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  • Come on maaan, Bungie is based out of Commiefornia, I mean it's not like they're at ground zero for that kind of stuff, or anything.. I didn't watch the video you linked, but I get where you're coming from, as I've kind of noticed that too.. however, I just choose to ignore it because I know that bringing it up on the forums isn't going to do anything, and it's just not enough of an issue to really matter as far as game play is concerned, I mean unless we're talking about story direction (which even then it wouldn't necessarily matter that much). Besides, let's face it, most of us are just playing the game to shoot stuff, and for the AWESOME and unique loot (just kidding about that last part.. kind of).

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  • [quote][b]It’s okay to have LGBTQ+ characters[/b], as long as the thing you remember most about them isn’t “They’re gay.”[/quote] [i]"Oh, well you must not like gays, you homophobe!" - the comments[/i] You got it right, dude. The simple fact is that Ana is a badly written character.

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    • [url= ]This is what should've been done[/url]

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    • Edited by JKLCSM: 7/12/2018 1:55:16 AM
      The takeaway I got from the Warmind comic is that Ana Bray should no longer be considered a hero of the Twilight Gap. She deserted her comrades in arms and if others tried to save her, could have potentially created an opening where the enemies could have prevailed. That major detail seems to be completely lost when you're playing through the Mars campaign, Zavala and Ana may clash in their approach, but Zavala as the leader of the vanguard never really remonstrates Ana for abandoning her post. These comics have done a fine job in tarnishing the supposed heroes, Osiris the outcast, Ana the deserter, can't wait to see which legendary guardian they will smear in the next exciting comic instalment which will have some "diversity inclusion" to gloss over the abysmal writing.

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    • Edited by BioCats: 7/12/2018 5:07:05 AM
      [i]Oh boy, here we go...[/i] Here are my thoughts on the matter, and I will say it in [b]short[/b] sentences to make what I’m saying as easy to comprehend as possible to avoid confusion. Ana being gay is [b]not[/b] the problem, the comic’s mediocre writing is. Showing this side of her is [b]fine[/b], but spending the majority of the comic’s [u]plot[/u] on this one subject was foolish. The idea behind the story was interesting, but much like the Osiris comic, the execution of the idea was terribly flawed. The comics should have started with her “death” at the Battle of the Gap. Then it should have shown her self doubt and conflict due to the fact that she is a [i]Bray[/i], the last known living member of a family thats legacy (and crimes) were so great it survived the collapse. She comes to the conclusion that Rasputin, the only other Bray “member” that still lives can help her. Along this path she meets Camrin, and as time passes they fall in love. Camrin shows Ana how being a Bray gives her a purpose that no other guardian has, and how it gives her the ability to perhaps change the world for the better. They find the location of Rasputin’s core, but Camrin dies in the process. Ana feels grief from this tragedy, but decides to carry on in her memory. She travels the wastes of mars, and the events of the first comic play out. When she sees Rasputin’s core, she finds new determination and hope. She will press on no matter what happens and despite her losses, because she is a [b]Bray[/b], and the last chance that their legacy, and hers, can be made new again. The point on this example is that the story could have been good, but the time management was a mess and was all set up for the [i]shocktwistTM[/i] that Camrin was dead the whole time (and then not?). The pieces, including her relationship, [i]where there[/i], but the picture was unfinished. [b]Tl:Dr[/b] Ana being gay is not the problem, the poor writing and pacing of the comic was its greatest downfall. Because her being gay was made such a huge focus, it may have been why the point of the story was lead astray. Keep in mind that this is because of the [b]writer[/b] and [b]not[/b] Ana’s sexuality. Swap Camrin’s gender and all the issues and problems with the comic still remain. The vocal point and focus was misplaced, and the story as a whole paid the price. Thank you for your time.

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    • Couldn't agree more with you OP. Your arguments are well constructed and no one yet has even come close to a reasonable counter argument. Just lots of screeching and name calling, which is what we expect of them. Good stuff.

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      • Watch the video. Personally i thought you were a religious a hole before i watched it. 100% agree and why i didn't even bother with Black Panther or the new Ghostbusters.

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      • Does it really matter I dont see how this affects her role in the story, her effect on us, her connection with rasputin or really anything for that matter. Why does a characters sexual preference bother you this much? I'm genuinely curious

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      • Jesus this is a flaming garbage can of a thread. Speaking of which, one can make an EVEN BIGGER bonfire if they made a thread about whether the city should have walls and liken the Fallen to immigrants. The amount of toxicity would kill all of us.

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      • Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 7/12/2018 12:25:34 AM
        The only problem with the Ana/Camrin relationship is that it's literally the only thing bungie is telling you about her. They're making Ana's defining trait her sexual orientation, and that's bad regardless of who the character likes to get it on with. They should be focusing on her exploring her past as a Bray and demonstrating why she's one of the most powerful Hunters in history. You wanna know how Bungie should handle her character? Look at Wei Ning. Yeah, she's gay. But you also hear about how she moved a f*cking mountain just by punching it, how she lit a flame that an entire order of Titans basically worship, how she came to create the Fighting Lion, ect. ect. You get the point. Wei Ning's character is handled extremely well and is one of the most badass characters in Destiny lore, and Ana Bray is supposed to be as well. But instead Bungie is giving her the "Osiris treatment". TLDR: People don't care if she's gay. They're complaining about Bungie neglecting the incredible potential Ana Bray has in favor of a relationship that had little to no buildup.

