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originally posted in: Season of the Drifter
Edited by virtual agony: 3/1/2019 2:06:12 PM
[quote]A solid track record of not listening and communicating with their main player base doesn't help it along.[/quote] this is where you lost all credibility. the majority of changes to this game are direct results of listening to the community. they may not be what you wanted, but you got them anyway. ignoring this only makes you look ignorant. [quote]Nor does implementing a majority of new season as a way to attempt to get players into a (mostly) unliked game mode. Nor does trying to say they've heard what we asked for while simultaneously implementing none of what we asked for(as far as can be told so far I'll admit) Nor does advertising your newest seasons majority section as "sweaty" Nor does saying , to paraphrase, "opulence is gonna be awesome, until then, have SOTD"[/quote] again, just because its not what you wanted, doesn't mean it isn't happening. [quote]But sure, try and call out people with genuine complaints as unthinking idiots. But maybe you should have a think for yourself first 👍[/quote] there are so very few constructive replies on this forum, its a wonder why Bungie even bothers to look here. most are just the same crybabies, and bandwagoners, over and over. because Bungie replies with "we aren't changing enhancement cores" shows they are listening, but are choosing not to fix something, that simply makes the game easier. that clearly shows they are listening. again, just because it isn't the answer you want or like, doesn't mean they aren't listening.

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