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Edited by Paradox1055: 8/25/2018 6:14:53 PM

DFP 2nd Annual Writing Contest

[b]Art by Cyborg4281[/b] [b]The contest is now closed! Thank you to all that participated![/b] [b]The winner of the second DFP Writing Contest is [url=]foxburton99[/url]! Not just does his story take place on a "new world," matching this year's criteria, it is also told from the new perspective of a Hive Knight. Well done![/b] The day has come! Destiny Fiction Producers is hosting its second annual writing contest for the community! The challenge is to write a Destiny short-story down in the comment section below that best portrays your version of this year's theme. Good luck to everyone! The contest begins today, [b]July 18th[/b], and will end on [b]August 18th[/b]. All submissions after that will not be included in the judging. All you have to do to qualify is to post your story in the comments section; but remember, you have five weeks to write, edit, and post your work so feel free to take your time. The judges will announce the winner on [b]August 25th[/b], the following Saturday. The victor will receive a gift card for Playstation, Xbox, or PC. [b]Rules[/b]: 1) This is a friendly competition, so keep the comments nice and/or constructive. 2) Post your entry, whether a comment or a link, in the comment section below. 3) If you want to edit your story after it is posted, go ahead, just leave [b]#Finished[/b] at the top of the post to let the judges know it is ready for reading. 4) Please do not post your story multiple times. The judges will be vigilant and read all submissions. 5) Be original. If two stories seem identical, it only makes it more difficult for the judges to be fair. [b]Theme[/b]: Just as is the theme of Destiny 2: Forsaken, the theme of this contest is [b]"a new world"[/b]. It is up to you, the writers, to interpret that. Will Guardians visit a new crater on the moon? Will we finally venture to the Manhattan Nuclear Zone on Earth? Will humans rediscover a long lost underwater base on Europa under siege by a leviathan? The possibilities are endless. (Note: although we have no issue with anyone borrowing from these examples, the judges will be extra critical of any entries inspired from them, so be extra creative.) [b]Criteria[/b]: 1) The story cannot take place in an already explored destination like the Cosmodrome or the Hellmouth, but it can take place on reclaimed planets. 2) World building is the main criteria. Since the plot of the story must take place in a location not seen in game, it is up to the writers to help portray the world through words. [b]Prize[/b]: The winner will be announced on August 25th, and will receive a gift card for Playstation, Xbox, or PC depending on preference. [b]Prize Redemption[/b]: I will private message the winner of the contest, and I will send one code for the aforementioned gift card based on personal preference. [i]Keep fighting, Guardians[/i]

