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Edited by VIZK: 9/5/2018 1:32:24 PM


The SPIDER economy, BY V1ZK. Keep in mind this is just a theory… A GAME THEORY!! I did this to help struggling player across this game that I love and if you can help me make a better economy guide for everyone leave suggestions or data on the post. I know that for most people this new system sucks and I decided to plan instead of complaining, maybe the system will be easier on the future but for now, I want to help people enter the upcoming RAID with their choice of gear. THANK YOU ON ADVANCE FOR READING MY POST. D2 Forsaken brought some controversial changes to the economy of the sandbox to say the least. Here’s something that might just help you pull through. 1) ECONOMY Infusions now require high amounts of glimmer, planetary materials, gunsmith parts, legendary shards and 2-3 masterwork cores. Masterworks, although not as relevant have a similar situation. In normal terms of gameplay this would be straight up BS but there’s a way around the system. Normally the usual grind system was… Activity -> Glimmer -> Shards -> Cores Forsaken’s new system works something like a tree that changes daily… (Dealing with RNG) Activity-->|Shards -> Cores/Materials/Glimmer -----------|Materials -> Shards/Cores/Glimmer -----------|Glimmer -> N/A -----------|Loot -> Glimmer/Shards/Parts To really understand the table, you must know about the role of every part…. ACTIVITY: This corresponds to Patrols, Chests, Lost Sectors, Strikes, Crucible Gambit, Raid, Etc. Basically, all the ways to earn consumables for the economy. And are organized in 2 Tiers. Low Tier Activities = Patrols, Chests, Lost Sectors, Public Events, Adventures, Simple Bounties High Tier Activities = Heroic Public Events, Heroic Strikes, Advanced Bounties, Quests, Normal Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, Raids LOOT: Your base grind system that generates Glimmer, Legendary Shards, and Gunsmith Parts. Sometimes Masterwork Cores but due to RNG will not be considered. GUNSMITH PARTS: Will only be considered for Infusions and you will never be lacking on. GLIMMER: Glimmer now functions as the base for all transactions in the sandbox, thus must only be considered when talking about Infusion, Masterworking, Quests, Bounties or any means to obtain a new activity. MATERIALS: Coming from all destinations, materials are essential to infusion but must importantly will be the better currency to acquire masterwork cores. LEGENDARY SHARDS: The bases for advance economy transactions, but most importantly your new base for Materials. MASTERWORK CORES: Only really obtainable through SPIDER, RNG will not be considered. 2) THE SPIDER Now that we got the table out of the way, we can talk about spending. SPIDER has a very interesting method of “Economy Consumables Delivery”. The way it works is that every day, SPIDER will have Cores, Shards and Glimmer for sale, with 4 out of the 8 Materials. The trade for the items will change every daily reset. Example, today Shards go by… 5000 Glimmer -> 1 Shard, tomorrow Shards go by… 10 Simulation Seeds -> 1 Shard. The only real exception for the rule is that every time you buy 1 Masterwork Core the price will double and reset the next day. If you were to play the game like you used to… you’re never going to get to use the infusion system and thus you going to get stuck using whatever the game gives you that has a better power level. Now the problems of the economy are the high cost of masterworks and infusions, understanding the previous table we can use SPIDER’S Economy to use our resources in a smart way and get the most out of the new Economy. 3) CHAIN OF PRIORITY The SPIDER ECONOMY SYSTEM works around using Legendary Shards in a smart way on this chain. Low Tier Activities = Glimmer = High Tier Activities = Legendary Shards = Materials = Masterwork Cores Low Tier Activities provide a healthy amount of Glimmer/Parts that we can use to buy High Tier Activities that provide POWERFULL GEAR, those High Tier Activities also provide a good number of Legendary Shards and with the use of gear scraping we can get even more Shards. Then on specific days we can go for the good SPIDER TRADE of… “1 Legendary Shard = 5 Planetary Materials”. Buying big amounts of all materials will allow you to buy Masterwork Cores from SPIDER every single day without having to pay ridiculous amounts. If you are lacking on something from the chain, you can use the table to see where to stock up. 4) MATERIALS FOR CORES Then we get to the good part, “HOW DO I GET MASTERWORK CORES?” follow this guideline. As for the first day of forsaken the best SPIDER TRADE is… 1 Legendary Shards = 5 Simulation Seeds / Sheraphite So, getting an amount of 995 Materials will cost 199 Legendary Shards. Then, your objective would be to use the chain of priority to get the shards through High Tier Activities while also getting new POWERFULL GEAR. Once we have the trade done then we get to the equation. Given the hypothetical case of “1 Masterwork Core = 10 Planetary Materials” then “5 Cores = 310 Planetary Materials” due to the rule of the price doubling every time a core is bought on the same day, doing this tradeoff 5 times a week with 5 types of Materials will give you 25 Cores plus all the random ones that fall while doing the process, with luck let’s say that you get 20 more Cores due to RNG. At the end of the week you can have 45 Cores/Week. 45 Cores = 17 Infusions (Approximate) 45 Cores = 3 FULL Masterworks (Approximate from Tier 1 to Tier 10)