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        • Edited by YATM: 7/12/2018 12:41:25 AM
          [quote]It’s okay to have LGBTQ+ characters, as long as the thing you remember most about them isn’t “They’re gay.”. They need to have development beyond that point.[/quote] This is what you chose to remember. I remembered that she was a poorly developed stereotype of the classic renegade seeking to connect with her past. It was boring and poorly written. But the kiss stood out to you because you felt threatened by it. You felt someone was trying to force you to accept her. You're either a bigot or a severely uneducated individual. I have assumed the former based on your other posts. If you are the latter then I owe you an apology and, perhaps more important, you owe yourself some education.

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          • The assumption that if you have a problem with this comic, it means you have problems with non straight? Really.. this is the first time I have been truly repulsed by this forum. Stunned.

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            • The Ana Bray thing is only forced if you have a problem with it.

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            • That was my main issue with the show Supergirl. They devoted so much time to the sister agonizing over her sexuality and Kara’s social issues with the guy from the other planet. It detracted from everything else that was going on and just made the whole show feel like a teen drama.

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              6 Replies
              • Why does it bother you so much? Freud would have had a field day with you. The fact that it bothers you so much is telling.

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                • Edited by YATM: 7/12/2018 12:13:14 AM
                  1. When's the last time someone thought about killing themselves because they were straight? 2. When's the last time a young boy or girl prayed that god would make them gay? 3. When's the last time someone was ostracized from their entire family and friends for being straight? 4. Ana's inclusion as a lesbian/bi female is a message from Bungie to LGBTQ players in their community. The message is [u][i][b]you are welcome here.[/b] [/i][/u] 5. People used to get upset like this when an interracial couple was shown on television. Don't worry, 20 years from now you'll have a whole new social issue to be bigoted about. 6. I am a 40 year old cisgen straight white male, before you make any assumptions.

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                  21 Replies
                  • I agree. Though I'm no SJW, I understand that same-sex couples often love each other just as passionately and genuinely as any other. But they're not the only couples out there. Ana and... forgot her name, sorry. Devrim and Mark. Eriana-3 (was that the name?) and her partner... are there any opposite sex couples in Destiny lore?

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                    3 Replies
                    • While i can agree that it'd be cool if there was more to Ana vs used to be a badass gunslinger but here are some comics mainly about her love interest, i could careless that there isnt a "straight couple" in the game. I mean what does that have to do with the actual game? The game doesnt even focus on Ana being lesbian and i dont really care for wanting a comic just to have a straight couple to "balance" things out. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only characters that are LGBT is Ana and possibly Devrim? You still have zavala, cayde (rip), amanda who clearly has an interest in dudes since she's sounds a little drippy upon hearing zavala and devrim speak (though i ship her with my huntress :) ), hawthorne, shaxx and other characters who havent shown any love interests. So out of all those characters i listed, you only have one character who is confirmed gay and the rest who arent confirmed anything and now we need posts about having gay couples and no straight couples? Ok

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                      9 Replies
                      • TBH, just by glancing at this topic and some of the comments, I can say that I don't give a hoot who likes what so long as it doesn't completely hijack a story unrelated to that.

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                      • 99% of destiny characters are gay, i don't give a shit. I'm bi and could care less about a relationship in a sci fi fantasy world, If i wanted to read one I'd ready a comic that is based on a relationship in a sci fi fantasy setting.

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                      • Edited by Apollyon: 7/12/2018 2:58:31 AM
                        [i]Well that’s just how it is since...[/i] [i][b][spoiler]We live in a society [/spoiler][/b][/i]

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                      • Agreed

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                      • *[i]Take well loved cis white character and make him a different race and gender* [/i] Reaction: “Are you serious!? Stop changing already established characters to fit your agenda! Why not create new characters and make them whatever race, gender or sexuality you want!” *[i]Creates entirely new ethnic character that might also align with the lgbt community*[/i] Reaction: Here we go again with SJW’s and their forced diversity bs!! [i]*Insert female protagonist*[/i] See above reaction

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                        • Or maybe, just maybe, the only characters that are gay are also important 🤔 We don’t know who’s in relationships. Or are you suggesting that Shaxx is gay? Zavala? Cayde? Ikora? Literally everyone? My fun little theory is that this is basically millions of years in the future from our time. Maybe everyone is Bi and literally no one cares.

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                          • Edited by BossCharacter: 7/12/2018 2:13:24 AM
                            Forced diversity is only really an issue when the character is defined by whatever classification you seem to feel is forced. The way it often comes across, and whether you like it or not it actually does, that the only time people won’t get upset about this issue in any media is if the character is portrayed as Straight and White. I get it. Everyone has their biases and stances on all subjects. The thing is that I just wish a lot more of you and people in general thought things out before you start getting pissy. There are a lot of gamers out there in a lot of groups. I grew up in a time where being an ethnic gamer meant that a lot of things were not tailored towards me but towards other demographics I in no way fit. It’s not the worst thing in the world for people to have characters, music, art, and role models that they can relate to. Kinda like how in the 1920s-1940s during the initial comic book boom that they specifically made young male sidekicks for Superheroes like Batman, Green Arrow, The original Human Torch, Aquaman, Captain America, and countless others. It’s the same thing. People just feel that since we live in such a heavily SJW culture that it’s impossible for a company to actually attempt to allow fans to relate to their product instead of the “Nefarious Liberal Agenda”. Not saying that some of it isn’t, because I’m not an idiot it’s just that not every case is based on that narrative.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by Shadowjack: 7/11/2018 11:11:54 PM
                              "Diversity is okay, so long as it isn't forced" is the new "Some of my best friends are black!" It doesn't hide homophobia any more than that hid bigotry. And explain to me how you display someone is queer without, you know, showing they're queer? I mean, no one ever says when a man and a woman kiss that we're forcing heterosexuality, do they?

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