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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/10/2019 1:20:43 AM
you know that's like saying that since I'm not a helicopter pilot I don't have the qualifications to tell a helicopter pilot that he messed up due to the fact that he flew into a tree. That's like saying since I'm not a fireman I can't tell you that you poorly put out a fire when you clearly have embers I need "experience" to tell people to play the game that they bought and collaborate with people to exchange ideas and solve the problem? where is your weird sense of authority coming from in this argument because you make no sense I should be able to discuss achieve middle ground here. with your logic no one can talk to anyone about anything because they lack the skills as you put it. I guess I need to go to school to be a class a jackass like you before I'll be able to talk to you huh?

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