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  • Edited by Bishop-V: 8/9/2018 3:31:22 PM
    [b]NOTICE: THIS HAS BEEN EDITED FROM THE LAST TIME I LEFT THE "FINISHED" HASHTAG[/b] #Finished [b]Here I go! Hope the judges like boring writing, because my self esteem is abysmal! (LAUGH!)[/b] [i]Pluto, the dwarf planet at the edge of our beloved system. A tiny, beautiful speck that can only be seen by the operation of a powerful telescope. The planetiod is smaller than Earth's Moon, and has its own lunar children. Numbering five in total, they orbit Pluto lazily in a spherical waltz. Charon, the largest, the twins, Styx and Nix, and they're smaller siblings, Kerberos and Hydra. Pluto's orbit, brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune at some times. The orbital patterns of these two, prevents them from colliding. Neptune, however, is reclusive. The two have never come closer than eight Astronomical Units. Pluto seems content in this activity, and only orbits the Sun twice, while Neptune orbits three times in the same amount. Pluto's larger cousin, Eris, is lazy as well and not much is known about the dwarf planet. Pluto is content with this, and sits on the edge of the solar system, alone. Pluto's family has lived thus, on the farthest corner of our interplanetary neighborhood, for several million years, existing peacefully. Our distant neighbors, however, are barren and icy, and only Charon has any signs of life supporting matter. Pluto, on the other hand, has had three morons sitting around on her surface since about a month ago. A Titan, a Hunter, and a Warlock.[/i] "Oh my TRAVELER! Shut up!" Ralph screamed into the sky. "We're trying to do something!" [i]There is one now, the laziest of the group. He spends his time mostly trying to make snow chairs and ottomans out of her wealth of ice.[/i] "Well, you got one thing right, he's the laziest." Shift said. [i]There is another, the ego maniac who can't see past his own designs.[/i] "Who asked you!? You omnipotent airhead!" Shift shouted. [i]Rude too.[/i] "Is that David Attenborough?" Toaster asked. [i]And the last. The wandering excuse and mockery of intelligent- wait, you recognize me?[/i] "Yeah, Jurassic Park!" Toaster said enthusiastically. "Loved you in that movie." "Didn't that get a reboot in 2016? You know the bad one?" Ralph pointed out. [i]*Sigh* Figures. That was my BROTHER. He was only recognized for that. EVERYONE only knows him as an old man who loved dinosaurs. And that reboot only put a larger stain on his name.[/i] "So that means your THAT guy!" Shift said with realization. "The guy Hollywood ever hired for those "Planet Earth" documentaries that no one cared about!" Shift yelled. "And it got really annoying!" [i]Now that's just uncalled for. Let me guess, next you'll be screeching about my mother.[/i] "I'd never!" Shift said sarcastically. "Everyone already knows everything about her body weight anyway! Jupiter's the biggest planet after all." [i]*Gasp* That is!-[/i] "Oh, and your dad's a dirtbag too. If you didn't already know. Like father like son as the saying goes." [i]*Grumble Grumble* *mocking mumbled impression* Like father like son! Bloody Guardians and their manners. Can't even treat us gods right.[/i] "Now that he's finally shutting up. Let's get to finding whatever the Vanguard sent us for." Shift said. "There's gotta be a good reason." [i]The team looked at the unique horizon, the rounded edges of the view creating a fascinating-[/i] "Not you!" Shift yelled. The narration ceased and they took in the view. The world around them WAS very unique. The icy dwarf planet had them shivering when they first arrived, despite their heated armor. They couldn't tell what was planetary rock because they couldn't tell how deep the ice was. It created layer like thick cake icing. It had the consistency of icing as well and was very malleable. They had inferred that the Traveler hadn't blessed it with it's "moon juice" and had ignored the edges. Not that it was their problem. The air was very literally empty of air. With no atmosphere, they could look at the vastness of space with no pollution blocking out some of the light from the most distant stars. The horizon was round, and they could walk across the whole planet in a day. It took them two but they could if they wanted, although they couldn't tell. The lower gravity had been novel, and they had leaped around for several days. They had to save Toaster once, who had somehow managed to jump clear of Pluto's gravity and had become a satellite for Styx. Ralph had similarly gotten himself buried in the ice like an ostrich would, head first, trying to do the same thing Toaster did out of sheer boredom. After that they had found other things to entertain themselves, but only for about a week or two. It was the single most boring thing that they had ever been doing. And it had been, as the voice said, a month. A fruitless waste of their time so far. They had tried to be responsible and what not, after all, they had to report to the Vanguard later. [i]I suppose if I must, I need to tell you dear readers about Fireteam Slingshot. The rude Warlock, Shift, is the leader of the group. Ralph is the lazy Hunter. The dim Titan is Toaster. They all have their ups and downs. Mostly downs though. The team was designated "Pioneer" at one point, but after they were discovered to be the north side of useless and undependable, they were nicknamed "Slingshot" by other elitist Guardians and, the name has stuck ever since.[/i] “What did I tell you?” Shift said into the sky. [i]...To not speak...[/i] “Yes!” Shift said, as if disciplining a child. Then, more naturally. “So shut it.” “He was right about us being useless though.” Ralph said. “Since when did we care?” Shift retorted. “Since never.” “And that what makes this life good.” Shift stated as a-matter-of-factly, folding his arms. “So...why are we still here? I mean, there’s nothing to do!” Ralph asked. “They must’ve knew about something.” Toaster said. “I mean, it’s not like they would just send us here to get us out of their hair!” Toaster reasoned, hand on his chin. The team stood silent and still for what seemed to be several hours, the revelation sinking in. A flashback played in their minds, revealing Zavala, hand on his forehead. [i]"Slingshot, uh... just head to the edge of the system. No one's checked Pluto in a while. Cayde would be very grateful, should you find one of his stashes..."[/i] “Oh dagnabbit.” Shift mumbled, looking at the ground. “Why didn’t we realize that sooner?” “Cause Ralph needed help with his igloo mansion?” Toaster asked, hand raised. “Totally worth it by the way.” Ralph said, leaning back on a snow-recliner. The mentioned "Igloo Maximum", was three stories tall. It was not the most roomy, but most igloos aren't anyway. It had everything from a living room to a kitchen. It even had a basement, from the hole they had dug trying to gather the ice to build it. Ralph was very proud, if only lazily proud. He had built the recliner on his non existent "igloo porch", when he was asked to explain, he simply pointed at the ground. “I was a little exited I have to admit.” Shift said, with a heroic tone of voice. “It was going to a brand new experience! A new adventure! We were going to do as the other Guardians do! Get some hard earned respect! Get- ah forget it. I can only fake it for about a minute.” “Relax, Shift. We don't care, remember?” Ralph consoled. “Now we just get to sit around for as long as we like!” “You’re just too lazy to fly to another planet.” Toaster said. “Shush you. Just take in the view guys!” Ralph said, somehow sinking even further into his lax position. “The stars, the moons! Check out Neptune!” He said, pointing at a bright, distant blue speck. “I suppose that does look pretty cool.” Shift said. “Saturn is pretty.” Shift said, waving towards another bright speck. “See! Now you’re getting it!” Ralph said. “The edge of the galaxy looks so milky! ...Huh, there’s a joke there somewhere.” He rubbed his helmet. “If there is, I don’t know it. But you’re right. Can’t get a view quite like this anywhere else.” Shift said softly, exhaling and clearly enjoying the spectacle. The sky truly was beautiful. The glow from the edge of the galaxy beyond, a pool of stars creating a stripe across the sky. The constellations seemed to stick out like pop up pictures from a children's book. Pluto's moons creating a cool aesthetic, as if they were staring out into the depths of Earth's oceans, waiting to be explored. [i]So the three friends enjoyed the breathtaking view, soaking in as much of it as the could. The beauty in the silence beyond...[/i] “Oo! Oo! Those giant Illuminati ships are AWESOME!” Toaster pointed at the giant looming shadows. Enormous diamond shapes, with various lights lighting them up as they moved past them. The deep hum from their ships acting like the largest bass effect ever as their ominous theme music played. Shift and Ralph just stared until the silence was broken. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-” [i]*Sigh* End Scene. This definitely wasn’t worth ten bucks.[/i] “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!” [b]I hope everyone enjoyed this despite the unorthodox nature of it. If I could explain my first thoughts after completing it? Well I won’t tell you, so HA! I get the last laugh this time! *Sigh* I’ll see myself out.[/b]

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