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  • I was all mad about the new infusing system but when I figured out that if you infuse say a tangled web helmet for the hunter with another tangled web helmet it will only cost glimmer. But if you infuse a a tangled web helmet with a scatterhorn helmet it will cost glimmer, shards, planetary materials, and masterwork cores. My madness about the new infusing system went away once I figured it out.

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  • Excellent post. Many people are freaking out but I'm certain after a few weeks everyone will know what they have to do to profit from this new economy. Remember when people hated the shader system at launch? Then hated the fact they had too many of them? :-) Besides, people definitely requested materials (especially Cores) to be purchaseable. That fact that they dedicated an NPC to this exact purpose is great. Mind people wanted Xur to be the guy for this role. Someone who only shows up during the weekends! Imagine how much outrage there would have been. Again, I give it a few week. Dust shall settle. And everyone will accept the change and understand it better. I don't see a change happening anytime soon. 2 days into launch there's no need for it.

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    1 Reply
    • I'm confused. You can't buy masterwork cores with planet materials right? I've only been able to buy them with shards, so I don't feel like this system makes sense, unless I'm missing something? 🤔

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by RynoTheTurtle: 9/9/2018 5:55:33 PM
        I enjoy a good grindy game. I don’t personally like guns to just be handed to me. I like the leveling aspect of being able to level a weapon up. I miss the days when you got a legendary and you had to level it up. Not drop notes of light into the gun and call it a day. It’s sad to know you can no longer do that

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      • Great write-up. Thank you for that. Having read it, I can see the majority of population base leaving in a month or so as they won't be coming to the forum to read something like this so they'll will be frustrated and leave. Mastercore infusion needs to go if Bungie wants to retain the player base.

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        • Edited by StylishSphere51: 9/6/2018 4:47:40 PM
          Or alternatively they could remove weapon cores from the infusion system as they shouldn’t have been in there to begin with. We didn’t buy D2 to grind for and wear second rate rare equipment. With the implementation of random rolls it takes longer to get worth while gear. So when i do get some, i, and everyone else would rather not be held back by Bungies silly, artificial play time extending infusion system. We should practically be able to infuse what what we want 24/7. While everyone is all for a good grind nobody, and i repeat nobody in their right mind wants to do more of Destiny’s linear, poorly designed grind just to use a weapon they spent all day trying to get. Also i’ll never understand all these people saying “its so people don’t power level/power through the game instantly”. How is infusing good items going to stop that? Not only is light gains calculated through whats in your inventory not what you’re wearing then that whole argument gets voided. Not to mention you’d be making the same progress whether you could infuse or not. With the only difference being you dont look like a clown and you’re having fun with the “new” random roll system. Unless of course you have a submissive kink and like to feel like trash, because thats how i feel wearing a setup of blue armour. Theres legitimately nothing to argue against reducing infusion costs, or at least removing core requirements. If you want a grind implement harder and more enjoyable ways to get loot and work for it. You shouldn’t need to be forced to basically an upgrade a day or possibly 2 depending on how lucky you are with RNG. Looking good and feeling good in a game primarily focused on achieving those two things shouldn’t be hindered by a bs mechanic. Its wrong. Edit: Or you know they could have put some more thought into the system and added cores to activity rewards and this wouldn’t have been a problem. 2 a strike and then you dunces arguing for this broken system could actually call it a grind.

