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Edited by foxburton99: 2/15/2018 9:03:38 PM

William and the Crimson Days Pt5

Rush appeared at my side and shined a beam of light from his eye on Crag, revealing the Hunter as he slipped down from his perch. He had changed his armor back to dark colors to blend with the night. “I didn’t expect you to still be in the Crucible,” I holstered my rifle on my back. “I didn’t expect it either, but even I have to admit…getting juiced up and crushing all the ingrates is fun,” Crag chuckled devilishly. “You’re just like Sierra,” I shook my head. “Hey! What are you saying about me?” Sierra’s voice snapped on the comms, “That really is Crag you’re talking to? I’m coming over.” “Sierra’s on her way,” I told Crag. “Veronica’s not on the comms,” Crag sighed, “She’ll find us.” “How has it been with her all day?” I asked. “Honestly…she’s the other reason why I haven’t called it a day yet…” Crag actually seemed sheepish for a moment. “You want to spend more time with her?” I guessed slyly. “No no, we’ll be spending the rest of the holiday together anyway,” Crag dismissed, “It’s what she has planned after Crucible…” “What?” I motioned him to elaborate by moving my hand around in a circle. Crag tugged his hood down lower over his head and didn’t answer. Boots pounded in the concrete and Sierra jogged around the bend, slowing as she saw us. “Can’t believe you’re still out and about,” Sierra nodded to Crag. “Same to you. It’s been a good day,” Crag grunted. I looked at him quizzically, wondering why he had sustained a full conversation with me but reverted to his usual clipped responses with Sierra. “Yes it has,” Sierra agreed, “Where’s Veronica?” Before Crag or I could answer, splashing could be heard in the stream below the bridge, followed by the whoosh of a Guardian propelling themselves through the air with their Light. A silhouette shot in through one of the opening in the side of the tunnel and crashed straight into me, knocking me to the ground and pinning me under their weight. A gun was pressed against my throat. “You thought you could double-tea…” Veronica’s familiar voice began to threaten, but trailed off, “William?” “How’d you know?” I strained to see her in the darkness now that Rush wasn’t illuminating the area. “I’d recognize your cute little frame anywhere, sweetie,” Veronica put away her weapon and lounged on top of me as my cheeks began to burn. Two lights illuminated us; one from Rush and the other from John. “Don’t mind us,” John hovered in closer, “I’m enjoying the holiday cheer.” “J-John!” I stammered. “You’re so adorable when you’re embarrassed,” Veronica giggled, trailing her finger across my visor, “And you get embarrassed so easily.” “Alright, I think he’s had enough,” Sierra stepped over and hoisted Veronica off of me. Scrambling to my feet, I kept a careful eye on Veronica as I dusted myself off. The Moon finally peaked out from the clouds, several stray beams shining through the metal beams around us to cast a soft glow. I was looking at the two girls still when it happened, and though the moonlight illuminated them both beautifully I found I was staring directly at Sierra. The moment was broken by Rush getting up in my face. “You alright, William?” my Ghost questioned, “You’ve been giving off funny vibes all day.” “Just feeling weird,” I waved him off. “So have you two had a…” Veronica paused for a moment to find the right word, “…romantic evening?” My face reddened again at her suggestive tone, but thankfully Sierra answered for me. “It’s been a good Crucible day.” “I see,” Veronica seemed to be implying something again, but I was clueless as to what, “What do you have planned for after the matches?” “We were thinking we’d hang out with you guys or something,” I answered, “I’ve been trying to convince Sierra to check out the City with me though.” “Crag and I already have some plans for after our matches. Can’t let him try running off during the season of love,” Veronica wagged her finger, “But Sierra, honey, you should go with him! It will do you wonders to be part of a real celebration!” “I don’t do crowds,” Sierra crossed her arms. “Crag doesn’t do crowds,” I planted my fists on my hips, “You just don’t like having fun.” “That’s not true,” Sierra protested, “I always have fun blowing off alien heads.” “It’s decided then,” Veronica pushed Sierra playfully, “We’re not going to let you avoid it just because you’re shy.” “Shy? Wha-?” Sierra began to deny, but Veronica leaned in close and whispered something to her that shut her up. “You’re the worst,” the Huntress mumbled as Veronica pulled away. “Um, okay…so you’ll come then?” I asked Sierra, sharing a confused look with Crag. “Sierra will. Leonard and I still have plans,” the Warlock answered. “Crag,” Crag corrected grumpily. “Oh but I love Leonard,” Veronica looped her arm through Crag’s. “The Crucible is not a location for idle conversation, Guardians!” Arcite’s voice boomed on the comms. “Not again,” I groaned. “Care to forfeit?” Sierra asked Crag and Veronica. “I think a face off would be nice,” Veronica suggested, “See how tough we all are.” “I’m game,” I agreed. Sierra and Crag both nodded. There was only a fleeting moment of silence before all four of us raised our weapons and fired. “WHAT DID I JUST SEE?!” Shaxx boomed this time, as always watching for the highlights moments in every Crucible match, “THAT WAS ALL OF THEM?!” • • • The match against Veronica and Crag ended in their favor, but it was very close. Afterwards Veronica finally convinced Crag to move on in their list of activities, although they still wouldn’t say what they were planning next and Crag grew increasingly clamped up. It was incredible that a guy like Crag could be influenced by her teasing; at least I was pretty sure that was the reason. It was afternoon on Earth again, showing we had spent an entire day in the Crimson Doubles. But Sierra didn’t seem to be continuing the matches just for fun anymore; since Veronica had whispered whatever it was into her ear, the Huntress has seemed a little on edge. She wasn’t talking to me as casually as she had been earlier, and she seemed to be channeling frustration into every shot she fired at our opponents. We were on Earth again, this time in an arena located in the European Dead Zone known as Widow’s Court. The Sun shone down brightly on the corroded town as the clouds from last night had cleared up. The two of us were crouched behind the wall surrounding the old church, with Sierra up front peeking around a corner for the enemy. It was again the start of a fresh round, so we didn’t know what to expect from our opponents. “How about we go back to the City after this match?” I probed. “Nah,” she dismissed. She acted as if she still just wasn’t interested, but her talk with Veronica had also made her start trying to delay our return as long as possible. “I think we should just run out and meet them,” Sierra stood, “I always hate holding the low ground in this place.” I didn’t answer, and in fact hardly even processed the question, because I was too distracted by her butt just in front of my face. Had she always had such a nice figure? Thankfully she didn’t notice my distraction and started walking off. “I’ll watch the front you watch the back,” she ordered. I stared for a moment longer, watching her body sway with each step behind her cloak, before shaking myself out of it and moving after her. I must’ve taken some hit to the head that Rush had neglected healing; maybe that would explain why I felt so strange. Maybe something was messing with my vision. We walked briskly across the plaza area, fingers ready on our triggers in case the enemy showed up. As it happened, we heard rushing footsteps just as we got near the next building over from the church. The two of us turned to face the street on our right just in time to see a figure clad in violet and red and another in white and pink halt from a wild charge. “Will and Sierra!” they both shouted, then started running at us again. “Next thing you know we’ll be in a match against Shaxx himself,” Sierra sighed as we lowered our weapons. Pt4: Pt6: ToC:

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