simple glance at the % of accounts that have completed raids would tell you that. It's no surprise casuals didn't flock back for end game tac ons. I mean casuals don't play the game for end game so cores don't really bother them. They've already moved on to other games. If bungie were to say a new DLC is coming yes they would blindly throw money at the screen to seek a few hours of enjoyment out of it before moving onto something else after a week or two. What i'm seeing is people complaining to complain. Saw the same crap in D1. You can't please everyone nor should you try to. 🤷‍♂️ I enjoy your name calling. It shows how weak minded you are. 😊

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  • Edited by joey big guns: 4/15/2019 5:36:39 PM
    Lol. Smh. Don’t be obtuse. It’s making me think you’re unintelligent. I never said solos can’t do the clan stuff. I said does this mean they have to join a clan. Reading....good try but a poor effort. You said you get matterweaves when you dismantle things. By your lack of further explanation a person who hasn’t played since Feb would assume that they now drop with dismantle unlike before as they were RNG. Which, when you need an item to infuse, having it tied to the lottery system isn’t the best idea You do realize that RNG is random and doesn’t hit everyone equally and it has been a pain in the ass for people since 2014 but adding your infusion material in RNG is the best place to put them🤦‍♂️. And once again. I know you probably think you’re the center of the Destiny universe but please, do try and understand, I even went to explain that “you” in my statement meant “the collective you who enjoy cores”, I’m sorry I didn’t explain it all the way down to your level of reading comprehension but your hang up on the clan thing should’ve told me that you needed extra guidance and aid to interpret that much like my need for further explanation regarding the matterweaves and scrappers. The fact, devout fan of Destiny 2 and all the poor decisions made by management, is that there are currently more people dissatisfied with the game than there are satisfied. This was shown when Bungie was 60% down in sales in 2018. And this will show again when no one but their devout fans buy the content that drops after the AP. You know what would make people “throw their money at a the screen” capitulation from the developers to the larger wallet base. Which will need to occur is Bungie is to earn any faith for their next title. You are only concerned with the short game, many of the fans of this universe are concerned with the longevity and that is in jeopardy due to a poorly managed game design and the constant crapping on the consumer base that has occurred for 2 years.

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