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Edited by Toast: 2/8/2019 9:22:49 PM

[Bug Report] Heavy proxy grenade launcher shots are extremely unreliable now.

I played 172 PVP matches since 2.1.4's launch to finish farming my Lunas and Mountaintop quests. During this time, I got 312 Play of the Game kills with my Play of the Game (with proxy grenades). [url=]The InstanceId's and kill counts are here if you want to check the numbers.[/url] The 2.1.4 patch made it so proxy grenades can't do direct damage anymore. This was to prevent special weapon grenade launchers with proxy grenades from being able to 1 shot people, but it seems to have affected all proxy grenade launchers in a way I don't think anyone expected. I have evidence of this with heavy proxy grenade launchers, but I'd guess the same thing happens with the special weapon variety as well. Heavy weapon proxy grenade launchers feel incredibly inconsistent now. [b] I've lost count of how many times I've shot people point blank and they didn't die.[/b] Because of this, I started recording my games to see if I'm just bad or if something else was going on. Turns out I'm not bad (at least not always). New Youtube Link: [url=]So if we inspect that frame by frame, there is something off about it.[/url] I understand that they can't do direct damage anymore, but it seems like collision detection was turned off entirely. [b]Edit: [/b]Rabid Kiwi thinks it did blow up in front of him, but even if it did, this was a point blank shot and no one can dispute the fact that I should have won this fight.

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  • I think its also possible it has an effect on bounties, considering im using grenade launchers (special ammo) to complete a bounty but after 20 kills ive still got zero progress toward this

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  • Remote detonation + practice > proxy detonation

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  • Stop using proximity grenades. Spike, high velocity, black powder, implosion, Etc are very very good. Proximity takes almost no skill to use anyway and should have been nerfed.

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  • I am so unfortunately stupid that I decided to start going for Mountaintop this week after finally getting a Militia’s Brithright, and the double kills step is such a massive pain because of how inconsistent grenade launchers are. I hope they do something about this.

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    5 Replies
    • You do know there are other perks for grenade launchers besides proxy right ? I prefer sticky cause traps are not gay.

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    • So many weapons have no place in the game now. Game with an unbelievably shallow loot pool and many entire classes of weapons useless. What the hell are they doing.

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      3 Replies
      • Bump. Grenade Launchers need attention.

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      • Edited by ghostx78x: 2/10/2019 3:11:48 PM
        Lol your bug is just how Destiny is. I’ve clipped the same exact moments dozens of times over the years. Shotgun blasts directly center mass on players that take no damage, etc. it’s not a bug- welcome to p2p networking. PSA If it was a bug it would happen in pve too.

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      • It's funny. Went from grenade launchers being a joke & not used to nerfing the piss out of the best perk on them.

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      • Edited by DigitalColt1768: 2/10/2019 12:13:56 AM
        Could you give us a breakdown of the roll you have on Play of the Game please? As I would like to know if you had Volatile launch and a blast radius masterwork on it? As both of those combined maximize the effectiveness of proxy grenades,at least it did before the 2.1.4 patch.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by ULiano_III: 2/10/2019 1:16:55 AM
          I second this. Was in Gambit. My Heavy GL is : Volundra Forge Acantha-D XK8434 Quick Launcher - Proxy Grenades - Auto Loader - Ambitious Assasin I invaded, shot at one guy about 20 ft away, it detonated and he was left with half health.. Then a Player was next to me 10 ft.. When I shot him we were about 2 ft away from each other.. I shot, it exploded.. 15% of his shield goes down and I die (Shotgunned) So I pretty much killed my self shooting that close but he should've died as well. Edit: I was 623 he was 613.

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        • 1
          Yup, hit someone with fire and flood square in the face and it barely took any health. Dont think this should be a thing. Seems like the best area to aim proxy nades for is under your opponents feet. Same goes for most non proxy grenade launchers too i believe.

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        • It all started with them wanting to “fix” grenade launchers. Great fix. Now I don’t have to WONDER if I’ll be wasting my time with launchers, now I KNOW.

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        • Bungie reading this... ‘something, something, ah er Eric, I think he wants us to nerf fusion rifles.’

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          2 Replies
          • Yeah it's all grenade launchers I'm not sure when it happened but it seems to be getting worse as time goes on, I've hit people at the feet with my max blast radius potg and it doesn't kill them

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          • Also 100% agree. I had almost 500 kills with my Play of the Game in PvP before this patch. Night and day difference. I have to shoot two grenades now just to make sure they actually go down.

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          • Proximity Grenades were the only usable grenade type, “Lets not make the other grenades of an already underused weapon type better, instead, lets make the one good one REALLY bad like the rest.”

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          • Yup, I've gave up on the mountain top quest due to this issue. It just isn't worth the frustration

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            2 Replies
            • Yea, I've had the same happen multiple times. Play of the game is very unreliable now.

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            • 'We've heard your feedback and will continue to monitor.' ..nerfs proxy nades again

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              1 Reply
              • Maybe use spike or another high damage on direct impact GL? I always knew they would nerf proxy nades as they are too easy to use. It’s Truth all over again

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                2 Replies
                • 3
                  I noticed yesterday when levelling my new character, I only had a green grenade launcher n needed 3 power multi kills. It was really difficult, it felt like they had bloom, or RNG. I'd direct hit Thrall n do nothing, like no damage, then I'd hit 1 n kill it. The faster I fired the more I missed even shots from close range that were direct hits.

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                • Wow, I had no idea. :( I don't use Grenade Launchers often enough to have noticed, but a major part of _why_ I don't use GLs is because of their lack of consistency, so that even if I do get more shots per heavy brick than say, a Rocket Launcher, it usually takes at least two shots to kill someone (more if there's lag or person manages to dodge the grenade to take them out of the blast radius) that I just end up wasting heavy ammo anyway. I usually dismantle any GL that doesn't have proximity detection because I'm not a great shot with the GL to begin with, but this might explain why I've hit people point blank with GLs only to have them survive and kill me.

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                • I noticed this, I am so glad I did The Mountain Top Quest before this nerf. I loved Proxy Grenades, at least they worked.

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                • Bump for awareness. [spoiler]Leave it to Bungo to fix one thing and mess up several others elsewhere.[/spoiler]

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                • Git gud, start blaming your thumbs. Also, get a life, a job, try to be useful to society instead of polluting with crap videos that serve nothing since you’re probably the only one discovering the issue 18 months into the game.

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