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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/9/2019 2:33:49 PM
But you left out the option where I come to the forums and state why I am unhappy with the game, which let's the Devs know what they have to do to make it better - which is exactly what I'm doing and what I did before that actually DID cause the game to change. Look at the #removeeververse movement. Lots of people came onto the forums and complained and Bungie has completely changed the way they are dealing with eververse, movement successful! Yet during that time there were people like you defending Bungie, telling people that if they didn't like it to go play a different game. If everyone was like you, there would be no Destiny because nothing would have changed and everyone would have quit by now. Do you think the streamers would be figuring out this puzzle if they only had 30 viewers because that's all that's left of the hardcore base?

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