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Edited by Spawn: 5/17/2018 6:59:39 PM

Anyone else not having fun as a solo player?

Anyone else not having as much fun as a single player? I feel like I used to be able to hop in and feel like I accomplished something each time I logged in, but now its feels like im wasting my time. Havent had much luck or motivation to do the raids. I only play solo cause the 10 people or so I could rely on, to play with, gave up on the game. Its probably just me, but was just curious. I really wish they had match making for the content. EDIT 5-17 Amazed at the responses guys! I just wanted to clarify that yes, I understand that I could use LFG or play a different game (which I do) its just that this game isnt as friendly towards the solo player. I used to have 2 groups of people to play with but they all became jilted by the game and quit. Im essentially the last guy holding out for this game still. Haha. The biggest issue right now I have is loot progression, and something to chase. Like a grasp of malok with the perfect role! LOVE heroic strikes feeling Heroic. I just wish there was a carrot to chase there like in D1. Thanks again for all the responses. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I understand its annoying but in reality you know it was never suppose to be a solo game in the first place.

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    2 Replies
    • Trying to do quest alone is excruciating at best. It's gonna take weeks for me to get to 360. Haven't seen or been part of a successful 1st level escalation protocol either.

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    • Yup. Got a clan too and it’s still impossible to find a raid team.

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    • I would prefer having more options, such as optional MM for most activities not only for variety's sake but also because many are built to be more enjoyable with three players (unless you enjoy frustration). It's not like Nightfalls or Adventures require forming lifelong bonds... This game has so many contradiction, it's supposed to be supper social and better played with friends, yet it's a chore to LFG and I've only heard people talking on their mics on rare occasions, and usually either coughing or cussing :) Enjoy playing solo, it's my time to not socialize, enjoy getting lost in the scenery or battle without having to make small talk lol. Do miss the Halo days with friends, trash-talk and all and the start of Destiny with bnet buddies (most are gone now). Have a busy life, not spending time LFG'ing and dealing with all its issues as gaming time is already limited.

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    • I would prefer having more options, such as optional MM for most activities not only for variety's sake but also because many are built to be more enjoyable with three players (unless you enjoy frustration). It's not like Nightfalls or Adventures require forming lifelong bonds... This game has so many contradiction, it's supposed to be supper social and better played with friends, yet it's a chore to LFG and I've only heard people talking on their mics on rare occasions, and usually either coughing or cussing :) Enjoy playing solo, it's my time to not socialize, enjoy getting lost in the scenery or battle without having to make small talk lol. Do miss the Halo days with friends, trash-talk and all and the start of Destiny with bnet buddies (most are gone now). Have a busy life, not spending time LFG'ing and dealing with all its issues as gaming time is already limited.

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    • At the end of ROI Destiny was good for solo or social players. Then D2 came along.

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    • Join our clan on PS4.

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    • I’m so annoyed by the weekly grind for light. On top of that they screwed up the clan powerful gear so that was a waste of time. We need to be able to raise light more easily. This game is soooo boring right now. No sense of progress whatsoever for solo players.

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    • It's certainly become harder to enjoy the game as a solo player. I really wish there was matchmaking for things like Nightfalls. Especially considering they're much easier than Heroics at the moment.

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    • I play mostly solo, and have to say that aside from the mess that is Competitive Ranking (Glory), and a few bad Heroic strikes I've been fine as a solo player. Done pretty much everything I'd expect to be able to do solo, and even had some random invites to group up for EP on Mars. After finishing my weekly milestones on all three characters I've been working on the Exotic quests for Sleeper, Sword, and Scout. Working on catalysts. And enjoying trying out some of the new exotics in quickplay for the Valor grind. I still have a lot of friends who Raid but I find the D2 raids to be kind of boring and rewards still aren't worth it for some ugly reskinned armor and a bump to light level so I'm happy to avoid them, and don't feel like I'm missing out. Same with Trials. My only real complaint is the Glory climb as a solo player, because I want the Claymore, but I'm not going to spend the 500+ hours I'm sure it would take to get it as an average solo PvP'er. I know things will become stagnant again in a couple weeks and I'll go back to other games until the Fall update, but for the moment I'm having a decent time playing solo.

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    • I mostly play solo. I've had some friends on occasionally since Warmind launched. I might have tried the new raid, but they gave us no way to get raid ready. (those that don't want to pay the old raids again). I'm looking forward to next month when I could possibly be at a high enough level to do EP, even though the loot pool looks weak. Feels like they can't balance activities in the game so we can have some causal things to do and some activities to for the hardcore. Really the DLC is mostly a mashup of old content making it's way from D1 to D2. Next couple of months will be record book and things trying to get people doing the same things they have already done. It will be interesting to see if people come back for the expansion in Sep. I don't know if I can stomach more throttling and un-fun grind. Seems like Bongo is trying to fish to see how much grind for very little the community will take. Take the 100 sniper kills for crucible ornament. Seems like a lot of work to get 100 sniper rounds, much less kills, since they are power weapons. Normally I look for things like this to do, but I think that's too far. They should be power weapon kills, not just weapon x.

