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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
7/3/2018 1:22:34 AM

[XB1] Trumps Space Force Recuiting

For those who don’t know, we are the fifth branch of the US military. Our primary focus is on the security of our planets within the border of this galaxy. Any alien who we encounter will be dealt with accordingly. We conduct routine patrols throughout this system, ensuring the integrity of our population. This can consist of simple information and material gathering, coordinated strikes on known alien facilities of refuge, taking down smuggling refugee leaders and much more. During our off time, we like to train with ourselves in the crucible. We also like to train with other agencies to test ourselves and also recruit into our ranks. This can be done via private contests with various rules, or a medium set up from an outside party. Join us! Be the elite and be the best! Your fellow human needs you and your family encourages you! If you do not step up today, there may not be a tomorrow!

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