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Edited by Rhynerd: 10/9/2018 2:19:05 AM

How would you innovate the turn based RPG, if given a chance?

This can also apply to turn based strategies as well, if you’d rather discuss those instead. Earlier today I was introduced to a game called Mad Crown, as pictured. It reminds me a bit of classic roguelikes, but it seems to have a more traditional turn-based combat system with a hint of Darkest Dungeon and maybe a hint of Slay the Spire (the growing deck of item cards). It got me thinking of ways the turn based combat system could be modified again. Most of us can probably name a couple different versions from the many Final Fantasies off the top of our heads. I’m still trying to remember how Resonance of Fate’s system worked (a case of blue damage and red damage, sprinting, and trying to create specific formations a coordinated are what I remember), but that was wildly different). If we dilute this question into turn-based combat in general, then we’d have to consider games like Frozen Synapse, where the combat is planning the turn and then initiating it in real time, hoping your enemies acted in ways you predicted. This is probably getting too long for my own good, [i][u]so let’s cut to the chase.[/u][/i] Whether or not you like or dislike turn-based games, I’m certain you can think of something you’d want to see compete with the current standards. How’d you answer that question I put in the title? Here’s one of mine: [spoiler]This is an idea for a turn based rpg that came to mind while watching Mad Crown gameplay. The idea is very much western-inspired as it focused on six-shooters. Every combatant carries one, and combat is played out mostly through your party getting into a gunfight with another. In a matter similar to Bravely Default, you can choose to try and up your damage by firing multiple rounds a turn, but at penalties including having to reload sooner or maybe greater chances to miss based on how many rounds you’re gambling (implying that the firer is trying to fan the hammer instead of aim at some point). You could also pick up some interesting ways to mix up the system, maybe something like speedloaders, or a LeMat revolver (doubles as a single shot, 20 gauge shotgun).[/spoiler]

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  • Go analog. I'd have players play the on a table, with sheets of paper that have all the pertinent information, they would use dice to generate random numbers instead of relying on a digital random number generator. One "player" would take the role that traditional video game engines do, and he'd run the game. He'd create situations and encounters for players to experience, take care of dice rolling that I mention above that needs to take place behind the scenes where players won't necessarily know whether they've succeeded or failed (maybe a situation involving persuasion or stealth). Although it sounds like a lot of work, there are a lot of advantages. No longer would players have to wait for a new game to release, they could also play exactly the kind of game they want (opposed to something that's "close but not quite"), the person running the game (the game's "master") can account for all sorts of things players want to do where a video game would just outright disallow - maybe even going off in a direction that neither the players or the game's master (probably should abbreviate that as GM) never originally intended (or even anticipated!). Yeah, this could actually work!

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  • Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories? Its combat is often regarded as this weird, awkward to play mess, but I honestly found it really fun. For this explanation, I’ll focus on attack cards. Attack cards had 2 different stats to worry about; Keyblade type Attack number Keyblade type affected things like damage, range, reach, etc. If you attacked at the same time as an enemy, the higher number would cancel out the lower one. Here’s the fun bit; you could pile 3 cards on top of eachother to perform special moves. Like, a special move could have the requirement of “3 same Keyblades with attack value between 3-8” or some such. This was called a “sleight”. Since your deck never shuffled, you could build it around sleights, and throw out these moves left & right. The catch? When you reload your deck, you lose the first card used in a sleight. As fun as it was to use in real time, battles only had one of two outcomes. You blast through enemies with no problem, or you die. There wasn’t really any in between. In a turn based enviornment, though, I think this system has a lot of potential. In a turn based game, you could take more time assembling sleights without needing to worry about enemies, and such. Admittedly, and obviously, I’m no game designer, but the biggest hurdle I see is the same one KH: CoM had. How do you keep spamming sleights from being the best strategy? After all, nothing but a 0 card or another sleight can counter anything over 10. I guess there’s the issue of how much info to reveal, too.. in CoM, you saw enemy attacks before they happened, giving you a chance to counter, but would that system still work when time pauses? Maybe rather than pure turn based, it could utilize an ATB gauge, like Child of Light or Dragon Ball Fusions? Hm..