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    • Same man, but if youre looking to link up im solo as well and could use a buddy

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    • Edited by Capt Explodabob: 5/18/2018 6:24:39 AM
      Nobody I know plays Destiny anymore. In the off chance that I ever desperately want to do the raid for some reason, it'll be an arduous task just trying to convince even one of my friends to return to the game, let alone five of them. That's another really [i]"great"[/i] thing about Destiny by the way: inconsistent party sizes. It really ensures that my entire group can never play together—save for one instance—which in turn has lead to everybody I know leaving Destiny in order to pursue other games which facilitate logical party sizes. For a series which was supposed to be "bigger than Halo", I find it comical that Destiny's largest activity hosts fewer players than Halo's standard gametype, Team Slayer.

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    • Not even having fun as a group player man. This is just sad.

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    • Yup not having fun at all. The pulse rifles are so OP it is ridiculous. 2 hot kill on vigilance wing. Game is geared for fire teams and PvE. I used to love this game. Could go into Crucible in D1 and do decent. 4 man teams now kill you on respawn. And haters don’t bother responding. I have read it all before how you hate on the solo players. The game and lshould be challenging not a respawn and getkilled. Bungee you have taken away my past time enjoyment.

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    • I try to join in on public events. the protocol is fun but by me being locked at 345 I cant do to much damage. I don't raid because of power level to low..

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    • I don’t even attempt end game anymore. Too many snobs with too many stupid requirements from said snobs. If your offended I’m talking to you.

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      1 Reply
      • I'm stuck playing solo as my friends that did play stopped. The clan I was in on Xbox went inactive so I left but as an adult gamer I don't want to join some random clan just to have some immature 12 year olds screaming in my ear. I also got the game on PC (it just plays and looks better on PC plus no extra fee to play online) but again no friends. I was not that concurred about being solo till Warmind and recent game changes. Now I'm just frustrated with the whole situation and once I get the achievement on Xbox for leveling a Titan I think I'm going to be forced to give up on this game.

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        • Yea they really alienated the solo players. Horrible game.

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        • I'm right there with you. I used to love this game. I was never a crucible player in D1 simply because the design seemed illogical and poorly designed. First couple times I played I found myself up against guys who had light levels faaaar exceeding mine with weapons that outranked mine. I've been a gamer since I was a kid and this PvP approach didn't seem right to me. However, once D2 came I decided to give it another try. It was fun for the first couple months which I believe is because most of us didn't know, as of yet, how strongly the developers made crucible aimed towards team combat ONLY. After a couple months I left D2 and played Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls. Then COO expansion came out and I played that, got through the story (disappointed), and gave PvP another try--it was the same ish' as always (aka garbage) so I left again. Now I'm back for WM and saw the crucible changes they made and was excited. The mentions of comparable gameplay to Halo really got me pumped. I LOVED the no radar no shield pistol only PvP in Halo 5! It was challenging and fun, but most importantly, COMPETATIVE! I played solo and progressed in rank and skill every time I played. With D2 though, I'm not having fun. I'm down for the no radar, but it feels broken and I feel like I'm being trolled when I play competitive PvP which is simply not fun. The biggest problem I'm noticing with the ranking system is the W/L algorithm has zero usage of total kills, assists, revives, arms, etc.... in its calculation. Therefore, if I'm playing with three other guys who go in, guns blazin, and eat all of our lives and I don't die once, kill all enemies at least once, and revive my teammates, the match loss results in the same negative impact to my glory rank as if I had zero kills, no revives, and spun my character around in circles the whole match. Overall, I'm done with D2 again. The game is crap and was the biggest waste of money.

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        • Its a multiplayer game at its core. If you choose to play solo you need to understand that there is just a whole lot less activities for you to do. If your friends quit (they always do lol) you need to use discord or lfg sites and start making new friends and looking for a new clan of active players to join and do stuff with.

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        • Edited by ViktorCode: 5/18/2018 12:21:06 PM
          If you look at this carefully, you'll notice that in terms of power solo progress stops at 350. Everything above that is content without matchmaking, intended for premade groups. Once you hit it you won't need more. Now in terms of chasing stuff the progress doesn't stop. Masterwork exotics provide that via random drops and unclear activation mechanics.

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        • The game wasn’t really made for solo players. Join a good active clan.

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          22 Replies
          • That is why you guys have to show them how bad the game can get if you leave. When bungie sees that there are only toxic players playing and the solos have moved on they will get it. By then it will be too late because they ignored you for so long. But first you have to show them. You all deserve better (yeah I keep saying that). P.S if solo players wanted to use lfg or play other game don't people think they'd that that shit? I keep seeing that comment as if they (we) dont have brains. They bought a game and want to enjoy it.

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          • Ah! You got feedbacked. No wonder they don't have time to explain.

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            • Yup. For a social game, Bungie tries everything in their power to not make this game too social. This game really needs in-game LFG, tower chat, planetary chat, OPTIONAL (let's emphasize that) matchmaking for activities like nightfall, trials and why not raids? Let people try and succeed or fail. But let them at least try.

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