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6/9/2018 8:50:33 AM

Future Destiny Raid Idea

Longer raids


Shorter, but a lot more action


Same, but more choices of difficulty


While I am all for the mechanics and raid improvements, I would like to present a bigger, more massive idea for future raids considering other games have a much larger component to their "raids": [u]Entrance of the raid.[/u] The enemy has us in radar contact right outside weapons range. Our objective: Get to the entrance to the ship/temple/etc. by air or land vehicles. Enemies will reinforce each conclusive wave with defenses and such to slow progress or put an indefinite halt until conditions are met to bring them down. [u]Inner yard/compound/etc.[/u] New objective: Find the route to the leader The enemy waves will not relent. Mechanics, like shutting down doors or defeating key enemies quickly, becomes clues with the drops of ammo and things like, "I have bath key." or "I have a dog key" and see, for example, five keys on each door. One door, Gauntlet, suddenly lights up and you see you need to get to that door, plug one of your keys into the door and then the door deactivates. You rinse and repeat? Suddenly you hear a very loud boom. Congrats. First mini-boss and it's ____________ followed by a bunch of psions each trying to psionic project the weapons in your hand out of your hand. You can retrieve your primary, secondary, etc. but it's at a random spot on the map and after a few seconds? Your ghost finds it and highlights it for you. Now. Your inside this new area and looking at other areas, but you are given no clues as to which direction to go. Sure, you could go to throne room. Why not right? The boss is not there. You get swarmed with add's and barely manage to get out with a single guardian surviving opening the door again. You try other area's. Eventually, you get to the one you needed to. These fights are, for the most part, there to ensure you properly disable enemy exit possibilities. IF you go to the throne area first, with a higher then expected light? You can kill all the add's easy enough and fight the boss. Hopefully... he doesn't escape though and try and use one of those now random exits. Whether he escapes or not though? The final part of the raid. [u]GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT![/u] The quickest way to ensure a loot drop occurs? Kill the boss beforehand, grab his treasury room of loot (one armor chest designated, one weapon chest designated, and one random chest designated). Don't kill the boss? Is he trying to escape? Congrats. Go kill the boss, make it back to the throne area now swarmed with a crap ton more add's (the add's which weren't killed and are now being summoned to aid their leader) for the loot and now have less time to make it off the ship. For those who make it off the ship alive? You get an exotic or cosmetic only combined with a quest completion step required for that area. Failure to kill the boss and escape, loot or not, will not grant this quest step. You should ideally kill the boss and escape as intended. This is obviously a much longer raid and will still allow LFG to really work, but the idea is to make it bigger, longer, and ideally with more of a, "You are in enemy home territory. See how long you can last." type of raid.

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