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    2 Replies
    • I like dragon quest XI turn based combat right now. It has the feeling of the an original turn based rpg but with the ability to control your characters so that you feel more involved

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      • I'd just make it so you issue orders for the characters (possibly including field position) in real time then characters carry those orders out when their action bar fills. If no order was given they'd just auto attack. Then the AI could figure out pathing amd handle animations to make the fight play out more cinematically. Kind of an advanced version of [i]Grandia[/i]'s battle system but you issue commands at any time and the combat is continuous. And, of course, I'd add the option to tweak the speed (in case you feel it's too fast or too slow) and/or have the game pause when your attack bar filled if you really preferred old school. Probably add a "fast forward" option, a la [i]World of Final Fantasy[/i], as well.

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        • Idk, frankly I really liked the ATB gauge, and kind of wish that would make a return

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          • I got Aifos vibes from this post. And what do you know he's the first comment i see. Hmm if i could make a unique rpg combat style... Diablo and Disgaea are my types of RPGs, but they're basically the polar opposite. I got nothing

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            • Divinity: Original Sin 2 does turn based combat better than any other turn based game I've played. Best turn based rpg of all time in my opinion

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            • I wouldn’t touch the mechanics of old school turn based RPGs in any way. From bards tail to dragon warrior to final fantasy 7. I would push graphics and animation as far as possible though.

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            • A want another legend of dragoon basically. Add in timed button presses to strengthen or complete attacks or combos.

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            • Firstly, I want to name some of my favorite innovations. Since that’s not the point of the thread, though, I’ll stick it in a spoiler. [spoiler]Paper Mario’s action commands. Yes, I know, they first appeared in Super Mario RPG, but TTYD nailed them the best. See, each attack triggered a small button prompt, ranging from press A before hitting an enemy, to hitting a random button string, to flicking the left stick. Steven Universe: Attack of the Light brought the idea to touch screen, where it has possibly the widest possible applications. Steven Universe: Save the Light handled super moves interestingly. Using support moved raised a “friendship gauge” between two characters. Once full, they could unleash a devestating team attack![/spoiler] And something neat that’s upcoming; [spoiler]Indivisible seems to fuse turn based combat with a fighting game. Seems interesting![/spoiler] Okay, now, my idea. I’ve always loved the idea of fusion, and while it’s been done a few times in various games, I’d love to see a game embrace it. A lot of games will bar fusion off to a spell, like DBF, or an Ultimate, like SU:AotL, but I want to see it as something of a regular attack, that you can initiate & break at any time, but have a fused form have not just pure benefit, but also some drawbacks. For example, let’s say a fusion is stronger, but can suffer from hallucinations, possibly disabling them for a turn or two, or possibly their attacks require more action points, making them not vuable to use all the time. I think the best way to handle it would to be to let any pair of party members fuse, but have their stats determine what drawbacks the fusion has. For example, you could merge two folk one with a high INT, one with a low, that would balance out to a medium INT stat, while two high INT characters complement eachother for a similarly intelligent fusion. However, that skyrocketing INT could result in the aforementioned hallucinations, while a low overall INT would result in them being a little clumsy & bumbling attacks. This would add the depth of whether you fuse two characters that compliment eachother’s strengths and weaknesses, or one that balances them out. Of course, one pretty important bit here, is it would require highly customizable characters. If Anna always has low INT, and Piccolo always has high INT, than Annalo (or whatever) would always have medium INT, which is frankly, kinda boring if the game focused around fusion, while if their INT levels were highly customizable, Annalo’s could be too, allowing for its unique attacks to vary in effectiveness. There’s also the problem of incentivizing switching between fused/unfused states throughout the battle if it can be used freely. Possibly something like FP (Fusion Points) draining while fused, and recovering when separate? I dunno. Could be fun, could be awful, who knows?

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                🤔 I basically wound up at Diablo. That was a strange thought experiment.

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                • Edited by epicperon: 10/9/2018 1:06:15 AM
                  I’d take gen 7 pokemon and delete z-moves. Everything else is fine

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                    Take away the turn based combat

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