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Edited by Freak: 4/11/2019 11:06:14 AM

A [b]Weekly[/b] bounty that rewards ONE Enhancement Core? Is this for real? How fcking dumb is this “Dev Team”? Let’s just for the sake of argument say cores isn’t an issue. How in the HELL are you giving out one SINGLE core for a WEEKLY bounty reward??? That by definition is supposed to take longer to complete and Reward MORE because it says “weekly”? WTAF????? Congrats on becoming the biggest laughingstock of looter Shooters. I’m just going to pretend this company didn’t fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down. Fckng Dense Maroons.... DMG04, You’re a better man than Me. If I were to be handed that note to read I would have told Bungie to shove it. That’s insulting to you DMG04, the Players and most of all the “company” that’s backing this epic fail of a decision. I would have fired the moron that even suggested these moronic decisions. On the spot. Listening my ass.... Bungie it’s time to stop pretending. Even I can’t back you anymore. You’re obviously way out of your league if you can’t see the writing on the wall about EC’s. Bungie it’s time to sign this Franchise over to a real company with the Brains and the balls to admit when they’re wrong. [b]BUNGIE, YOU NO LONGER DESERVE THIS FRANCHISE OR ITS COMMUNITY. [/b]

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/11/2019 3:22:58 PM
    [quote]sue bungie[/quote] Not worth my time or money. It would cost me more of both than I would get back, even if I won. Which I've now said for the FOURTH time. ... assuming that you actually bothered to read what I wrote. I'm voting with my wallet in other ways. I've severely cut back on my play time....and Bungie will not recieve another red DIME of my money while this game remains in its current state.

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  • Edited by Necrogen: 4/11/2019 3:31:37 PM
    Cool so all that jargon with case study? Moot point. Grandstanding and rhetoric, waste of time. Voting with your wallet? Do it quietly. Go play a different game. Pack your bags, Uber is waiting, plane tickets are in your pocket. Have a nice flight somewhere else. Chop chop 👏👏

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/11/2019 3:52:58 PM
    No. ...and if you had bothered to actually read and UNDERSTAND what I wrote, that fact that the answer is "no" would have been clear. Let me use[i] smaller words. [/i] You hire an attorney to sue a car manufacturer because it killed someone one....and as a result you are entitled to pontentially millions in economic damages, and perhaps tens of millions in punitive damages. You don't hire an attorney to sue a video game developer to get a couple of hundred dollars in economic damages....and little-if-any punitive damages. My time is more valuable than that.....and its not worth paying the legal fees either. Since the hourly rate of a good attorney will cost you more than you'll get back. The decision not to sue is an ECONOMIC one. Its why companies will often settle tort cases rather than ligitate them. They don't believe that they are liable ("no admission of liability"), but the "nuisance money" they give to the would-be plaintiff is less than they'd pay in legal fees trying to defeat the case in court.

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  • Edited by Necrogen: 4/11/2019 3:59:21 PM
    Hey I'm just acting like you. Bungie said no and you don't like that. [i]my turn[/i] and other should follow through as well. Eyo, Tyrone is beeping his horn. He's giving you [i]the look.[/i] chop chop man 👏👏

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 4/11/2019 4:37:49 PM
    ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... Bungie is free to say no. But their decision will have consequences. There will come a day when they have to come back to this community and ask it for MORE MONEY. Massive took that same "Our Way or the Highway" mentality with The Division 1 in the first year of that game. Including the same sort of lectures to their community about their 'design goals". All that stopped when they realized people were fleeing the game....and no one wanted to buy their first Paid DLC. So much so they dropped that never tried it again. The Grown Damn Man Principle applies. Bungie can do whatever they long as they are willing to live with the consequences. ...and right now the sunk cost of the Annual Pass is shielding them form the full force of those consequences. But that will go away after next season....and a really nasty reality-check is coming.

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  • I see the mouth flapping and the fingers moving bit not enough walkin. [i]I'll use smaller words.[/i] Go play a different game.

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  • [quote]Go play a different game.[/quote] Already have. Check the Game History, troll. But that doesnt' mean that I'm required to abandon the fight for THIS game's soul that's going on right now. So, in the mean time, STFU and run your own life. Should keep you plenty, busy.

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  • That's rich coming from you. [i]Practice what you preach.[/i]

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  • I do. Go bother someone else, kid. We're done. here.

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  • Yea you don't but that's okay.