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          2 Replies
          • I appreciate the hard work you put into this. But it’s way too complicated. Whoever came up with this new system ought to be drawn and quartered.

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          • in short load when your max Glimmer go to spider an load up on planetary materials, then buy what you can each day of the good stuff an always load up on planetary materials. It's the same system from D1 when you had tons of VoG materials you could trade for glimmer, then with glimmer you can get something else, that something else gets you some of this other. Hey that the sound of the men working on the chain …. gang.

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            3 Replies
            • My knee-jerk reaction when I first saw the Core requirements was, WTF this is dumb. While I do think the 1-5 core requirement for infusion is a bit much I had an inkling there was some method to the madness.

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              • I skimmed through this, but what do you guys spend your glimmer on?

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                12 Replies
                • So where is spider? I just got into destiny 2 so I have no idea where this guy is.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by x Nerdy Dad x: 9/6/2018 2:22:19 PM
                    Great post! Everybody needs to calm down on the infusion stuff for a couple weeks. Its a new system we all have to learn. Love what you said. If you are going to infuse like the old way your going to be stuck with whatever drops you get.

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                    • Reply for later

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                    • Wait you mean we actually have to grind again to become powerful??? That’s awesome!!! I don’t get the complaining, we want the game to reward the amount of time you spend playing and this does just that. If you want that piece of masterwork gear work for it! [spoiler]This coming from a full time college student and athlete who can only play about 10 hours a week so there’s no reason any of you “hardcore gamers” should be complaining[/spoiler]

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                      3 Replies
                      • Thanks for the tips!

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                      • Masterworked the bow Petra gave me and I've not looked back. I'm loving the bow and just got any energy now that's pretty dope ass well may be a God roll actually. Seeing as utilizing the rampage With the new void hunter class I can pump or precision shots to decrease draw time and get consistent kills. This thing his like a sniper rifle, a heavy sniper rifle. As for everything else idk if he's saying you can buy cores with materials. He's saying get the materials and when you can trade said materials to get shards, do that to gain large amounts of shards to them buy cores. At least that's what I think OP is saying. Makes sense

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                      • I only needed to read the first sentence it's hard finding fellow theorists here. but that just a theory..... a forum educated guess!

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                      • Where are you able to buy masterwork cores for planetary materials? Was this just the case on the day you wrote the article? From what I can tell, you buy them for legendary shards. This means you want to grind mat's, and also buy mat's with glimmer. Then you want to trade the mat's in for legendary shards, and in turn buy masterwork cores. I haven't seen on the 4th or 5th the ability to purchase cores from Spider using materials directly.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Thanks for this. up voted.

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                        • I really appreciate the info. Now I have to try to translate this to my clanmates in a way that makes sense

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                        • Tldr version: Legendary shards - - >planetary materials - - > Masterwork cores

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                        • Excellent analysis my fellow guardian 😊 With my team we've figured out that the best bet would be to buy 2 or 3 MWCore at the cheapest price before the doubling price kicks in. But after your post, i think that planetary materials are the key to success, considering the fact that they are quite fast to farm. That will pushing us to visit all the planets available, which is bungie's idea i guess.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Good explanation of the economy.👍 Just gonna use what the game gives me. In two weeks when there is nothing left to do, maybe, maybe I'll start infusing.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Especially since I can't masterwork gear because I'm too busy scrapping by with the little to nonexistent masterwork core drops. I cant infuse any of my favorite weapons that I have gotten so far because I'm struggling to masterwork cores. The spider's masterwork cores are unsustainable because the price double everytime you purchase, which made this method too expensive after buying literally 3 masterwork cores.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Bump for later reference. Thank you.

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                              • The price of infusion changes if you infuse the same gun to the same gun. It only cost me 5000 glimmer.

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