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Edited by damnter: 4/11/2019 9:26:50 AM
I can't beleve the stupidity of the dev's on this issue. How can anyone be this dumb, def and blind to the wishes of there community!? I mean... it's not like we're not telling you that cores fore infusion are hated and are sucking the fun out of this game. Personaly I think bountys are b.s. anyway (making us play and do sh!t we don't wonna do) but on top of that you do this? Scraper bounty's are free right? And as far as I know have no limits on the amount you're able to get each day. So you get them just for playing the game and breaking up loot you're not gonna use anyway. Now you're making us pay for them and limit the amount we can get each day!? 1 core for a weekly? Are you guys f'ing joking!? This is your answer to what the community is asking for. Do you guys even speak the same language? You're making them more scarse instead of more accesable! Cores used to be meaningfull because masterworking was a nice touch. Something to go for when you got loot you enjoyed using. Using it for infusion is not making infusion meaningfull at all. It just makes it a pain in the a$$ and it holdes us back from actualy making our gear meaningfull by masterworking. Infusion is NOT a endgame activity. Masterworking is! So these bounty's.. more dumba$$ useless bounty's... are they gonna make use do the same lame chewed out things we have to do now? Same freeking lost sectors? Ore even worse make us wait for a halve hour sucking our thumbs waiting on a yellowbar? CORES NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM INFUSION!! It's not that hard for anyone to see. I've been playing destiny for years now. Almost every day for al least a couple of hours. I don't play nearly as much because you guys just sucked all of the fun out of the game. I'm playing less and less each week and a big part of it is the infusion system. Most of my friends already quit months ago. Most because of the terrible ranking-, infusion- and bountysystem. You're loosing your playerbase with this type of noncence. I don't mind a grind if it's for something really meaningfull like god roll weapons ore armour. But for infusing gear!? You're loosing me and the largest part of your faithfull comunity bacause of stupidity like this.

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