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  • Edited by Rainbow_Gravity: 4/11/2019 12:44:26 PM
    I'm okay with drastically modifying the core economy, but this is nothing like a car. Cars cost tens of thousands of dollars. Cars require gasoline, insurance, maintenance, etc. Cars serve a very real and practical purpose: transportation. They allow people to go to work, school, the doctor, the supermarket, and other places in a reasonable amount of time. Cars must follow standards of safety to ensure the greatest likelihood of survival in an accident. If a car has a major flaw, people could actually die. They don't recall cars because they use too much gasoline to get from A to B. People trade in cars they don't like, or that don't fit their financial situations or environmental stance, and they get a new or different car. What we're talking about is a $60-160 (depending on expansions purchased) piece of software that you put into a $200-$400 console for virtual entertainment and social communication. Nothing like a car.

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  • Cars and games are different in degree. Not in kind.

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  • Edited by Rainbow_Gravity: 4/11/2019 2:12:06 PM
    I respectfully disagree. Let me give you a direct analogy. I bought Sea of Thieves, a live game, tried it for a while, and realized it's not really for me. It was not quite what it was hyped up to be. So I quit reading the forums and developer updates, and I quit playing the game. And I haven't looked back. I cut my losses and moved on, while the people who like what it is and like what the devs are doing with it are free to continue playing it.

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  • Edited by Necrogen: 4/11/2019 2:07:00 PM
    First they are fundamentally different. Second That's just a convenient excuse.

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  • [quote] I swear, I'm finding this whole situation with the pinnacle weapons to be hysterically funny. Because it was COMPLETELY avoidable and ENTIRELY self-inflicted.[/quote] Yeah. I mean, I could see someone trying to get to 50 needing shards, not that they’d necessarily have a Luna’s at that point. Otherwise, cores are the only reason for that exploit.

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  • Two weekly that give cores, mods, mats AND RANK POINTS. That is the point of the weekly. If there was anything to get upset about it was that it won’t award glory.

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  • [quote]Two weekly that give cores, mods, mats AND RANK POINTS. That is the point of the weekly. If there was anything to get upset about it was that it won’t award glory.[/quote] That’s where you’re wrong. Bungie said “We’re removing Scrapper bounties to give you more Enhancement Cores!” Not we’re giving you a Weekly bounty that also drops a bunch of crap that does not help you Infuse. Because the last I checked I had 28 days In The crucible. I don’t need Gunsmith bounties for Rank points. I need Cores. Which is what Bungie said we were getting more of....

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  • [quote]Which is what Bungie said we were getting more of....[/quote] ...and what they are doing everything possible NOT to give us. So they keep trying half-measures in an effort to reduce our frustration **just** enough that we finally shut up and accept this crap as the "new normal". A game that doesn't have a progression system we invest in....but one that we WAGER our time-and-effort on... ...and then hope we get lucky and it spits out something that will actually progress our character.

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  • Edited by damnter: 4/11/2019 12:05:46 PM
    [quote][quote]Two weekly that give cores, mods, mats AND RANK POINTS. That is the point of the weekly. If there was anything to get upset about it was that it won’t award glory.[/quote] That’s where you’re wrong. Bungie said “We’re removing Scrapper bounties to give you more Enhancement Cores!” Not we’re giving you a Weekly bounty that also drops a bunch of crap that does not help you Infuse. Because the last I checked I had 28 days In The crucible. I don’t need Gunsmith bounties for Rank points. I need Cores. Which is what Bungie said we were getting more of....[/quote] That's where you're wrong my man. They said they would give a more 'RELIABLE' way to get cores than the scrapper bounties. Scrapper bounties had no limit to them as far as I know, and on top of that they drop regulairly. So al they're doing is giving you LESS bounties and cores, but at least you're sure that you can get those bounties now. Oh and of course you have to pay for them now.

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  • Eating shit and hate to tow the company line without integrity does not make him a better man. It makes him a worse man.

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  • Just gonna say this, they remove infusion anything that has been infused would have to be removed. Meaning plain old armor, stop being an entitled snowflake cry baby bitch.

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  • Yeah uh proof? Infusion that's been done can't be undone unless Bungie do that themselves. Removing core requirements does nothing but remove the requirements...

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  • [quote]Just gonna say this, they remove infusion anything that has been infused would have to be removed. Meaning plain old armor[/quote] Dafuq??? And why is that? And the only bitch I see is the Sheep defending this dumbass company.

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  • If you don't like this game/ core system for -blam!- sake stop playing?don't bitch and moan like a little mouse you are

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  • [quote]If you don't like this game/ core system for -blam!- sake stop playing?don't bitch and moan like a little mouse you are[/quote] Little mouse? Seriously? Are you fckn 12? This is what adults like to call feedback. Especially when they’re on a gaming forum talking about ways to improve said game. Seems like you’re the one that’s out of place. We’re discussing Destiny gameplay on Destiny’s forum. Don’t like it? GTFO.

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