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Edited by deatheater200: 2/23/2019 2:50:29 AM

AsteriskV2 S3/12 (Choice for Hammer, Turtle, Worm, Davy)

(Returning to Davy, Turtle, Hammer, and Worm in the cathedral room.) Davy: *points to the door that leads right from the entrance*. "I say we go that way, there's a lift that looks like it goes up." Worm: "hmm, maybe we can reach high ground to get a better view of the area?" Davy: "yep, that's what I was thinking." (The 4 players head over to the lift and step on a pressure plate that takes them up, into a large tower with many windows and barrels in the room.) HammerFist: *notices a chest in the corner*. "That doesn't seem suspicious at all." (Davy walks over to a small bridge that is connecting the tower to an even larger tower right next to it.) Davy: *looks back at the others*. "Hmm.." HammerFist: "you don't want to check out the chest Davy?" Davy: *shakes his head*. "Not really, it could be a trap." Worm: "but, I want to check it out!" (Worm hurries over to the chest and kicks it open. Inside is a small lamp that can be attached to a persons clothing for easy light.) Worm: *grabs the light*. "Not very useful but, I guess we could keep it." (Davy walks out on to the bridge to get a better look at their location, ignoring Worm and his discovery of a lamp.) Davy: *strong wind hitting his face as he stands on the bridge*. "...." Darth Turtle: *walks out with Davy*. "No way we're finding the others in this place....." (Davy and Turtle look out at a dark village made of pure concrete and bricks as far as the eye can see. The village connects to the cathedral location that is underneath the four players by a large bridge with black water running below. On the opposite side of the cathedral is a black mountain with a castle reaching above the clouds sitting on top. The only way to reach the castle is by a stairway blocked by many different gates leading up to it.) Davy: *looks up to the top of the tower next to them*. "Well uh, I say we reach the top of that tower, looks like there's a possible landmark up there." Darth Turtle: *turns to Davy*. "Landmark?" Davy: "a big location?" Darth Turtle: *shrugs*. "Alright." (Davy and Turtle head over to the next tower while Worm and Hammer are still checking out the starting one.) Davy: *opens up a small double door leading into the tower*. "Be ready for anything Turtle." Darth Turtle: *leaning down to conceal himself more*. You got it." (Davy and Turtle walk into the tower. As they enter they notice a staircase leading up on the side of the wall and once again, more barrels just like the previous tower.) Davy: *speaking to Turtle in a weirded out voice*. "dude, what's up with all the barrels?" Darth Turtle: "Time for rolling?" (Worm and Hammer are finished messing around in the previous towers room and hurry over to Davy and Turtle.) Worm: *inhales*. "Y'all find anything useful?!" HammerFist: *slaps Worm's chest*. "Don't yell." Worm: "oh..." Davy: "not yet Worm, there could be something at the top of this tower so we should hurry and clear it." ???: *authoritive voice as he walks down the staircase*. "If you wish to proceed further, you will need the key. A key that can only be obtained from defeating me!" Davy: *turns to the voice on the stairs*. "And who is that?" ???: "Drei, servant of Reign-Beaux." (Drei jumps down from the staircase wearing ragged outlaw styled clothes, a mask covering his nose and mouth, and a hunters hat on his head.) Drei: *holding a red sheathed longsword in his hand*. "What will it be?" HammerFist: "why don't you just tell us what's at the top and save us the trouble?" Drei: "Alright. At the top of this tower is a portable crafting work bench. An item that you can take with you to craft items. Self explanatory. Useful for people that can craft stuff." Worm: *looks to Hammer*. "Dude, we can't craft shit." HammerFist: *turns back to Drei and clears his throat*. "We are looking for our friends, can you possibly help us?" Drei: *pulls out his notebook and whispers to himself*. "That was supposed to be a choice option, that didn't go as planned. Hmm...." HammerFist: *staring at Drei*. "Hello?" Drei: *puts his book away*. "Um, I'm not really supposed to share information but an associate of mine named Vahle has located 6 players down at the village........somewhere down there." HammerFist: *looks to the others*. "Should we go to the village?" Darth Turtle: "he said six people, that number seems off doesn't it?" Davy: *counting on his fingers*. "Should be Disciple, Jay, False, Artemis, maybe Loot, Sai and Adidas but that would be 7." Worm: "Loot, Sai, and Adidas were separated, I highly doubt they found the others in this mess." Darth Turtle: "still, there is a chance they did." Davy: "that's 7 people guys, one of them had to have died." Drei: *yawn*. "Make up your minds! Fookin ell. Crafting bench or go down to the village. Tell you what, you touch me just a bit and I'll give you the key, that is, if I don't kill all of you before you can manage that." Darth Turtle: "tsk...." Worm: *turns to Hammer*. "We can still injure this dude, grab the item and hurry down to the village?" HammerFist: "let's come to an agreement! Majority wins." (End of Part 12.) -------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE OPTION. Choice for Hammer, Worm, Turtle, and Davy. Choice 1: focus on the item, ignoring the 6 player info. Also gaining more info from Drei on other stuff. Choice 2: Go to the village, leaving the item behind. Finding the 6 players. Choice 3: Try and do both. 1 person dies. NOTE: if it ends in a 2-2 vote. Auto choice 1.

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