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Edited by A_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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    3 Replies
    • Bungie you cave into every streamer that complains hand cannon are overpowered in crucible, you caved into people complaining about Sleeper in Gambit, you caved in about nerfing exotics in crucible like the Husk, hell, the reason weapon loadaouts where the way they were in Year 1 was to balance crucible. But you seem to ignore the PvE side of your game. How many bugs still ruin raid runs from the very forst leviathan raid that still have not been adressed? How many so called 'bugs' have there been in loot drops in TWABs? I can count on my hand the number of fixes done in PvE, but PvP its countless. Destiny is a loot based game. It is not nor will it ever be a PvP hub like Overwatch, so stop pretending it is. You cave into minorities for random patches but when record breaking replies on the forums stating Enchancement cores are terrible, you look the other way. This is sad at this point. And honestly, you have noone to blame but yourself. Once you started caving into peoples complaints because nobody testruns this game, now everyone wants changes because based on the past 3 years, if you complain enough Bungie will fix it. Until you get your head out your arse people wont stop posting because its ridiculous at this point. One thing is clear however, Activision bailed because this game is spiraling downwards, not because theyre the problem.

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    • Edited by SouLFeeS: 4/17/2019 3:44:15 AM
      Just remove the cores from infusion. I mean, at this point it’s the least you could do. Maybe that’s the deal. Maybe the only reason they’re not budging is to keep us from complaining about things that would actually be hard to fix. They upped drop rates, but only some. I mean, I’ve farmed CRAZY amounts of DC armor and still don’t have many enhanced perks. I’ve been dos’d twice, as have friends, and my firewall log is rife with over 100 hack attempts targeting my PS4 in a span of 2 weeks. Honestly, the new pinnacle weapons are so situational as to be nearly useless. Every exotic armor piece I have I got AFTER they were nerfed. It took 7 months for you to give me a decent chance at a title that wasn’t dredgen, or the one that requires too much time away from endgame. I won’t even talk about how impoverished clan features are. I mean, really, do I have to go on? All you’re being asked for is to remove a resource that’s already highly derivative! Indeed, it’s subprime...literally.

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      • WTF is wrong with you Bungie????? Kill 2 bosses in your reskinned verdant forest and get ONE whole enhancement core. WOW! WTF are you afraid of??? Perhaps we might get some gear leveled up we actually like using??? Having to many enhancement cores will break the game????? Or perhaps if we get what we want we won't play this broke ass game?

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      • Lmao if you think anyone gonna be doing a bounty for enchancemnet cores your tripping.

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      • [spoiler] dis·cus·sion /dəˈskəSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas. "the proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion"[/spoiler] As in, a discussion takes place when the two parties respond back and forth..... in literally two entire threads, thousands of replies.... DMG, Cozmo, Deej, hell, we haven’t even seen a single Bungie related member make any effort to respond to this thread, or the last one with 4000+ votes against “enhancement cores”.... discussion isn’t ignoring and pissing people off..... but hey, we now have a colorful event and a new weapon guys, go buy some silver. 🙄🙄

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        4 Replies
        • Why not keep the scrapper bounties as an additional way to earn cores? And how much glimmer are we talking about per bounty? Are we just looking at a new limiting resource? I'm afraid nothing is gonna change here. Bungie must have data showing that the enhancement core torture machine is causing players to stay online doing chores. Otherwise, as so many have pointed out, there are multiple easier fixes. Award more cores per bounty, get rid of them, lower the cost of infusion, etc. The easy solutions are obvious. This absolutely WILL fix the mod components problem, so that is good news.

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          • You can give them out for free.... You can remove them completely.... They will still complain!!

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            9 Replies
            • The cores are fine. I'm getting plenty.

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              5 Replies
              • Edited by AAAbuser: 4/14/2019 5:28:52 PM
                I love how they added in the mod components to put some icing on the turd. NOBODY wants to do bounties for these stupid cores, get it into your thick heads! I mean do you actually realize how much you guys come across as total clowns at this point? How many more useless changes do you plan to implement on this feature? Maybe it's time for a name change again? I recommend to name them "Ignorance Cores" from hereon. Then you could change the bounties around 3-4 more times again.

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                19 Replies
                • Reduce gunsmith package cost

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                  • Edited by turtle: 4/17/2019 1:49:23 PM
                    I feel like the daily bounties should feel like the current scrapper bounties giving one enhancement core, whereas the weekly should be a tad longer and give something like 3. Just a suggestion but otherwise I like this as I hated the randomness of obtaining a scrapper bounty, I would dismantle 10 to 15 pieces of armour or weapons and get 1? Maybe 2. And on the infusion, I'm fine with enhancement cores being part of it, it's just that it costs too many cores, it would be better if you wanted to infuse something ot would only take say 1 enhancement cores and 25 planetary materials. As someone who isnt a hardcore player that plays the game for 10 hours a day, most days I usually find my self at a lack of enhancement cores to infuse my favorite weapons up to 700. Yhe weekly package from Ikora is nice, but even at that it only grants 1 and the spider bounties are just too long to only give 1 core. I'm fine with the bounties just make them drop more cores so you feel like you've accomplished something.

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                  • 0
                    The only problem with the current system is it’s too cheap . The price should be tripled .

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                    • If we are talking total D2 economy - I'd like to make a couple more suggestions: 1. Get rid of weapon telemetries - they are of virtually no use at the gun smith and they just take up another slot in our consumables inventory. Don't bother trying to make them useful, just dump them. 2. Make Baryon Boughs useful - at present there is very little you can do with them and they just build up, and up, and up. I have 4000 and have stopped collecting them. As soon as I get some I immediately dismantle them - again to free up the slot in my consumables inventory. Could you please have Spyder purchase them for glimmer or something? Or even Petra - the flavor text on them says to take them to Petra to find their value - and she doesn't accept them for anything. Looks to me like a disconnect between the devs and writers there boys.

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                      5 Replies
                      • I just bought my ticket to guardiancon today. I got the good ome that includes access to the lounge. Maybe we can have a drink and discuss these danm cores.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Make the daily bounties yield 2 cores and weekly yield 5 to 7 cores

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                        • So, when does this ‘discussion ‘ start? So far this is just a thread for venting

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                        • Why the hell is there even a discussion? Just bite the bullet on this one already, man.

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                        • Sounds good, a fair compromise. Nice one 👍

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                        • The only time Bungie will listen is when they try to sell their next DLC . I’m sure the push to pre order the next DLC/season pass will start in a few months , and ignoring ur customers won’t help sales . This Dev team is destroying ur game , and probably destroying any chances of high sales of next content or even D3 when it arrives . Customers will remember this, when sales drop and people start losing their jobs all because the Dev team want to play power games with their customers, I’d be looking a new job now if I worked for Bungie , because it’s clear what the future holds if they keep ignoring their customers. If the feelings on this forum is any guide at all Bungie is in for a tough time , and no one to blame but themselves.

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                          • I think this belongs here:

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                          • If you arent going to remove them, atleast lower the cost 1:1 on legendaries:legendaries and 1:2 for legendaries:exotics.

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                            1 Reply
                            • It's funny how Massive got the gear score and armor attribute modifications 100% right. Yr 3 Destiny will still have enhancement core bounties and an infusion nightmare to get to max gear score. Dumb!!!

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                              4 Replies
                              • I’ve never had a problem with cores, if you play a good amount and take advantage of multiple other methods, it’s easy to have enough cores Signed WhitemaleAge50

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                                3 Replies
                                • Cores are fine the way they are

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