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7/15/2018 3:33:17 PM

I have HAD IT with the progression for the Worldline Zero Catalyst!

According to everybody on the internet, you have to hit each weekly Level 7 boss, while it is unshielded, with the Worldline Zero sword. According to some people, the attack you use NEEDS to be Tesseract. Some say it NEEDS to be a "ground" Tesseract, and not an "air" Tesseract, others say nothing about them or even what the specific differences between the two are (if it starts on the ground, but ends in the air, which of the two is it!?!?). According to some people, the attack you use doesn't have to be Tesseract, because "their friend got it by doing light attacks". According to some people, all that matters is that the boss is unshielded when you hit it. Others seem to think that you need to hit the boss in specific places for it to count ("you have to hit that ogre on the back"). Some people say you only have to hit the boss once for it to work, others say that you have to hit the boss over and over and over again until it pops, with no indications whatso-blam!-ingever on how many -blam!-ing hits that's supposed to take. Some say it doesn't count if other players are shooting the boss when you hit it, some say the boss can't be tethered, melting pointed, or booped when you hit it either, yet if this is true, barely anybody seems to mention this at -blam!-ing all! So, unless someone can give me an accurate description of what the -blam!- needs to happen for this Catalyst to progress, then I insist that Bungie change it to something simpler, like "Escalation Protocol kills", because having to go through this bullshit each week for 5 weeks straight is just stupid as -blam!-, and the perk is so lackluster that it isn't even -blam!-ing worth it!

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  • Edited by XguyExtra: 7/16/2018 12:38:06 AM
    As someone that has finished the masterwork for WLZ, let me make it simple for you: Damage each level 7 EP boss with the Tesseract skill to roll a chance to get your progress. It's not that you have to hit them with Tesseract a certain way, its just RNG. If the boss has a shield, you should probably wait until the shield is down. I did all of my progression in 5 consecutive weeks. I am not certain whether doing the same boss 5 weeks later will do anything for you because the item you get looks different for each boss, bu I wouldn't risk it. Do all 5 weeks consecutively to be safe. Also, the masterwork allows you to proc Tesseract within three steps of running, it's over twice as fast as normal.

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