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Edited by FoMan123: 7/16/2018 6:56:58 AM


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  • How many couples in Destiny? Last I checked destiny wasn't a dating game. So if there is a couple in destiny, why the bloody hell do you, or anyone else cares in they don't abide by your silly standard. I don't play destiny, because of the dating aspect of the game, I play to shoot aliens in the face. I don't care if the are hetro aliens, gay aliens, or bi aliens. I am an equal opportunity face shooter. and Anna Bray can be gay, straight, or ardvark for all I care. She is an animated character, and I don't date cartoons.

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    • Who cares? It’s a video game

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      4 Replies
      • Diversity isn't the issue here. Bad writing is the issue. I don't know why you or the furry in thar video have to bring diversity into this, but let me be real for a second. A lot of writing sucks, and it just so happens that a lot of bad writing happens to be done by people who value diversity in their writing. A lot of these people are fresh out of college 20-30 something year olds who are eager to put their voice out there, and they had no one did them the kindness of telling them their writing needs work. This has a number of reasons, one of them being, as far as I can tell from my experience, that people are afraid to criticise poor writing and when left unchecked these poor writers spread their poor writing skill. The entertainment community has lost its teeth and as a result we have people who can't connect with people writing stories centered around people and sitting at the developmental helm of multimillion dollar projects. These people have passable writing skills at best, and nobody calls them out on it, and we're left with an echo chamber of bad ideas and tropes and cliches. You wonder why there are so many poorly written female characters out there? It's not because people focus on diversity, it's because people who don't know how to write are writing these characters and inspiring others who don't know how to write who then go on to make more poorly written stories. Heaping "clever banter" and "quips" into your writing won't help it if it's in shambles. I read the comic, and it was serviceable, but it wasn't great, Ana being a lesbian didn't make the comic any more or less interesting, it was just a side note in a by the books webtoon. That's not good. I want this story to grab me, I want more, but all I got was...meh.

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        8 Replies
        • *yawn* Some people are presenting a fair critique in a poor manner, some are using it to veil their insecurities. Just a question though - if it'd been a straight romance in the comics, would their sexuality have been mentioned as much?

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          26 Replies
          • Muted. Sick of seeing posts like this. Get over it.

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            • [quote][b]diversity is okay, so long as it isn’t the forced focal point of the character[/b].[/quote]You mean like making no mention of Anna Bray's sexuality in the game at all?

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              • Lot of insecure folks in here feeling under-represented. Flying off the handle because of some homosexual characters. Better find some safe spaces for all those fragile folks.

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                6 Replies
                • Dude, I think you started a sh!tte storm now. It's kind of like watching two trains collide head-on in slow motion. Lol

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                  11 Replies
                  • I think if people were to ask themselves if Ana Bray were in fact a white, presumably heterosexual i.e not noteworthy of any comment, stereotypical cliche aside, man, would Warmind have an immersive and engaging narrative. I would bet the answer would be; no. So what we have to talk about and analyse is only the contrived agenda promotion of her sexuality (the fact that one of the most powerful and enigmatic characters in lore is rendered as a teeny-grrrl with ‘tude aside): this is terrible story-telling of D2 Brother Vance proportions. I care as less for BV’s sexual preferences as I do for Ana’s however his D2 characterisation is just as breathtakingly incongruous a failure as Ana’s is. For my part, I just don’t care about the sexuality, race, or whatever other real-life agenda is de rigeur. It is not relevant at all and does no service to mask the failures of the narrative in any way. I feel bad for young people today in that in all artistic areas (as the guy says but particularly for me given my background in music) are commodified and basically hijacked by uninteresting, agenda-driven and commercially exploiting agents with all the creativity of what most people flush down the toilet. Where’s the danger? The underground? The agitprop? The new idea? The narrative depth?

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                    • I want to comment so hard but I know that I’ll get shunned for my opinion

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                      13 Replies
                      • The fact that this is still being talked about is not only proving that if this was a publicity stunt, it worked, it is also guaranteeing Bungie will do this more. So, congrats, I guess?

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                      • From all the story aspects that are trash in Destiny, this is what you’re upset about?

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                        3 Replies
                        • Edited by Fools Destiny: 7/13/2018 2:09:47 AM
                          I know right, the level of forced diversity in Destiny is a bridge too far. Forcing us to take direction from and play alongside characters that are clearly robots with a human consciousness grafted on. Having us believe that it’s ok for someone to have a blue face, just by calling them “Awoken” as if they have somehow seen the light. Actively asking us to accept that there are creatures with four arms and too many eyes, for flip sake.....HE HAS FOUR ARMS. And that robot guy. What’s up with the relationship he has with that chicken, come on that’s just not right. I, for one, am taking my banjo and my raccoon stew and moving to a new swamp. I suggest you do the same. ________________ Edit1: Thanks for all the likes people. I thought the topic needed a bit of a light hearted reality check. Unfortunately people don’t understand that even the most innocently intended post like OP’s can have a negative impact on people that have dealt with bigotry all of their life.

