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3/14/2018 4:32:40 AM

Guardian Link- Lost Chronicles: Jolt’s Retort 1

Hello, this is a little side journal for one of the characters in my series, Guardian Link. Today we’ll be looking into the brash female titan, Jolt. - Her boots tapped against the ceramic tiles of an abandoned laboratory, the vines of Venus wildlife crept into the wrecked building at every opening. The sun shone brilliantly through cracks in the ceiling. She approached a warlock dressed in dark blue, who was in the process of cleaning a jet black sniper rifle. The warlock noticed her, standing up and facing her. “So, why’d you call me here, jerk?” Jolt said, hand on her belt. “So glad you could make it,” the warlock said in a deep voice, “I came here to have a little chat.” Jolt audibly sneered, crossing her arms. “Look,” the warlock continued, “I know you may not exactly agree with my methods, but see. You and I are strong, together, we can do so much more!” He raised his arms in the air, Maat Mons displayed between his arms through the broken wall. “We don’t need the city, the city is weak, marooned in a small circle, in a futile attempt to-“ “The Vanguard has gained a lot of ground in the past few years, thanks to a certain guardian, and what are you talking about? I thought you wanted to help the Vanguard. Jolt replied. The warlock dropped his arms. “That’s exactly it, Jolt. That guardian... they... can’t be allowed... to keep... giving us false hope.” “You’re not making any sense at all, Hale, I’m talking about the city.” “I know.” Hale looked down at the sniper rifle resting under his hand. Jolt began to speak. “You’re jealous, aren’t you? Of the guardian? You’re sad your little plan was devalued? That’s why you suddenly seem against the Vanguard?” “What? I want to help the city, not-“ “Well you should have picked your explanation better, because you’re contradicting yourself here. You’re a lying fool, Hale, quit this at once.” “My plan will work, Jolt! The Eliksni will save us!” “The Eliksni? You mean a small house of Fallen who’re probably going to deceive you once they set one claw into the city?” “Shut up.” “I have more than enough reason to report you to the Vanguard. “ “Shut up.” “You were probably planning to kill the Guardian this whole time, I should never have began helping you. You never saw the error in your plan.” “Shut, up!” Hale screamed, his voice beginning to grow frantic, solar energy erupted from his body, destroying a portion of the ruined ceiling. Jolt stumbled back, seemingly unamused. She had already drawn her auto rifle. She began unloading a clip in Hale’s direction. Hale glided to the side, behind a corner. As Jolt pursued, a squad of orange clad Fallen rounded the corner and rushed toward her. Jolt’s body launched forward in a maelstrom of arc energy. She made impact with a vandal, emitting a large crack and disintegrating the entire squad of fallen. As she slid into the hallway, she readied her auto rifle at the fleeing warlock, only getting a few shots into Hale as he went up a staircase at the end of the hallway. She sprinted after him, her body beginning to crackle in electricity. As Jolt reached the top of the staircase, she saw the red glint of a sniper rifle. She quickly slid into a nearby desk, a line of solar energy whizzing past her head. She heard fallen crawling in from the windows, their feet clattering onto the tile. “Looks like it’s over for you, Jolt. Nobody will stop me from being a hero to the city, you... you traitor!”

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