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9/18/2018 5:17:05 AM

Top-Tree Gunslinger Exotic Idea

Top-tree Gunslinger is woefully underutilized in PvE, and for good reason. Bottom-tree is strong enough on its own with orb generation, unlimited throwing knives (so long as you kill with a crit), and Celestial Nighthawk. And with the new Blade Barrage Super and the fantastic amount of synergy the whole subclass provides, there's very little reason to even touch top-tree. But what if, there was an Exotic, that allowed your Six Shooter to be fired indefinitely*? I don't have a name for it, but I can tell you how it would work. And it's actually pretty simple; it only works with top-tree Gunslinger, but it makes it so that your Six Shooter can deal precision damage (albeit incredibly minor), and now has unlimited shots. Of course, as with all things, there's a catch. Your Super drains ~2x as fast as normal, maybe a little less. "Well what good does that do?!" I hear you ask. To which I say, that's not all. Precision [b]hits[/b], yes, hits, return a chunk of Super energy directly back into the bar. So, let's use the Fanatic Strike as an example, at the very end. He teleports away, and the massive group of adds comes swarming in. You pop your Golden Gun, line the first shot, then the second, then the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth... . So long as you can land those hits, you get more Super energy to shoot more. Sounds pretty great doesn't it. "Cool, but what's to stop me from just constantly landing shots on a boss if all I need to do is land hits? Sounds broken." Not quite. While the new Orpheus mechanics aren't my favorite, they have given me some idea of balance. And like with Orpheus (sort of) repeatedly tagging the same target will result in exponentially diminishing returns. We'll say three, just as a base line. "Hmm, well what about PvP? Six Shooter is bad enough as it is, getting bodied from across the map in an instant... ." Props to the person that can keep it up longer than it normally would last without the Exotic, but I feel as if the decreased up time as well as the necessity to land precision hits balances it enough that it wouldn't be a problem. And as I stated, the ability to do precision damage with Six Shooter would really be much of a factor. It would still require two shots to kill another Guardian in a Super, even with precision damage added. As with my other suggestions and ideas, if you have your own to add to mine, think mine is veritable garbage, or you actually think this would be a good idea, please feel free to comment.

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