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Destiny 2

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Edited by Grays_KS27: 9/13/2019 7:14:34 PM

Warlords Ch.8: Empyrea

[url=]Table of Contents[/url] Lady Avery stood before a large set of steel doors, adorned with vine-like designs. She wore her full set of armor, complete with her dark cape and a helmet with a large visor. Armed guards were positioned in front of her. Brenon was to her right, beard freshly trimmed, and another of her gunmen was to her left. Derik took shelter behind the trio, trying to make himself inconspicuous. This was Empyrea, the heart of a territory ruled by a Warlord named Daedalus. The structure before them was like a temple, set on the crest of a hill over the town, all ringed by two mighty walls. "Don't say a word without my permission," Avery commanded. "Right," Derik acknowledged, "Or he might get mad and kill me." "No," she corrected, "I'll get mad and kill you." "Right," Derik repeated. "Don't worry," Brenon comforted, placing a reassuring hand on the outsider's shoulder, "Avery has this guy wrapped around her finger." One of the guards coughed, reminding Brenon of their presence. "Oh, sorry boys," he apologized, "Didn't mean anythin’ by it; was just cheerin' up my pal." "I'll kill you, too," Avery threatened. "Right," Brenon echoed. One of the guards snickered quietly. The doors parted, allowing another guard to slip out. "Lord Daedalus is ready for you," he announced. The visitors passed through the doors and into a grand hall. The space was squarish, lined with columns that rose up to the ceiling, and a large table sat in the center. It was rectangular and carved from wood. There were only two chairs, each on opposite sides. The guard closed the door behind them. A man sat in one of the seats. His face was set in a stern yet tired expression, complemented with wrinkles and graying hair. His armor appeared dull, but was still clearly high-quality. He gestured to the vacant seat, "Lady Avery. If you would join me." "Thank you, Lord Daedalus," Avery accepted. Daedalus waited patiently while she settled and her attendants lined up behind her. When they were ready, he spoke, "How are affairs in Hilton?” “Everything’s going smoothly,” Avery replied, “As always. And your territory? No doubt the Fallen parties have increased here, too.” “Sadly, yes. They don’t come near here, though. And their presence cut down on bandits, so there‘s no real change. I trust Hilton is safe?” “We won’t have to worry about them until the front comes here.” “Ah...” Daedalus rubbed the back of his neck, “So you’ve come to the same conclusion...” Derik leaned closer to Brenon and whispered, “I didn’t expect them to be so friendly.” Brenon only shrugged in response. Daedalus ended the formalities, “So, to what do I owe this sudden visit?" Avery folded her hands on the table, "I am creating an alliance." Daedalus frowned, "What sort of alliance?" “The plan is to create a united front against the Fallen,” Avery answered flatly. Daedalus blinked in surprise, “Really? Hmm…Well, I honestly don’t see the point. We’re all fighting the Fallen already.” “About that…” Avery continued, “It’s come to my attention that the power struggle between us Warlords is impeding our ability to effectively defend against the Fallen.” “Excuse me?” Daedalus asked, “What are you saying?” Avery reiterated calmly, “This is in Humanity’s best interests. The Warlords’ infighting needs to be stopped. We need to consolidate and dispose of the Warlords that are causing trouble.” “I-“ Daedalus seemed dumbstruck, but quickly recovered, “So you’re going to attack the Warlords that don’t join you?” “Yes.” Daedalus grimaced, “And what do I get for joining you?” “Allies,” Avery replied, “We’re going to focus on protecting each other and Humanity, removing threats, creating stability. Territories, resources, power, it’ll all be shared.” “That’s hardly a good bargain,” Daedalus drummed his fingers on the table, thinking, “So…you say this’ll be a shared rule, you won’t be trying to put yourself on top…and how do I know you’re not just lying; going to kill me an’ take my territory?” There was a hard edge to Daedalus’ voice now, but Avery kept a level tone, “I need your help to fight the Fallen. Humanity does.” “No more o’ that ‘fighting the Fallen for Humanity’ crap,” Daedalus warned, “What’re you after?” “It’s our only chance of surviving, Daedalus. You know as well as I do.” “But you’ll kill anyone who doesn’t join you?” The old man seethed, “And everyone else will be your puppets, right? You’re waging war against every Warlord, then? What chance do you think you have? After all these years rottin’ in your-your hole, now you think you can take our territory? Or is that why you came to me? Because you know you need my help to do it?” “I want your help, Daedalus,” Avery replied calmly, “Please join me. If not, you will be my enemy.” “Your enemy?” Daedalus queried icily, “So you’d have to kill me, too, right?” Avery only hesitated a moment before answering, “Yes.” Daedalus exhaled slowly through his nose, sliding a hand down to the pistol at his waist, “I’m startin’ to feel like I’m bein’ threatened…” “Hold on now, m’Lord,” Brenon advised, reaching for his own revolver. Avery’s other gunman did the same, facing off Daedalus’s guard. Derik shrunk behind them, his palms beginning to sweat. Daedalus faltered, and Avery slid off her helmet. The tension in the air was thick as she set it on the table and spoke, “You’re a good gunslinger, Daedalus. What’ll happen if a shootout starts?” Daedalus thought a moment, then sunk bitterly into his chair, holding up his hands in a sign of peace, “Nothin’ good.” Everyone else followed his example, moving their hands away from their weapons. “I don’t want to threaten you,” Avery said, “If you decline, I’ll leave. We can try killing each other later.” Daedalus let out a heavy sigh, looking up to the ceiling, “I’ll take that.” “Your answer?” The room became silent. Daedalus mulled over Avery’s offer, his brow furrowing pensively. They all watched him, waiting. Many long minutes passed before Daedalus finally spoke, “I’ll join you, as long as you don’t try to supplant me or anythin’.” Derik quietly thanked the Traveler. “What would you have me do?” Daedalus followed up. “Nothing for now,” Avery replied, “I still need to see about our neighbors.” Daedalus huffed disbelievingly, “Rotan and Natalia? I didn’t know you were the joking type.” Avery didn’t respond to his mockery, but instead stood and picked up her helmet, “We’ll be leaving now.” “Farewell, then.” Avery waved to her companions and they all strode away from the old Warlord. Just before they reached the door, Avery stopped and looked back to Daedalus. “If you were planning on having your guards kill us as soon as we left, I wouldn’t recommend it,” she warned. Daedalus didn’t even bother feigning surprise, “You think so little of me?” “Orson didn’t,” Avery countered, “Now he’s dead.” Daedalus grunted, tilting his head to the side, “Fair enough. I admit I considered it. How would you expect to survive with only three guards?” “Two guards and a useless meat sack,” Avery corrected smoothly, and Derik wilted slightly at the insult, “And I expect all of us to leave unharmed.” Daedalus eyed his visitors carefully, “How so?” Avery actually seemed to smile, “Because if we don’t, a Golden Age W.M.D. will turn Empyrea to ash with you in it.” Daedalus was shocked into temporary silence. Avery stepped past Brenon, opening the door to let in a gust of cold wind. “I don’t intend to play fairly, Daedalus,” Avery finished, “Thank you for deciding to help.” “Have a safe journey home,” Daedalus called, standing slowly as his guests departed, “I’ll be seeing you, Lady Avery!” The door shut. Daedalus slumped back into his seat. He tapped his foot on the floor, deep in thought. His guard shifted closer, glancing up to the ceiling as if he expected it to cave in at any second, “Um…you don’t think she was bluffin’ ‘bout that W.M.D., do you?” “Probably,” Daedalus muttered, “But I’d rather not find out. I think we’ll be better off on her side…”

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