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9/26/2018 10:07:42 AM

Item drops f*cked up

I am playing Forsaken since the minute it was available, and I am playing it a lot. I was never glitching prime engrams or doing any other "get loot fast" trick or exploit, but as I play a lot, I got quite a few prime engrams. Drops suck like hell though, be it from playing the game or from vendors. Exotics I have all old exos, but the only new exo I ever got was the Lord of Wolves shotgun. Usually I have old exos redropping, or even just exotic ornaments or the Ratking themed sparrow I already have. Faction Gear There are three bounties where you have to do the faction related activity with a full set of faction gear (Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit). Again, I am playing Forsaken a lot (I have e.g. reset my Gambit rank and am at heroic again). However, the only complete gear set I ever got was the Vanguard set for my Hunter. For every other set, I miss one piece of gear (cloak, boots, ...) and I just don't get them, neither from activity drops nor from the vendors. All this after playing this game for four weeks and doing all challenges / milestones. Bungo, you fakking a$$hat still haven't understood how to make this game worthwhile. Now you put every sh!tty exotic in the drop pool, p!ssing off players like me who have played and do play a lot by giving them old sh!t over and over to make them play the same sh!t longer. That is not a "hobby", that is aggravating work, you dumbf*cks. You dumb f*cking pieces of shyte. All you mofos obviously are up to is frustrating and upsetting your customers. You sick, mentally disturbed sobs. You have been proposed for years to add some mechanism to loot drops increasing the chances for attractive / important drops the longer a player doesn't get them. But no, you a$$hats insist on having it "your way", because at your hearts you are still the arrogant, patronizing, full of themselves mofos you have been five years ago, when you forced players to play your game *you* want it to be played. Somebody should drop a nuclear cruise missile on you goddamn mofos and just rid the world of you altogether. Yes, I hate you.

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