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                          7 Replies
                          • Edited by A_mo: 7/13/2018 1:05:36 AM
                            Well there we have it folks. Ana Bray was put in the game for the purpose of "da leffish magenda." This whole post could have basically been summed up by just saying, "Look I'm no homophobe because I'm nice enough that I don't kill them, just keep them out of sight and out of mind." [quote]The character’s sexuality should not be the premise of their story unless it’s a romance. There is such thing as forced diversity, diversity that doesn’t happen in a natural manner.[/quote] What in the hell is diversity that happens in "a natural manner." [quote]The same goes for Ana as we have now. Her entire story revolves around her homosexuality, which is paired with shit character development, makes it feel out of place.[/quote] Is there a pride parade mission in Warmind that I missed? I thought what she was doing had something to do with Rasputin, and Zavala David Copperfielding himself out of nowhere. I had no idea she was on a crusade for gay rights. Especially since you would think they would have gay rights in the year 23 million or whenever this game takes place.

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                            13 Replies
                            • Edited by Desturoyah: 7/13/2018 7:11:23 PM
                              Unlike the liberals, I actually decided to do my own research. I checked the comic and I came across the name Margaret Stohl. Now, i'm not much of a Marvel reader, but even I know how much of a crappy writer she is. She's an SJW to the bone. Doesn't it seem in the slightest bit possibility, that maybe, JUST MAYBE, she made Ana Bray a lesbian just to fulfil a diversity quota? It wouldn't be the first time its happened. Look at Bobby Drake from the X-men. Oh, and before any of you label me a "homophobic, racist, sexist, etc", i'd like you all to remember that not all homosexuals belong to a hive mind. They can think for themselves and form their own opinions. I bet there is a significant statistic out there that can't stand this diversity crap just as much as a straight person.

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                              2 Replies
                              • If you have to say “I’m not a homophobe!” You might be a homophobe. Stay golden, pony boy.

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                                4 Replies
                                • I agree mate. The problem being you’re reasonable, that’s just not done with the subject matter.

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                                • Edited by Grasp of Malok: 7/13/2018 7:08:22 PM
                                  So in a nutshell: Don't focus a character's story around their own archetype, but rather their own actions that DIRECTLY impacts the plot. Said character's archetype (being gay, or any other character archetype) should be the icing/sprinkles on top of the base of the cake that represents the story. Not just a shit load of icing and a sub par base cake making it unbalanced. Don't worry, i don't let politics get in the way of what i say.

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                                • Edited by Eden: 7/12/2018 10:56:03 PM
                                  There are two LGBT characters in the game. The only way we know one is gay is through two voice lines you have a chance of hearing if you stand around him long enough in a patrol zone. The only way we know the other is gay is because of the webcomic, which 90% of people didn't read. Hell, I play this game all the time and I haven't read either. The only reason I even know Ana is gay is because people keep f*cking complaining about it. [i]"B-but, there aren't any openly [b]straight[/b] characters in the game!"[/i] So? Who the f*ck cares? Do we need affirmative action for straight people now? Jesus Christ.

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                                  18 Replies
                                  • [quote]I don't think people get the point.[/quote] There's only one point. Attention whoring. The "Ana is teh ghey" boat sailed out of port two weeks ago, but here you are. Lap it up. This will be another account I mute you on.

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                                  • Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 7/13/2018 3:53:55 PM
                                    Did the video gave you voices in your head that were not your own because you seem very determined to write something like this?

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • Edited by ManBlaster: 7/13/2018 4:52:52 PM
                                      After reading that 5th Edit It demonstrates that the point is that you have perceived this comic as political propaganda which implies that seeing "liberal" concepts and/or viewpoints triggers you. I'm sorry these things have hurt you. Perhaps this website/comic is not a "safe space" for you. Thankfully this forum provided you a place for you to express these feelings. I thank you for your participation in this discussion. I would like to provide an analogy that might help you in the future with difficult to understand concepts. - If I'm standing at a urinal and you walk up to use the only other urinal but you feel uncomfortable with the idea of seeing my penis, the only advice is to not stare at my penis. There is no need to complain about having to see my penis. If you don't focus on it, it won't seem so threatening. - It works the same way with seeing uncomfortable things in a web comic. If you don't focus on who the character is kissing you can find yourself being able to read on and learn more about what happens to the the protagonist in the story without focusing on who they are. Whether or not you are staring at a penis or a comic of 2 make-believe characters kissing I get the feeling you'll still be able to wake up tomorrow and move on with your busy life. I'm not here to pick a fight. I'm just trying to build a bridge... all you need to do is get over it.

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Destiny 2 looks like a crusade against trump. The funniest thing is that it is also trump’s fans favorite game. That’s not to mention the girly stream ambiance with all those lgbt supporters who live to develop a platonic relationship made of $$$ with some lonely sad guys. From the leading gaming experience in my life, to a miserable and hypocrite social throw-everything-in show and scene. It’s fascinating to see how some companies deal very well with success, and how others completely fail. I wonder if they already wrote case studies on this company. When genius fail 2.0

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • Holy -blam!- this is pathetic

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                                        • This isn't quite the stupidest thing I've seen on here, but it's certainly trying hard.

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                                        • Wow! Just out of curiosity I read the comic. HOLY SMOKES!!! Talk about some wounded snowflakes. That was about as benign as I could see. Anyone who got offended at that is a very special snowflake indeed. Maybe you little whinny snowflakes need to turn your offended meters up a bit. If that offended you?, then move to the middle east or Russia. There was nothing about that comic that seemed forced. Bad writing maybe. But not forced. First there was the liberal snowflakes coming out about any social issues. Now we have the anti-SJW crowd crying like babies over pure nothing. Don't like something? Don't read it or watch it. Simple as that.

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