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Edited by CkaZo4nik2: 12/11/2018 2:08:49 PM

Thunderlord and Gambit

Prohibit the use of thunderlord in Gambit mode or lower its characteristics to this mode. Now almost everyone is playing a gambit with this machine gun and the game turns into a shooting gallery. A player with this weapon turns into an irresistible death machine regardless of whether he is an invader or a defender. In this mode, it becomes impossible to play, as players become aware of the imbalance of machine guns in this mode. This needs to be fixed.

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  • Is there a weapon you people wont cry about?

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    3 Replies
    • Now almost everyone uses it. Oh booo hooo hooo you spoiled little cry baby. Stop worrying about what everyone else is using,play the damn game,and mind your business,but Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

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    • Sleeper, QBB, and your moaning about thunder Lord dude stfu and get good

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    • Holy shit, you crybabies are something else.

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    • This nerf circle is just gonna keep on spinning, until the next op weapon everyone wants nerfed is (drumroll please)... Edge Transit! You read it here first folks!

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    • Edited by TheArtist: 12/11/2018 1:46:15 PM
      1. BAN SLEEPER!!! Sleeper gets nerfed, and so people move to Queensbreaker. 2. BAN QUEENSBREAKER!!! Linear fusion rifles get a global nerf to ammo people now use Thunderlord. 3. BAN THUNDERLORD!! do realize that Hammerhead is basically Thunderlord without the exotic perk RIGHT....and that it can probably roll with Rampage and other damage buffs? TLDR: WHEN are you Nerfherders going to realize that you can't fix your difficulties with the game by breaking and banning weapons? All that you do is break the weapon....and the good players who are making your life miserable with it...will just move to the NEXT most efficient weapon and continue to make your life miserable until you FIX whatever weakness in your game they are taking advantage of?? EDIT: You do realize that the game does allow you to carry your own shotgun and your own heavy weapon, right? Why don't you try learning how to use them, rather than demanding that they be taken out of the hands of other people??

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      25 Replies
      • Edited by Soupreem: 12/11/2018 2:39:01 PM
        What will we be nerfing after Thunderlord? What will be the next target? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! [spoiler]Gambit is Trials 2.0 when it comes to being a revolving door of Nerf, change my mind.[/spoiler] You have summoned me.

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      • Lol, of course you nerfherders simply bitch about the next thing smfh.

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      • “Turns into a shooting gallery” You’re literally in an arena designed to herd enemies toward you so as to let you try and shoot them. It is a shooting gallery. And the game is a FPS which is also basically a shooting gallery by definition.

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      • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 let’s use pillows. I guarantee this guy will come back and ask the pillow damage to be nerfed because everyone is killing him with it

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      • I like it when people use thunderlord. I just snipe them in the face.

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      • Omg.....please give me strength! Have you ever asked yourself the question why everyone is using thunderbird? No? I thought not Go play something else! You ruin the game with your constant crying

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      • OMG This is stupid...Another NERF request ???????? This Game is already suffered from Nerf and "Meh" new weapons. Just Ban it from any content that has PVP element on it. Buff the Magazine, Range, Handling. Make it more FUN. NERF Cry Babies. Make them Quit...Let them Play Pokemon only. Be done with it. Bungie need to make statement about this to BUFF every Exotics in the game. We wan FUN exotics just like in Y1, Y2 D1. Millions silent majority Destiny players are angry to any Nerf. They don't scream here like the Cry babies minority. If Bungie keep listening to this Cry Babies...Destiny will keep losing players. It will leave the Cry Babies fight each others with potato guns

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      • That's not the power weapon of choice if your invading, plus Thunderlord is easily countered. Queensbreaker, now there is a prevalent weapon that takes little skill. However honestly I couldn't care less, once I have the Breakneck I'm outta Gambit.

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      • Anything that takes some thought to be countered is always being said to be nerfed.

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      • I think people need to learn to counter things with different weapons, first it was the Sleeper complaints, then Queenbreaker, now Thunderlord? Use something long distance to kill your invader with or hide around a corner with a shotgun.

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        12 Replies
        • I was getting melted by it this morning and was shocked, where did that come from? Switched to it next game, it is super fun. No need to nerf it! I am glad I was killed by something other than a linear fusion rifle. I came so close to two Army of One's today only to be stone walled by the other guardian hopping through the invasion portal, twice. I want that malfeasance!! Zero up-votes tells you what you need to know.

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        • lol your joking right? I have no issues against thunderlord in gambit

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          1 Reply
          • Am I one of the few who doesn’t give a shit what kills me in Gambit??

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            4 Replies
            • But we arent going to address the queensbreaker? ya know the gun that can kill anyone, anywhere on the map instantly.... makes sense. lets just mess with all the exotics except for the ones you like...

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            • dont think it needs to get nerfed, i think they should just make so you get less ammo for it. since that will solve the problem with thunder lord without nerfing both hammer and thunder.

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              2 Replies
              • NO MORE NERFS! Pvp cry babies have ruined enough weapons and armor as it is.

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              • My only issue with Thunderlord is the range, getting sniped by it is frustrating. However, as long as you are paying attention to where the invader is in relation to your position, it is easily countered. You can't change how others play, but you can change how you play.

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                2 Replies
                • Nothing wrong with it it’s an exotic it should be powerful. All this wanting to nerf everything ruins the game. All exotics should be powerful if not then there shouldn’t be exotics in the game

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                • Really? You clowns will cry about anything these days.

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                • Edited by Lord0fHats: 12/11/2018 4:44:24 PM
                  95% the time, invaders get kills not because of their weapon but because the enemy team is stupid/doesn't pay attention. I can't count how many times I've invaded/been invaded and just watch the team go on like there isn't a player out trying to murder them. The other 5% of the time, yeah I think some weapons are OP. I don't know why Queenbreaker has such an insane amount of aim assist. Maybe to make up for it's wonky damage registration where it sometimes seems to hit the target and do no damage. I don't know why machine guns are so insanely accurate/damaging at long range. Seem's out of wack with the motif to me. There's risk runner to counter the later, but it's not a viable option against Queenbreaker and Hammerhead isn't much worse than it's exotic counterpart.

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