You seem to not understand what people are annoyed about. They don't care about the streamers themselves one way or another, the issue they have is that they have to depend on these streamers in the first place. The complaint is that the activity has been designed in such a way that basically only streamers can really compete, and it is something that only they have to do. It isn't like raids from D1 where a very large group of people could compete because there was enough time to get to be a high enough level and the activity itself was short enough that with some skill you could figure out the mechanics yourself and accomplish then goal in a reasonable amount of time.
If you have literally anything else to do other than video games then you are automatically out of the running, and might as well not bother seeing as once someone solves it, it is basically done.
That might not be what some people are annoyed about, but just scroll down a bit on the forums and you’ll see downright hate towards streamers. Not cool.
True many let their anger get the better of them, but really what they hate about streamers is more to do with how companies like Bungie seem to cater to them specifically, when they are such a small number of players (probably not even 200 consistent players). Then on top of that their voice seems to be listened to far more often, again despite the fact that they are so small in number. Technically the anger should be aimed at Bungie for these things but since it is the streamers who also do push for this mentality and are basically the face of it all, they end up getting the hate.