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4/14/2019 11:35:50 AM
[quote]Whenever a valid argument is made, someone like you tries and fails to defend a losing point, and inevitably withdraws into spouting "casual" or "crybaby" lol.[/quote] Because you're dealing with an emotional.....rather than a rational.....argument. 1. Cores add no value to the game or to the player experience. Especially in terms of player enjoyment. So they are indefensible on that front. 2. The people who defend them are either apathetic....or are seeking to be exclusionary. That is....they either play so much compared to the gear that they actually use...that the pain of the system just misses them. Or, they (sadly) feel that their willingness to tolerate and have to negotiate this broken system validates their status as a "hard core gamer" (and misconception that Bungie is actively trying to feed). So... 3. Once they realize that cores can't be defended from an actual game design standpoint....they have nowhere else to go. Their only other option is to attack the character of the person opposed to them. So they go for either accusing us of being lazy....entilted.....or immature. When the irony is that this is being said in defense of a system that was DESIGNED to not respond to hard work, and lots of play. That's who ridiculous all this has become.

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